7 You Again

You and I are alike

P.s : filler chap + end. 

P.p.s : sorry that this became so cliche and short af ,  if you're reading this, maybe tell me whatchu think?

P.p.p.s : I'm considering to post one more chap  that would explored more from Seunghyun's side and struggle :) cos it feels somehow missing.




It's just the usual friday, he is in a library waiting for a usual evening meeting with the lecturers. 

And he'd been waiting for Youngbae to show up so they can work on their own projects together.

But then he heard it, the sound of the low voice that he was once liked so much, that he was once looking forward to go to class just to be able to talk with, the one that he is so dearly wanted to hear it again -

"Hi. Jiyong, how is your thesis going, are you near finishing it?"

He can't believe his eyes, but there was Seunghyun in a denim jacket, black loosy pants, paired with Nike Air,

looking as hot as ever. And once again, Jiyong can't find words.





It's been so long that they haven't talked, but Seunghyun kept watching Jiyong, kept looking at his direction, even if Jiyong had never once cast his gaze at him. The more he met Jiyong, the more he got worried, cos these days Jiyong had always cast his head down, never look into people's eyes anymore. What happened with him? He wonders. Sometimes he wished that Jiyong would be more that "old friend that he once/twice talked", he wanted Jiyong more than that. And hell they didn't even talked anymore, which made him even more confused as to what should he do with this? Does Jiyong even feel something towards him? Does Jiyong even still wanted to be friend with him - let alone being his lover? He kept playing scenarios instead, he thought if he wished it so bad, maybe it will happen.


He watched Jiyong get along with his friends more that Jiyong known of. He watched and noticed a lot, they way this one friend of him looked into Jiyong's eyes and he's not fool to know that look, the look that he and Jiyong used to gave each other when they were close. He saw that boy lightly touched Jiyong's knee and bumped his knee with Jiyong's under the desk, and he also saw that boy whisper something to Jiyong's ears that made him doubled in laughter the way he used to do when they were waiting for elevator at school together. The one that boiled Seunghyun's blood the most was when - when this boy so casually playing and ruffling Jiyong's hair and Jiyong smiled at him, bashfully. And Seunghyun can't quite figured it out why the hell he got so angry over that, it's not like they kissed in front of him? beside he got no right to judged nor even to have this kind of reaction towards Jiyong when they aren't even talking anymore. He never watched Jiyong anymore after that, his classmate said Jiyong started dating that boy. Sometimes he caught a glimpse of Jiyong in the library and at the very least he was glad that Jiyong seems to be a little less down, at least that boy made Jiyong smiled more.



I wish I could meet you even in my dreams

and fall in love again like this.



But then mostlikely weeks after that, he saw Jiyong again in the library. But his eyes were hollow, and Seunghyun knew that Jiyong got even more low- that he'd ever been before. His friends somehow delievered the news to him that - that boy made Jiyong his mistress. Yes a ing mistress, when Jiyong actually deserves way more than that. Turns out that that already had a girlfriend but she's outta town so he pursued Jiyong and Seunghyun also heard that they broke up in a bad way. Which made him think that after this, after whatever that Jiyong's been through he's afraid that Jiyong would sink. And he's right, there's no light in Jiyong's eyes now, he looks like he's struggling alone in front of his laptop there sitting a row next to him. He ended up following him outside and he found out that Jiyong had difficulties in walking, he saw that Jiyong clutched to his stomach and tried hard to walked to the bathroom while walking next to the school's wall - as if his life was hanging onto that goddamn wall. And by that, Seunghyun can't let this keep happening, can he? He'd approached Jiyong, he made sure of that. 



If I could take your pain away, I would.

Would you come back, to me?



He didn't realised he hands were shaking when he walked towards Jiyong seat so he counted 1,2,3, until 10, braced him self and put his best smile. He ain't gonna go back. He wanted Jiyong, he wanted to make this boy happy.

"Hi. Jiyong, how is your thesis going, are you near finishing it?"

He saw how Jiyong was startled at first, he saw how slow Jiyong was reacted, but then he also noticed that there was this light that there wasn't there before in Jiyong's eyes and he'd hold on to that. 

"Seunghyun, hi, uhm, it's just like that, okay I guess, how yours?"

"Mine is okay, mind if I sit?"

"Of course not let me moved my backpack."

"It's been so long since I last talked with you, Jiyong."

"Yeah, I know, school has been making us really busy. You planned to work on your thesis here too?"

"I actually had other idea. Can I talk to you after you finished? I'll wait at the art corner, if you don't mind"






Seunghyun was a mess, he waited and waited for Jiyong to come to the art corner at their library but it's been 2 hours and still no news yet. So he busied him self, he took pics of Dali's and Gogh's paintings from books that he found, noted that he might needed it maybe for school maybe for his next social media posts. And then he heard someone opened the glass door, and when he turned back, it was Jiyong. He kinda forgot his outfit though, but now that Jiyong is standing in front of him, he never saw anyone could be that effortlessly beautiful the way Jiyong is just by wearing oversized t-shirts and worn out jeans. Jiyong approached and sat next to him after that.

"You got something to tell me?"

"Yeah, I gotta lay it all bare to you Jiyong, I miss you. I miss our moments when we were close."

"I don't know what to say to that, Seunghyun. We barely talked in these years especially after we stopped being classmates."

"I know, will you let me try? I wanted us to be like in the past. Will you let me?"


There was no hesitation from Jiyong at all, Seunghyun guessed he knew after all, he knew that there was this electric feels between them that they've been denying for so long. So to made his point, Seunghyun interlaced Jiyong's hands with his' and walked Jiyong to his car, he decided to take Jiyong to eat at the very 1st restaurant that they ever got to when they were 18, it was Wendy's.

"You can drive now?"

"Of course, you skipped 2 years not knowing me, Jiyong, I grew a lot."

"Yeah, you got even more cool too, Seunghyun."

"Sometimes I miss it you know, having meals together with you, walking to the canteen together, having you teaching me with stuff that I struggled, I guess I miss talking to you, the most."

"I miss you it too, I miss you."




They met regularly after that. As if the 2 years of silence didn't matters. And Jiyong had never been this glad, he started to have hope in life, Seunghyun helped him a lot coping up with his demons, partly because Seunghyun stay glued by his side everyday at the school, that Seunghyun was always made sure to checked up on him like he used to "Are you okay?", "How are you?", "Why, What happened to you?. But he noticed that Seunghyun had stopped asking him with "Why are you alone?" because Seunghyun had filled his space next to him, Seunghyun was back. So Jiyong made sure he pushed down his wall and started to open up for the greatest person that had entered his life. To say Seunghyun looked handsome would be an understatement, long sleeved shirt rolled up to elbow, hair slicked back, and to made a point he even wore a freaking specs - driving his car. This sophisticated bastard.

"What did you just called me? Bastard?"

"You looked so good, you got me almost blind."

"Wow, do you know how flattered am I, Kwon Jiyong?"

"So Wendy's?"

"Yes. Our favourite."

"Our favourite."



The word our sounds so good to him, he was glad to see that Jiyong got so much better also with the thesis nearing it's end so it started to get less stressful. And he was really glad that he decided to talked to Jiyong that day in the library.


If we were both sad and miserable, can't you just come back to me?

If you If you, If it's not too late, can't we go back together?



Before going back to their school, he parked his car in the school's basement and -

He drew kiss on Jiyong's forehead and said "I'll make you happy. You deserves the world, Jiyong. Will you let me in?"

And with that Jiyong just clutched to Seunghyun's neck and hug him. He made sure to state it clearly.

"I'm already happy - with you, Seunghyun."

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Chapter 7: I’m happy they’re back together at last xD thanks <3
Danees #2
Chapter 7: This is a good story even its little confusing in plot. Dont mind me, maybe am not good enough in reading (: nevertheless I hope you'll write more. Fighting!!
Todiclycute #3
Chapter 7: Tooo cute, continue!!!!!
Chapter 6: Omo...pls update soon...Yeah pls make them together...gtop couple fighting...
dabygael #5
Chapter 3: Awesome!!!
I only got one question, will you make jiyong and hyun together?
I'm excited!!!!
kamisan #6
Chapter 1: I wondering where seunghyun go and why he leave jiyong? And what jiyong do to make suenghyun leave him, and.....arghh too many questions please update soon T_T
NagronLove #7
This is good, really good. I hope more chapters are about to come.