Fated To Hate You

Chapter 4----? DEAL?




I was staring blankly at the board. 


I was stress this past few days because of that stupid jerk! Argh! Kwon Jiyong! 

I was busy cursing him up to the afterlife when I heard my girl classmates started squealing and giggling.

I glance at the classroom door and saw HIM.

"Good morning."

His "fan girls" immediately welcomed him and started crowding around him.

They were all talking animatedly eager to get his attention.

"Goodmorning oppa!" fangirl #1

"Anneong Jiyong oppa." fangirl #2

"Goodmorning Jiyong oppa." fangirl#3

Tch. I wonder what those girls saw in him anyway. He's so skinny I bet if someone sneezes at him he'll be flying to the next continent. Another thing is that attitude of his. GAHHD. His ego is bigger than an entire planet.

But come to think of it his quite good looking. Soft brown eyes, defined jawline, prominent nose, firm kissable lips... wait! WHAT THE HELL? What kissable lips am I talking about?! Huh! I think I'm going crazy already!

"Good morning jagiya!" he greeted me cheerfully. He has that stupid grin on his face again. 

"Yah! What's wrong with you this time?! And will you please pull your face away from me?!" Aigoo! This guy is sooo annoying.

"Tch. No need to pretend jagiya. I know that you've been dying to stare  at my handsomeness up close so I'm being generous enough to you." he said smugly as if its really a big privilege for me to stare at his 'handsomeness'.

"Your really conceited. Tch." 

I heard him chuckle " And your really cute." then he pinch both of my cheeks and left. Tsk. That guy is really retarded.

==Break time :)==

Dara's at the cafeteria silently eating alone. Yes, alone. She's a loner that's why. Because most of the students here are rich. Tch. Only one person has approach and befriended her before and that's ... him. Jung Il woo. But now even him left and abandoned her too, because she don't belong to his world. She's a nobody.

She was busy emoting when suddenly the jerk appeared in front of her and she saw that annoying cute face of Kwon Jiyong. Wait! What cute face?! What the effin hell is she saying?!

"Hello jagiya." he greeted her. His chinky brown eyes turn into tiny slits while smiling brightly at her.

"Will you stop pestering me!." she notice the death glares of the female students specially the Leech Girls. Yes, she gave them a name. Because their like freaking leeches when they flirt with their Jiyong oppa.

"Ouch! That hurts jagiya. Why are you so cold to me? After what happened that ni--" she immediately covered his mouth.

"SHUT UP!" she hissed at him. Damn this guy! He will really get her into trouble.

"Why?" he asked innocently.

"What do you mean why? How many times should I tell you that nobody should know about what happened to us! Someone might hear you moron!" she whispered yelled to him.

"Arasso. Arasso. Just don't forget about our deal." he said smiling before he left while whistling happily. She gather all the strength she could muster to stop herself from throwing her fork to the guy's direction.

When Jiyong is out of sight the Leech Girls approach Dara's table. Greatttt. Here comes another problem. Just what she needed(note the sarcasm). Can't trouble stay away from her even for a minute?

"Yah! Why are you always getting close with Jiyong oppa?!" their leader asked angrily while smashing her hands on Dara's table. Aisht! If only they know. She wants to go as faaar away as possible from that jerk named Kwon Jiyong! Her life is more peaceful without him.

"I don't know what your talking about." Dara said dismissively. She don't want to get into another trouble.

"Stop  denying will you! Just admit it your a FLIRT!" she said in a deliberately loud voice gathering the whole cafeteria's attention.

"Look at her pretending to be so innocent." the second girl said while looking at her from head to toe. But she really is innocent! Well... technically because what happened between her and Jiyong was a huge mistake!

"Before she flirted with Il woo oppa now that he already left her she's now targeting Jiyong oppa. What a pathetic ." 

Dara's blood boiled when she heard Il woo's name. Its a sensitive topic for her especially because of their recent break-up.

Her hands automatically flew to the girls face.
"You have no right to talk about me like that!" she said angrily.

"YOU !" the girl screamed furiously and grab Dara's hair. The two other girls grab Dara's arm so she can't fight back. Then their leader started slapping her over and over again. Her cheeks started to sting but she can't fight back because the two other girls are holding both of her arms restraining her.

The girl slapping Dara suddenly stop and grab a fork and was about to claw it to her face. She close her eyes expecting to feel the pain. But she doesn't feel anything so she slowly opened her eyes and saw Jiyong gripping the girl's arm.

"Get your hands off her you !" he said in a very angry and dangerous voice.

The two girls holding Dara's arms immediately let go of her and scampered away with their leader.

Jiyong immediately went to check on her.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he was scrutinizing her face. Dara wasn't able to answer. She's just staring at his worried face wondering why he helped her.

"Dara answer me. Are you hurt?" he asked her worriedly while cupping her face with his hands.

"I-I'm.." she was about to answer when...

"Damn!" Jiyong cursed loudly making Dara jump. She wondered what made him angry again this time.

"You have a wound..." he fish his handkerchief from his pocket and put it on her cheek gently. "I'll bring you to the clinic."

"Aigoo! No need. I'm okay. This are only scratches." she said while waving her hand dismissively. 

"To.The.Clinic." Jiyong said firmly with a grim expression making Dara succumb in him.

"Okay.." she said in a tiny voice. Why is he so grumpy?




I don't understand myself. When I saw does girls ganging up on Dara my foot move on it's own and when I saw them hurting her, I felt my blood rise to my head. I'm so ing mad! I want to hunt does es and make them pay for hurting Dara.

"Ahmm..... can I ask you something?" she asked me while I was applying medicine to her wounds. The nurse is out when we arrive so I volunteered to tend her wounds despite her protest earlier. Tch. Stubborn girl.

"What is it?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. Seeing the scratches on her face makes me wanna throw a fit again.

"Earlier..... why did you help me?" I was asking the same question to myself. Why did I help her in the first place? I don't know either.... it just came naturally. So my answer is :

"I just want to." I know its a stupid answer but I cant came up with anything better to answer her question.

"Aisht! I shouldn't have expected to get a serious answer from you." she looks annoyed. She stood up and started marching out of the clinic.

"Yah! Where are you going?" I grab her arm to stop her.

"I'm going home! Since I'm late for my class anyway." she said pouting. Cute.

"Wait we still have to talk."

"About what?" she asked without looking at me. I can see that she's quite irritated.

"About what happened... " she stop and abruptly look at me.

"Aisht! What do I have to do for you to forget about what happened?!" she asked frustratedly.

"Let's go to my place."

"Huh?" she  was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Ah.. I mean... Aisht! Let's just talk about it at my place. Let's go!"



She roam her eyes around Jiyong's condo unit. Well this is the second time that she's been here. Because this is were that mistake happened. *sigh~

He walk to the sofa and casually flopped himself down. 

He gestured her to sit down but she refuse. She don't have time for chit-chat.

"What do we really need to talk about? Tell me so we can get this over with!" she demand him impatiently while crossing her arms on her chest. Being alone with him again made her uncomfortable.

"OK. I want yo you and I to have a deal." he was looking at her with playfulness in his eyes.

"A deal?" she asked suspiciously. Who knows what this as$hole could probably be thinking?

"Yes a deal. For one month your gonna be my slave." he said while staring at her eagerly waiting for her reaction. And like what he expected, she  immediately  turns into berserk mode.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU NUTS?!" did she hear him right? Is he ing insane?!

"You asked me what I want in exchange right? Well that's what I want. Take it or leave it." He cross his arms over his chest and leaned his back in the sofa. "So, do we have a deal now?"

She took a few quick breaths to calm herself. 
"If I agree to what you want, will you promise to forget about what happened?" 

"Yup. So deal?" he extended his hand for a handshake.

Does she really have a choice?
"OK... Deal."










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jakire28 31 streak #1
Chapter 10: update juseyo!!
kawaii89 #2
Chapter 10: this is so cute!! haha
bernie20 #3
Chapter 10: Sneaky cute...looking forward for more
daragon_vip #4
Chapter 9: Update soon please
bernie20 #5
Chapter 9: Cute....Jiyong sure is lovesick puppy...
Thank u for the update...
beverly17 #6
Chapter 9: Omg...I love this please update more.
jennypish2012 #7
Chapter 7: Update please..
animalover101004 #8
Chapter 7: Are the other 2NE1 members going to join in the future? Please update soon authornim.
bernie20 #9
More pls??!!!!love it