Chapter 8

"Sooyoung!!! Stop the car!!!” Sunny yelled waking up the two girls sleeping in the back.
“What? Why? What happened?!” Sooyoung yelled back worriedly.
“Carnival! Let’s stop at the carnival!”
“Sunny! You scared me! You also woke the love birds up! Lower your volume.” Sooyoung nagged.
“Sorry…I was worried you’d miss the carnival. I really want to stop there, can we please?” Sunny begged.
“Sunny, I don’t know…" Sooyoung said while rubbing the back of her neck with one hand.
“What’s going on?” The half awake Tiffany asked to no one in particular.
“Tiffany, wouldn’t you want to make a stop at the carnival? Wouldn’t it be fun?” Sunny cooed.
“Sure.” Tiffany replied without thinking about anything but going back to sleep.
At that moment the quite Taeyeon pulled Tiffany’s head back down onto her shoulder. “Shut up and sleep.” The girl mumbled, and Tiffany wasn’t sure if Taeyeon had just talked in her sleep or had been awake but she complied. Not without a beet red face though.
“See, Sooyoung! Tiff said sure!” Sunny stated.
“Ugh, fine. We’ll stop at the carnival.” Sooyoung gave in to her girlfriend’s request and changed the direction of the car to the direction of the carnival Sunny spotted along the road.
“Ughhhhhhh, my neck is killing me.” Taeyeon mumbled while trying to sit up before remembering that someone was on her shoulder. “Ha, she looks so peaceful asleep like that.”
Taeyeon adjusted her sitting position to be more comfortable, but then noticed the car was parked. “Where’s Sunny and Sooyoung??” Taeyeon asked, a bit too loudly, waking Tiffany up.
“Hmmm?” The girl who was just now getting out of dream land hummed.
“Fany, the two girls are gone. I have no idea where we are. Wake up. We should go find them.” Taeyeon whispered into Tiffany’s ear making the latter bolt up. 
"Gone?!" Tiffany asked frantically.
"Yeah, but don't be so worried. I'll just call them."
Taeyeon tapped Tiffany's thigh reassuringly before dialing Sunny.
"Hello...?" The girl on the other line said.
"Sunny! Where are you guys? We woke up and nobody was here!" Taeyeon yelled into the device.
"We said we were going to be at the carnival and you said okay!" Sunny retorted.
"When did you do that? I don't remember anything!"
"Uh...Taeyeon? I think I remember her saying that and me answering okay...but I thought that was just a dream...woops?" Tiffany confessed.
"Huh...?'s okay..." Taeyeon mumbled. "So where do we find you guys now?"
"Don't...we're enjoying ourselves. You guys can go do your own thing! Okay bye!" Sunny said abruptly hanging up.
"Well that was rude..."
Tiffany just smiled at Taeyeon's pout.
"Come on, might as well enjoy ourselves while we're here!"
Tiffany pulled Taeyeon out of the car and towards the entrance of the event.
"I haven't been to a carnival in ages." 
"Me niether." Taeyeon agreed.
"Oh my god!!"
"What?!? What happened?! Are you okay?! Is everything alright?!" Taeyeon asked frantically after hearing Tiffany scream.
"It's so fluffy!!!! I want that pink bear so bad!" Tiffany answered lost in her own world of pink things.
"You want that bear...?" Taeyeon asked carefully.
"Yeah, but I at games. I might as well buy myself one, let's go somewhere else." Tiffany said sounding dejected.
"No, I owe you, so I'm getting you that bear."
"It's fine Taeyeon, don't waste your money on these games."
Despite Tiffany's warnings, Taeyeon had ended up giving away five dollars to that one game. She wasn't going to give up though, not when Tiffany asked for a bear. Once she spent her sixth dollar she had fire burning in her eyes as she threw the baseball in an accurate throw knocking all three blocks off the box.
"WOW WE FINALLY WON!" Tiffany screamed in relief more than anything.
"YAY!" Taeyeon yelled as she opened her arms ready for a victory hug from the younger girl. 
However she was only to be met with air because Tiffany's arms were too busy wrapped around the pink bear she had just won for the girl.
"Thanks, Taeyeon! You're the best." Tiffany said beaming her a smile that reached her eyes.
"N-no problem! You know you can count on me!" Taeyeon said pointing to herself.
On the other side of the game stands were Sooyoung and Sunny, who were busy "aww"-ing at the other two girl's interactions.
"They're cute..." Sooyoung stated.
"I know. I want to just push their faces together and make them get married..."
"This is why you're my girlfriend."
"I know." Sooyoung replied before turning her attention back to the two girls at the game stands.
A/N: I feel like I owe you guys so many updates...smh. Well here's an update for Taeyeon's birthday! ^-^ yay. Happy birthday to the kid leader! *pops confetti* 
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tae1810 #1
this story is cute (:

wanna know What happen next ><
Thanks for writing this :) please keep up the awesome work. A fluff a day keeps the frown away :)
SONE390 #3
Chapter 8: Update wohoo! happy bday taetae!
lyanalex26 #4
Chapter 6: This is really nice for a good laugh. Haha so cringeworthy but worth it. Hihih im all smile while reading. Soo cute ^^ :D
Chapter 6: lol Taeyeon's smitten. So cute. :3
Chapter 5: I think I'm loving this fic!! :3
Chapter 3: omg! this is soo cute~ Hahahaa! Hwaiting author!
darkpluto1 #8
Chapter 2: it's so random to find a story where Tiff fall head over heels crazily crush on Tae
Churros #9
Chapter 1: This is soooooo cute!!! The title alone made me smile hihi. I'm excited to read further. Keep it up author-ssi! And oh, good luck on your midterms! \O/