Pinky Promise

I Missed You

"What do you mean you saw her spirit?" Ohno-san was losing himself.

"I may have the ability to see the spirit world on Earth. Like, there are people who think that there is no such thing as a spirit world, or ghosts, but they believe in heaven and hell. Me, I've always believed in ghosts and then..."

"You're getting too excited. Just calm yourself and get straight to the point." I heard.

"I was talking to her."

"What did she say? Where did she go? Where is she?"

"She left to where she should be. She said she wanted to leave Okada-san's house, so she used Miyake-san."

A lightbulb flashed.

Okada-san? Did something ever happen in that area? It's making me curious.

"The place I live feels somewhat different from before some of you came."

That's it!

"Okada-san! Can I come over? Right now if possible."

"Wait, why, what happened?"

"It all connects." I whispered to myself. "Okada-san, has anything ever happened in the area you lived? Like, a murder?"

"Yes, there was a car accident once which killed a mother and her daughter. There was another incident in which a man shot a little kid."

"Bring me there! I beg you!"

"Reena-chan, you need to calm down. What's wrong? What do those have to do with the spirit? Uchimura Keiko-san's spirit?" Ohno-san looked at me.

"She might've been the one who was killed from the car accident." I told. And there may be bad spirits there. Okada-san and others who live in the area may be troubled.

Ohno-san yelled for a short moment and I was surprised. He pulled onto my cheeks.

"I really want to go with you but I feel that I shouldn't." Ohno-san mumbled to himself then turned to Okada-san. "Don't do anything weird to her! You won't be alive if you do!"

"Why are you mad at me? Come along then."

Ohno-san covered his face with his hands.

I reached out to him and removed his hands.

"Don't you want to come with me?" I looked into his eyes.

"I want to go."

I smiled hearing those words.

"That's all I wanted to hear." I patted his shoulder and stood up.

"But I can't go."

"What? What are you saying?" I turned around. "What do you mean you can't go?"

"Just go without me."

I sighed and moved on. Miyake-san, I think it's better for you to come along with me.




I sat there in front of the table, waiting for something to occur.

"Miyake-san? Come sit over here." I patted.

"I understand."

Did he just say that he understood? What's with him? Did a spirit take over his body already? It can't be. It's too soon. Did he lower his guard?

"I'm going to ask you some questions. Answer them honestly okay?"

"I understand."

"Who are you? What is your name?"

"Uchimura Akira."

"Do you know your mother's name?"

"She's Uchimura Keiko."


"Do you know where or why you're here?"

"I'm in Tokyo, but I don't know why I'm here. I just remember that something exploded in front of me on my way home with my mother."

"Is that so? Can you lay down on the couch here?"

The person who appeared to be Miyake-san layed down on the couch. I held one of his hand and put it against my forehead. I closed my eyes.

Ack. It's difficult to breathe. Is someone choking me? My throat hurts.

There was a little kid in front of me.

"Give me my mother back. I want my mother."

I tried to speak but my voice wouldn't come out. My eyes were tearing up.

"Tell me, where is my mother?"

I was finally released from the grip.

"Your mother is in the other world. I just met her earlier today. She was relieved to have gone to the other world. She is waiting for you there. I came for you now."

He acts very different here. He was very calm in the real world.

"How do you know? It could have been somebody else."

"I asked her some questions and you two look very alike. Don't you want to go to her? Don't you want to meet her again?"

"Can I do that? Can that actually happen?"

"Yes. Just give me your hands and I'll say some magical words that will send you."

Without hesitation, our hands united.

"Release this child. Child, you must go. You must leave and head to where you must be, for you do not belong here, child. You belong in the other world."

"I'm shining. I'm glowing. I feel like a superhero. Can I really meet my mother now?"

"Yes. Act as spoiled as you like."

"Thank you. Thank you so very much." Very different from before, Uchimura Keiko-san's child smiled so naturally, it was unbelievable how people could change so quickly.

I could hear a monster's roar. I immediately opened my eyes. I forced Miyake-san to sit up. I sat behind him and rubbed his back to get the bad spirit out of him.

"Okada-san, I'm surprised you made it this far without a single spirit taking control of you. As I predicted, you have to move out as soon as possible."

"Hey, you can't just tell me what to do. I drove you here, I listened to you for quite a while. How about I stay here."

"Okada-san! There's no time for that. Don't you see what's going on around you? I warned you. You might be in danger. If something happens, don't blame me, I warned you."

I pulled onto Miyake-san's hand out of the building.

I could hear Miyake-san's breathing.

"Wait, I'm tired. Let me take a breath."

"Miyake-san, are you alright? How do you feel?" I asked worriedly.

"I feel weird after going to his house. What happened back there?"

"You don't remember what happened?"

"I remember nothing at all. All I can remember is that I was laying on a couch."

"There's no need to worry. Something like this won't happen ever again. I promise."

"You pinky promise?"

"I pinky promise."

"Cross your heart?"

"I cross my heart." I held onto his hands. "Dear spirit of Miyake Ken, you have such a kind heart... But do not let anyone enter anymore... I don't know what will happen if you let any more enter."

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ChanRM #1
Amazing story !! Can't wait till next chapter !!!
kaylila #2
Chapter 43: nice story :)
Chapter 42: nice chapter authornim :)))
Chapter 1: Waw..nice first chapter :). so it's Arashi and OC fanfic? I am a er, hehe. You should write and tag "OC" , so it will be more interesting :)
Oh hi there Riida! I have no idea you can write. I will read your story :) (Holy Riida! The pict you use in the description is the same in my wall). Riida, I hope you guys are doing well in Japonism Tour, wish you well with the rumour too :)