Get Going

I Missed You

"Reechan, how was work today?" I hear Kei-niichan say on the other side.

"It wasn't bad... I just had a long day."

"What happened with the news with him?"

"Oh, I chose not to do anything about it. It won't be a big deal will it?"

"Haha. I don't think so. Let's hope not."

"Yeah... What's going on there? You having fun with the shoot?"

"Not really. I want to go home and see your face."

"Pft. You talk as if you're my husband when you're just my cousin. But I guess a part of me misses you too. It's empty here without you."

"What are you saying? You have Ponta and the two dogs with you. Did you take the dogs out to a walk yet? They might be tired of waiting."

"Oh, I forgot. Thank you for reminding."

"Yeah, I thought as much. Well, just make sure everything is locked also when you get back and when you go to sleep. You don't know what will happen."

"Haha. Now you're just like a father now worrying about his daughter."

"Of course. You're all I've got now. Sorry I don't know when I'll be back yet. But I hope I'll be back soon to see how everything is going."

"Do you not trust me?" I chuckled.

"It's not that I don't trust you. It's just that there are times in which something falls out of your brain. Like, you forget the smallest things like the keys you forgot yesterday morning on your way to work."

"Don't remind me.. But I will try to keep it in mind. I'll be getting off. I'm a bit low on battery and I have to go for a walk."

"Yeah. Be safe."

"You too niichan." I sighed as I ended the call. "I guess I'll get going."




"Maki! John! We're going out for a walk. Are you two excited?"

The two came running up to me wagging their tail. I put my hands out and they jumped.

"Of course you two are. You've been waiting like good doggies all day. You were so patient."

John gave me a loud response.

"Let's get going then."

John pulled as we left.

"John, I know you're just so excited and full of energy, but let's stay together. I don't want either of you to be getting hurt."




"And we're back! That was fun wasn't it? Okay, let's shower!"

I took out a hose and shot water at them.

The two were having fun and it made me smile.

"So, who tried their best today?"

Maki and John barked.

"Who had fun today? Because I sure did! I'll bring towels to dry some of that water so you won't catch a cold. Both of you tried your best today. I'll bring you dinner too. Both of you, sit and wait."

I went in the bathroom for towels then to the kitchen for their dinner.

"I'm back! Who wants to get dried first? Or do you both want to get dried together? You two are so cute! Here's your dinner too."




I tied my shoes and locked the front door. I called Maki and John to remind them that I'll be going and that they are in charge for the time that I was gone.

I wonder when Kei-niichan will be back. I'm so worried about the house.

I received a sudden text from someone.




Hey, do you have time today?

When does work finish?

There's something really important I have to talk about with you.


Ohno Satoshi




I wondered what this talk was about. Hopefully, it's not about the scandal with Sakurai-san. That happened around two weeks ago.




I finish work at around 7 pm.

It may take longer though.

Why do you ask?

What is this talk exactly about?

Anyways, I'm heading off to work.

See ya!




I continued to head to work after sending the text. I had another long day ahead of me.




"Great work today!" "Great work today!" "See you tomorrow!"

"Oh yeah, Yoshimura-san, happy birthday." Ayano Go-san whispered by my ear.

"Oh, thank you."

"You want to go out for a drink tonight?"

"Sorry. I received a text this morning saying that this person has an important talk."

"How about after that talk?"

"I apologize. I am not so sure myself when it will end."

"I won't mind. I'll wait."

"But I don't want to trouble you. I still don't know when or where we're meeting up."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? I think I'll be fine with tomorrow. My work will end at 6 pm."

"Let's meet up here then." He gave me a memo. "It's on me for your birthday."

"Are you sure you want to do this though?"

"I'm completely fine, don't worry about it." He let out a chuckle and questioned. "Don't you get told that you worry too much sometimes?"

"I do actually. Do I really though?"

"Pft. I apologize for stopping you."

"No, it's okay. I have a little time until my next work." I said with a smile as I waved at him.

Right, it's my birthday today. But what is with the talk Ohno-san wants with me? That's a bit suspicious. I need to check my text. Oh, I have a text... It arrived half an hour ago.




We're meeting at my place at 8 pm.

Be there.

I don't know what'll happen if you don't.

Just be at my place okay?


See you there.

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ChanRM #1
Amazing story !! Can't wait till next chapter !!!
kaylila #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Chapter 42: nice chapter authornim :)))
Chapter 1: Waw..nice first chapter :). so it's Arashi and OC fanfic? I am a er, hehe. You should write and tag "OC" , so it will be more interesting :)
Oh hi there Riida! I have no idea you can write. I will read your story :) (Holy Riida! The pict you use in the description is the same in my wall). Riida, I hope you guys are doing well in Japonism Tour, wish you well with the rumour too :)