On Our Way To Photoshoot~

Searching for oppa

HELLOOOOOO GUYSSSS!!! I'M BACK~~~~ you see, i've got sunburn because my stupid family forced me to have family time at the swimming pool. SHEESH!!! anyways, i wanted to ask you guys this, how would you heal a veryyyy burned skin quickly? i mean, i'm going to return back to school for like about two weeks? I AM TOTALLY BURNED. My cousins called me a LOBSTER! nyaaaahhh!!!

sorry, i should stop my chit chatting now :P 

p.s. I ate KFC just now~ MWAHAHAHAH~


Kiseop rolled his eyes to Eli, and sighed.

' It's very hard to be the sane one huh, ' Kiseop thought.

" Wait hyung, i just remembered, " Kevin told Kiseop.

" What? " 

" Aren't we supposed to be picked up at 7? " kevin said. But Kiseop smiled.

" I arranged this, cause I KNOW SOMEONE'S GOING TO WHINE FOR FOOD " Kiseop said as he stared at Eli.

Eli blinked confusingly.

" Well, i'm hungry too oppa " zirah said as she eyed Kiseop.

" Me too!!! " Hoon agreed, then followed by AJ and Dongho, except Kevin.

" Ahjusshi, KFC " Kiseop told the driver and he nodded.


Your POV:

" KFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC~ " Ukiss ( except Kiseop and Kevin ) screamed as we barged into KFC.

" This is why Onew of SHINee is a bad influence for kids like them " Kiseop sighed as Kevin nodded in agreement.


" Noona~ Can we have........... one chicken bucket? " I asked, being the only girl in the group, according to AJ.

AJ's POV: (flashback )

We don't really know how to order..... 

I don't think Hoon knows how, nor Dongho, me and Eli hyung....


" Zir- what i meant was, Yah Jihun ah~ can you order one chicken bucket for us? " I asked.

Her jaws dropped and mouthed the word, ' what? '

" Pleaseee~ on behalf of the poor children of Korea, and also, by doing this you can save the world from global warming " I said.

She sighed and said, " Fine then. "

( end of flashback )


Your POV:

Aish. These guys.

" c-can i get-get yo-yourr-rr o-ord-ord-der ag-gain s-sir? " the cashier asked.

Sheesh, is she a new worker here?

" One chicken bucket please? " I asked.

" y-yes ss-sir, anything, e-else? " she asked.

I looked at Ukiss.

" drinks, " Kiseop said loudly, which made people hear.

" What drink? " i asked.

" what's available? " kiseop asked.

" Pepsi, coke, Milo- OKAY. You guys come here, and order what you want " I said.

Ukiss came, except for Kevin, he took care of the seats.

" Pepsi "

" Coke~ "

" coke~ "

" Pepsi~ "

" Pepsi~ "

" Pepsi~ " 

" hyung!! what wo you choose? " I asked.

" Pepsi ~ " he said, ignoring me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the cashier.

" another two pepsi please " i said.

" an-a-a-a-a-a-any-t-anyt- anyything else ? " She asked.

MAN! Since Ukiss ordered with me, she stuttered ten times !!

" guys, you can go now " i said and ukiss went to their seats.

" he-here it i-is.... " she gave me the bucket on the tray and  gave drinks on another.

" I'll help you dongsaeng~ " Dongho offered. 

" There you go~ " i said as i paid the cashier.

As i carried the tray...

" Sir!! " she called out.


" yes? " i asked sweetly trying to control my temper. Hyung told me, ' DON'T BE RUDE TO FANS!! '

" Can i-i have your auto-ao-autograph? " She asked.

and here goes the same hyung rule, ' DON'T DENY A FAN'S REQUEST '.

I smiled and gave her my autograph.

I could hear her mini scream.

I went back to Ukiss and we ate the meal together, including Kevin and Kiseop.


" How many hours to reach there hyunggggg? " Eli whined, again.

We are in the van after the delicious meal.

" 20 more minutes Eli " kiseop sighed.

Eli whined again.

" Eli Hyung.. can you stop whining? " Dongho asked innocently.

And Eli groaned.

AJ punched Eli on the face.

" WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR?! " Eli screamed.

" to stop a baby from crying too much " Aj said calmly.

Eli pouted.


" We're here boys~ " the driver said.

" FINALLYYYYY~ " Eli chirped.

" ah! you made it!! " Hyung ran to us.

" Yes Hyung, " Kiseop smiled.

" Have you eaten yet? " Hyung asked.

" Sure they did, " I said as i remember my money flying off for the scrumpdidlylumptious food.

Hyung nodded in satisfication.

" Boys~ and girl too... Our theme for Her Debut.... is..... HIGH SCHOOL KIDS!!! " Hyung chirped.

" Hyung, you made that sound like Super Junior's movie, attack of the pin-up boys " Dongho said.

Hyung pursed his lips.

" and guess who came to apply for the photoshoot? " hyung said cheerfully.

" another ugly girl who's going to us up and so we die cramped on the floor as if we're being used as a slave? " Hoon asked as he made a shocked face.

" WHAT?! NOOOOOOO!! MIND YOUR LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN " Hyung frowned but then laughed.

" It's actually HyunA of 4minute!! " He chirped.


Ukiss looked at me, they know that I've became the Kingka of shool because of her, and how she seduced me! I mean, give this girl a break will ya?

" she said she wants to know more about our new member, Zirah~ "  He smiled.

" But what if she knows her gender? " Kiseop asked Hyung seriously.

" which, will never happen. I've been taking measures too y'know, I don't want anyone to know she's a girl except for ukiss, " Hyung replied seriously.

" thank god!! " ukiss felt relieved as they thought the world would end if HyunA knew about the secret.



" Jihun, i need to bring you to the hospital later on, " Hyung whispered to me before he left. and i nodded.

Hyuna hugged my arm and i kinda felt her... um... s....

" Oppa~ I can't wait for your debut~ " HyunA sang.

I looked at Ukiss and mouthed them, ' help me '.

KIseop pulled me and told HyunA, " We're busy right now, so shoo yourself for a while, kay? " 

HyunA pouted and winked at me.


" thanks oppa " i whisperes at Kiseop. and he smiled.


Sorry for the boring chapter :'(

@ Yukimary lol, it's fine to fan girl~ I'm the same too y'know~ hehe, sorry for the long update, i've been away for a stupid family time and ended up getting sunburn bla blah blah~ so... yeah, i wish i was her too~ it'd be fun to live together~ hehe~ 

Tea,anyone? teahyun :)

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Chapter 38: That was AWSOME!
Make da sequel~
Chapter 36: Dear God Kevin!
Chapter 6: Homeual Hairstyle! XD have to remember that~
favoriteboy #4
Chapter 38: speechless! nice and good!
LOL :P Just promoting brunei ;) hehe
soo cool story !!! XP<br />
LOL :P we're the same then :P
kind of shock because the fiction characters name ( zirah ) is my real name . hahaha....
hehe! I should thank you ;D thanks for clinging on this story :'D you're just awesome @Yukimary LOL