Chapter 7

"Oh, Taeyeon? What's up?"
"Are you free friday and saturday?" 
"Ummm, I'll have to check. Why?"
"Sunny wants to go on a road trip. I wanted to drag you along? Are you willing?"
Tiffany lost it. Her body might have still been standing in her living room, but her mind had gone somewhere far, far away. What do I do?! Taeyeon wants to go on a trip...with me! Oh god, where's Jess when you need her?!
"Of course." Tiffany replied after battling her inner conflicts.
"Great, I'll tell Sunny! I'll text you later...?" Taeyeon asked hesitantly.
"Sure, I'd like that." Tiffany said and Taeyeon could tell the girl was smiling.
After Taeyeon hung up, Tiffany immediately dialed Jessica. Being best friends the girl picked up the phone within the second ring.
"JESS! I NEED YOUR HELP ASAP COME TO MY HOUSE WHEN YOU CAN!" Tiffany screamed into the phone before hanging up, giving Jessica no time to react.
It only took Jessica ten minutes before she reached Tiffany's place. When the girl walked through the front door, she saw Tiffany pacing around her living room restlessly.
"Tiff? Are you okay?"
"Jess! Thank goodness, you're finally here!"
"Yeah...what happened?" Jessica asked.
"Taeyeon happened!" Tiffany said with flailing arms.
"Okay, so Taeyeon just called. She asked if I wanted to go on this road trip Sunny invited her to."
"Oh? She's going too?" Jessica asked nonchalantly.
"What?" Tiffany was confused.
"I said, 'she's going too?'" Jessica repeated.
"What do you mean is she going too?"
"Yuri was invited so I'm going. You know I wouldn't let Yuri stay in some far away place with a bunch of other girls who will probably throw themselves all over what's MINE, alone." Jessica stated possessively.
" are very...controlling."
"You just wait until you see people all over your precious just wait."
"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, back to the main point! What do I do?! She's inviting me to come with her!" Tiffany said flailing her arms again.
"Tiffany calm down...Just treat it like a normal road trip between me and you." Jessica tried advising.
"But it's TAEYEON."
"Oh...I see how it is..." Jessica replied pretending to be hurt.
"Jess, you know me and Yuri are not exactly equal!"
"Okay you're right. Anyways...okay fine. Just take things naturally. As long as you don't act awkward and let Taeyeon take the lead, you'll be fine! Plus, me and Yuri will be there." Jessica reassured.
"You're right. The only downside is that I can't not act awkward..."
"Well, we can't do anything about your weird personality so I guess we'll have to sacrifice one thing!" 
"I hate you." Tiffany muttered.
"Love you, too."
"Do you have everything packed and ready?"
"Yeah, I'm just waiting for Taeyeon's car to get here."
"Okay, I'll see you later. Call me if you need any assistance! Bye!"
"Bye, Jess." Tiffany said before hanging up.
It was the day of the road trip and Tiffany felt anxious. She was overthinking every little thing. Is what I'm wearing okay?! Did I pack too much for a two day trip?! Did I not pack enough?! What will we talk about during the ride?! What if I fall asleep and Taeyeon thinks my sleeping face is ugly?! Oh god.
By the time Tiffany started questioning why she was born, Taeyeon was at her driveway waiting for her. No, scratch that, it was Taeyeon and Sunny. AND some other girl she has never seen before. Great, just when I thought we'd be alone for three hours.
Tiffany was disappointed they wouldn't have their intimate time but at least they'd be seated together. Since Sunny was in the passenger seat and that other girl was driving.
Taeyeon was the one who got out of the car to help put her luggage in the trunk, making Tiffany giddy.
"Thanks." Tiffany said with a huge grin.
"No problem. Thanks for agreeing to come with me. I didn't want to be a third wheel with Sooyoung and Sunny. Ha..." Taeyeon replied.
"Oh right, you haven't met her yet! She's the girl who's in the front seat. That's Sunny's girlfriend." Taeyeon pointed out.
"Ohhhh! Okay. I got it."
"Yeah...well let's get this show on the road!" Taeyeon said while dragging Tiffany into the backseat.
After the introduction between Sooyoung and Tiffany passed, the car got quite.
"Hey Sunny, put on some music!" Taeyeon demanded from the back.
"What do you want to hear?" Sunny asked.
"Okay! You said it yourself." Sunny said with a smirk. 
Taeyeon didn't understand the meaning behind the smirk until her own singing voice was heard playing throughout the car.
Tiffany almost fainted. That beautiful, beautiful voice she fell for. "SUNNY! YOU NEED TO GIVE ME A COPY OF THIS CD!!!!" Tiffany exclaimed.
"You got it!" Sunny said while winking at Tiffany.
"Hey! Shut it off! It's embarrassing..." Taeyeon shouted.
"You said I could play anything!" Sunny retorted.
"I didn't mean this! Come on, shut it off it's embarrassing!" Taeyeon pleaded.
"Stop lying! You gave all our friends a copy of this. You wouldn't be embarrassed if you did that!" 
"B-but...Tiffany is here!" Taeyeon whispered to Sunny, still pleading. Tiffany heard it and almost jumped out of the car in excitement.
" it's because Tiffany's here...? Alright, I'll shut it off." Sunny teased, not forgetting to notice the blushes on the duo sitting in the back seat.
"Shut up...but thank you." Taeyeon muttered before turning to look out the window.
All of a sudden Sunny put on romanic love ballads from recent dramas, making the two in the back turn redder.
The awkward air passes only after another ten ballads play throughout the car. Tiffany was getting tired and fighting herself to stay awake. She was afraid her prediction would come true and Taeyeon would find her sleeping face unattractive.
Tiffany was losing the battle with sleep despite her efforts. The ballads playing in the background wasn't doing anything to help her either. Tiffany was starting to lean to her right towards Taeyeon and then jolting awake again. This repeated five times before Taeyeon just gently guided Tiffany's head onto her shoulder.
"Here, sleep." Taeyeon whispered.
"Thanks." Tiffany said half asleep, which was good since a fully awake Tiffany would be freaking out at the skinship.
"No problem. I owe you." Taeyeon whispered before Tiffany drifted off to dreamland where her and Taeyeon are an item already.
A/N: Hello guys!(: The promised update is here! I am sorry. Very sorry for neglecting to update for so long. I will try to be as frequent as I used to be from now on. It's been a busy life lately. Sorry for this cheesy chapter!!! Okay bye....
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tae1810 #1
this story is cute (:

wanna know What happen next ><
Thanks for writing this :) please keep up the awesome work. A fluff a day keeps the frown away :)
SONE390 #3
Chapter 8: Update wohoo! happy bday taetae!
lyanalex26 #4
Chapter 6: This is really nice for a good laugh. Haha so cringeworthy but worth it. Hihih im all smile while reading. Soo cute ^^ :D
Chapter 6: lol Taeyeon's smitten. So cute. :3
Chapter 5: I think I'm loving this fic!! :3
Chapter 3: omg! this is soo cute~ Hahahaa! Hwaiting author!
darkpluto1 #8
Chapter 2: it's so random to find a story where Tiff fall head over heels crazily crush on Tae
Churros #9
Chapter 1: This is soooooo cute!!! The title alone made me smile hihi. I'm excited to read further. Keep it up author-ssi! And oh, good luck on your midterms! \O/