admission 430

i don't think the purpose of applying is to get chosen for fics, but it's fun to just create characters! journey not the destination, right? hahaha.

admission 431

i hate it when people randomly make up korean names by pushing random syllables together. that's not how it works in real life so i suggest instead of making up korean names and trying to be creative, you actually look up some korean names. 

admission 432

y'all seriously just need to chill. apply fics are for fun but i feel like recently people things way too personally.

admission 433

can people seriously stop? just stop. apply fics are simply creative outlets for us, nothing more nothing less. you as an applier chose to spend your time creating a character for a story; if that stories never starts or you don't get chosen it's seriously not something to start a war over.
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we've added a new guideline! #4. thanks for your cooperation loves


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Hello my dear applyfic friends!
I came here because I wanted to learn about applyfics as I just started my very first one yesterday. This story helps me very much and is very entertaining, too!
Looking forward to the next few updates!
calmjong #2
Chapter 112: this place,,,, it's somehow scary :/
Chapter 112: @438
I think if 242 had a different opinion than the one I felt they clearly expressed, they would speak for themselves.
Besides that, I agree with the facts you're bringing to the table. What you're saying is absolutely true.
I think it would depend on the author to write a guideline or a rule on what type of uality they are willing to accept into their story.
It's also up to the author to choose how to write the challenges the lgbt characters will face. Will they go down the more fictional route and avoid confrontations? Or will they be more realistic?
Only the author can decide.

If these stories are simply creative outlets… why don't you create a non-apply fic story?
It'll save appliers the hassle of applying for a story you don't intend to write and authors who do intend to follow through, will finally get the attention they deserve.
mustyboi #4
Chapter 113: @435: honestly man, haters will exist forever. /whatever/ it's their loss tbh
Chapter 113: @434 I will not respect an opinion that supports the oppression of others and promotes ignorance. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject, though.
Chapter 113: 435: not really wierd, at least for me cause i do think exo is overrated
but i still love em
so why wouldn't i apply for their fics

as for others, they may just like the idea of the story so they dont mind applying even tho its exo-centric
Chapter 111: 428: i don't find that exceptionally true
i've been chosen for a quite a number of applyfics
but i don't exactly have an extended vocabulary

429: im in the same boat tho since i've been applying for over 3 years, the number difference is huge xD
but yehh i agree bout the creating apps prt ^^
Chapter 110: @424 I find your opinion to be ignorant. "Homouality is not really supported"??? Homouality is not a choice that has to be supported by anyone. Homouality is someone's ual orientation. Just like being black is someone's skin color. It just is as it is and it should be accepted and respected. It doesn't matter if someone supports it or not because they exist and that's what matters.

The reason I love fanfiction is for the originality. All you see on TV is usually heteroual couples. The same goes for books and films.
Online is the only place where writers explore relationships that differ from what is regularly shown by the media.
I'm glad that Aff and a few other sites like it, have homoual relationships. It differs from the usual hetero crap. I also appreciate the diversity AFF has been promoting lately by having applyfics accepting non-asian OC's. People from all different backgrounds exist and it should show in writing.

More than half the world is heteroual? Where do you even find the statistics? How could you even trust them, if they do exist? Don't you know how many people fear coming out?
troubledwater #9
Chapter 110: man i didn't want to comment until 424 tbh...like that's really ignorant. just because homouals etc. aren't supported in korea doesn't mean they don't exist
+ 60 years ago coming out would've been a really, really dumb idea. lying and saying you're straight on the other hand...