Home Sweet Home?

Age Is But A Number...

We all started getting ready to head home. I couldn't stop thinking about that older Oppa that had asked me to play with him. He seemed awkwardly familiar. Onew Oppa scolded me and I didn't like that at all. What does he know? Just because Minyoung Oppa is a LOT of years older than me ... doesn't mean much ... I hate being told that I can't love someone who is way older than me. It's Stupid. Age doesn't matter. Look at my Onni and Jonghyun Oppa! They are 3 years apart! Yet, Onew Oppa scolds me ... hmmph. Stupid numbers. I hate them too.


Minyoung's POV

I headed back to the dorms. All the members were taking a noon nap. You can't blame us. Being a kpop group and all ... our schedules are usually off the walls and are ridiculous. Sometimes I just want to runaway from it all. That's why I disguise myself and go out in public. It's not like our group is legendary ... well not yet anyways ... but it's still good to have hope. Just then I remembered something ... I forgot something back at the park ... I MUST go back. No time for explaining..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Before we headed back home ... I saw something shiny in the sand. It was something .. that didn't belong to me. It must've been from that Oppa! Oh no! I should probably hold on to it and wait for him. He'll come back. I'm POSITIVE. If I lost something ... I would want someone to hold on to it for me .. It looks sort of triangular ish ... plus it's sort of thick. Should I look in to it ...? I'm sure that Oppa wont mind if I take a quick peek ... will he? Well, I'm going to look anyways. I opened it up. It was a wallet! But wait! What's this? There's pictures in it ... and his driver liscenes that says .... Minyoung ... age 2- Omo!! M-Minyoung Oppa...??? No way! It can't be him ... can it? I was ... playing with h-him?! Omo!!!!

"EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK~" I screamed out loud. Onew Oppa looked at me funny.

"What's wrong Jiyon-ah?" He blinked innocently. I held Minyoung Oppa's wallet, tight in my hands. I couldn't believe it. I actually met Minyoung of Twi-light. A huge smile crept on to my face. Onew Oppa looked sort of terrified. "A-anyways ... we're going now ... let's go Jiyon-ah..." I stopped as he tried to grab my hand. I shook my head harshly. NO WAY was I leaving this spot when I knew Oppa would come to retrieve his wallet. "Mmmm? What's wrong?" He scratched his head.

"Oppa ... I'm not going home. Not yet anyways ... I will go home later...promise." I used my best aegyo face on him. He let out a sigh of defeat.

"Araseo. Don't stay too long .. you hear?" I nodded as they all headed towards the car. I sat in the sand box and waited. I KNOW he'll return. He has to ... right?

~5 minutes later~

I saw him! Or at least I think I did ... he was wearing the same disguise as he was wearing earlier ... it MUST be him. Eeeeepppp! He walked over to me with a huge smile.

"Omo! We're you ... waiting for me?" He asked. The tone in his voice sounded as if he were honered. I nodded shyly. I handed his wallet back to him and bowed slightly. He chuckled. "AIGOO...don't do that again you silly girl!" He nuggied my head. I pouted.


"Because ... it's too cold out for a young girl like yourself to be out here ... especially since your alone!" He scolded. I crossed my arms over my chest. Great. Now Oppa thinks I'm a little baby.

"I'm not a child Oppa!!" I yelled. He lightned up and cupped his hands around my face. He made me look at him. I suddenly shook of a random chill. I usually get those during this time of season ... he sighed.

"I know you're not a child ... but you shouldn't be all crazy either. Here." He took off his jacket and placed it gently around my freezing self. I blushed. "Just promise me you wont do it again ... araseo?" He looked deep into my eyes. His beautiful brown eyes. So cute >_< He looked at me again. Directly. "So what's your name sweety?" He asked.

"S-Seol Jiyon." I stammered.

"Cute~" He mumbled. I shyly avoided eye contact. "Hey ... let me give you my number so we can meet again sometime ... mmm?" He held out his hand so that I could place my cell phone in it. I did what he asked and smiled as he punched in his number in my phone. "There. Now we can be friends!" He sang. I laughed. "Just call me Minyoung Oppa. Araseo?"

"Nae~" I said. I was mezmerized by his appearance. He chuckled at my childishness.

"See you around Jiyon-ah!~" He waved goodbye and started walking away again. Then I just suddenly remembered that I still had his jacket. 

"Omo! Oppa!! Minyoung Oppa!!! What about your jacket??" I called out to him. He stopped and looked back at me. He thought a bit then smiled.

"Keep it!! ~" He gave me that famous eye smile of his. I literally died. Soooooooo cute! I ran home to write all that happened today in my diary. Minyoung Oppa is ... my chingu. Yay!!!!!


Minyoung's POV

Seol Jiyon. Cute. I don't care that she's a bit young for me...she really is cute. I can't believe she waited for me. Just so that I could receive my wallet. Now that was something totally worth mentioning. I wonder how old she was ... 12 ...? Maybe 14...? Oh wells. There's just one thing that I am certain of. And that's me going to get to know ... the sweet and innocent Jiyon ssi. Minyoung-ah Fighting!!~


"Goodnight Jiyon ssi..." I turned off the lights and hopped into bed. "See you in my sweet dreams~"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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gomaweo! ^^
Griggsykittystar5 #2
YAY i love twilight although Heechun is my bias LOL it really good so far. Do well FIGHTING!! XD