Romeo and Juliet

The Angel of Death

Jin Ae walked into her homeroom class and saw that it was empty like every other day. She was usually the first on in, if not second or third. Jin Ae always liked to come to school early because with the time she was alone in the classroom, there weren't any Angels or Guardians. There weren't annoying high schools kids. It was just her and her thoughts which she loved. Jae Suk was sometimes in the room too but she didn't mind, she liked the company of her homeroom and literature teacher. 

She greeted Jae Suk with a smile like she always does as he returned the gesture. Jin Ae sat down at her desk in the back and took out some of her English class that she had yet to finish. Jin Ae lliked doing language homework assignments since she knew almost every popular language in the world. Being alive for a few centuries gave you ALOT of time to learn new things, and Jin Ae liked learning new languages. 

She finished her English homework by writing the last word of her answer to the question, "What was one place you would want to live in besides Korea?" Jin Ae wrote that she would want to live in a small town in the middle of Italy because hey, who doesn't wanna live in Italy? 

The young student put her homework away and placed her hands together on the desk, puffing and deflating her cheeks as she stared around the room. Jae Suk glanced up from his papers and slightly smiled at how adorable she looked. 

Jin Ae's eyes landed on a small picture frame with Jae Suk smiling brightly along with a beautiful woman and small son that Jin Ae figured was Jae Suks wife and child. Jae Suk had this arm around his arm and the couple was smiling towards the camera. Their son had a smile on his face as well but his head was turned up and to the side, looking happily at his father. 

Jin Ae had to smile at how cute he was. The little boy looked exactly like Jae Suk, same tiny eyes and warm smile. Jin Ae could almost feel the love between the family. Love and warmth radiated off of Jae Suk, Jin Ae knew he was a pure man with only good intentions in this world. 

Which is why it will crush her when he died and she had to be the one to send him off. 

"Isn't he cute?" Jae Suk asked the Angel, interrupting her thoughts that had turned depression. 

"Adorable." Jin Ae breathed staring at the kid. 

Jae Suk smiled and held the picture. "Yeah he's cute but he's a little troublemaker. He'll be 5 years old this year and with every birthday, I swear he gets more and more mischievous." Jin Ae chuckled at the fathers statement. 

"What's his name?" She asked. 

"Ji Ho. Yoo Ji Ho." The teacher answered as he put the frame back down. 

"He's precious." Jin Ae told him with a sad glimmer in her eyes that Jae Suk thankfully didn't catch. 

"And what about you?" The teacher asked.

"What do you mean?" Jin Ae asked surprised by his question.

"Tell me about the new girl Cheon Jin Ae." Jae Suk laughed. 

His laugh was contagious so Jin Ae had to smile. "Well, there's not much to say. I moved from, er, China with my Aunt Yoo Ri and we live in an apartment a couple minutes away." 

"Why your Aunt?" Jae Suk asked curiously. 

"Um, well, my parents passed away a long time ago and I'm an only child." Jin Ae said, trying not to ruin the light mood they were in. But it was already gone. Jae Suks face fell as soon as he heard the words come out of . 

"Oh Jin Ae, I- I didn't know. I'm so sorry!" Jae Suk immediately regretted asking and felt terrible that he caused her to talk about it which he thought she probably didn't like doing. 

"No no!" Jin Ae shook her hands. "It's  alright! Jae Suk Ssem don't feel bad! I'm okay!" She said to him assuringly. "Please don't feel bad." 

"Jin Ae I'm so sorry for your loss and for my stupid mind from asking." He told her again and again.

"It's completely okay. It doesn't bother me anymore." She said, somewhat fibbing. "It happened a long time ago so I'm getting over it." The Angel told him with a strong smile. 

Jae Suk gave her a sad look. No one should ever go through the pain of losing a parent, something he knew all too well. The teacher had lost his father when he was about Jin Ae's age and his mother had passed away a few years back. 

"May I ask how it happened?" He asked carefully. 

"Yeah they were burned at the stake along with myself in 1846." 

"Car crash." Jin Ae lied. 

"Ahh. I see." Jae Suk nodded. "well, I am truly sorry for your loss." 

Jin Ae forced a sad small. "Thank you." 


The teacher and student sat in silence for the next few minutes, both lost in their thoughts. 

"Ssem." Jin Ae looked up when a thought came to her mind.

"Neh?" His eyes blinked when she called his name.

"What do you wanna be in your next life?" She asked.

Jae Suk smiled. "well, that's not a question you get everyday." He let out a light chuckle. "In my next life?" He thought, placing his hands under his chin. "Maybe an MC or a comedian. They look like fun." He laughed. "And I think I'm pretty funny." 

Jin Ae made a note of that in her mind. Maybe she could put in a word with the higher ups with that. It's against every rule that Angels of Death follow, but in Jin Ae's mind, she knew she was different. 






Sehun watched the clock as the long black hand just slightly moved closer to the 12. 

"3....2.....1." He smirked. 

The school bell went off like a blaring alarm and the last period teachers could feel a blast of sighs and cheers coming towards them. It was Wednesday afternoon, hump day. After Wednesday, the students only had Thursday and Friday to get through before the wonderful weekend came. 

"Don't forget your essay due on Friday!" The science teacher called to the students even though he knew they weren't listening. As soon as that last school bell went off, the student's minds shut down automatically. 

Sehun and the other EXO boys were going to their own lockers to grab the items they needed. Luhan stopped as Sehun's before going to his own. "Yah, we should start rehearsing for our Literature play today." 

"Today?" Sehun's face slightly fell in unhappiness. "Can't we do it over the weekend?" 

"I can't this weekend; my family's going to Daegu to visit my uncle." Luhan told the younger. "Let's just do it today." 

Sehun sighed with a frown and closed his locker. "Don't we need Jin Ae to practice? I'm sure she has something today." 

"Well we'll ask her when we go to Baek and Kyungsoo's lockers." Luhan said getting a little frustrated with the maknae. The older grabbed Sehun's arm and dragged him along ignoring his whines and groans. 


Jin Ae stood in front of her locker, taking and putting things into the metal box. As she placed her math book inside her bookbag, someone shoved passed her for the 3rd time. If it happened one more time, she would actually kill the closest person to her. Jin Ae shot a look to the jerk that shoved her that didn't even have the nerve to apologize as he cocked his way towards his own locker. 

These hallways were just too crowded for her liking. On one side of her, was Byun Baekhyun and his girlfriend Taeyeon that couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Everytime he said he loved her or made another cheesy line that caused her to giggle, Jin Ae had to hold her lunch down. 

And on the other side of Do Kyungsoo, another one of Sehun's goons. Kyungsoo shared a locker with Kai and Jin Ae was pretty positive they were gay for each other. They were always touching one another and whispering stuff in the others ear which made Jin Ae's skin crawl. 

Ugh. Couples are so gross. 

"Yah Grumpy Cat!!" 

Jin Ae cringed when she heard his greasy voice call her. She shoved her head inside her locker, hoping he wouldn't see her. Sehun chuckled when he saw Jin Ae's hiding action. He laughed as he walked over to her. 

"Guys, have you seen Jin Ae?? I can't seem to find her!" He asked the people around him as he leaned against the other lockers right next to her. 

The guys all smiled while Jin Ae said some not so kind words under her breath. She pulled her head out and gave him a bitter smile. "Hi Sehun." 

"Whoa! Grumpy Cat!" Sehun jumped back in sarcastic surprise. "Where did you come from??" He exclaimed causing Jin Ae to want to punch that stupid grin off of his face. 

"What do you want Sehun?" She asked closing her locker and zipping her bookbag up. 


She stopped pulling the zipper when she felt her heart flutter. Jin Ae pushed her hair behind her ear and looked up at him. Sehun had a firm look in his eyes that mesmerized Jin Ae. His eyes were so dark, but in the center, there was the slighest glint of light. 

He held her gaze for a few seconds and to her, it felt like they were the only two in the hallway. Her heart began to pound against her chest and she could've sworn it would break her rib cage. 

But the moment died as soon as Sehun burst into a fit of laughter. 

Yep, what a . 

"Oh man!" Sehun held his stomach, closing his eyes and leaning against the lockers for support. "That was too good. I'm too good." Jin Ae couldn't believe her ears. Was that all a joke?! 

Jin Ae threw her backpack over her shoulder in a fit of anger and her heels, walking away from him. "Stupid bastard." She gritted her teeth as she wet down the stairs towards exit. 

"Yah yah yah yah Jin Ae!!" Sehun chased after her. "Alright wait!" He ran down the stairs and caught her at the last step by her arm. "Alright I'm sorry, that was mean." 

"You're an , you know that?" She snapped. 

"Why? Did I make your heart flutter? Did it skip a beat? Are you falling for me but are in denial?" He bit his lip with a smile as he followed behind her.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" Jin Ae stopped in her tracks and whipped around, giving him a cold glare. "Why do you keep following me??" She raised her fist. 

"Arasso arasso." Sehun took a step back and put his hands up in surrender. "Luhan wants to work on the play today." 

"Now?" Jin Ae asked. 

"Mhm." Sehun nodded. "Let's go." He ordered and walked away from her, towards the exit. Jin Ae sighed, when would he ever learn? 

She puffed out a sigh of air that blew a few strands of hair off her face and followed the annoying one out. Jin Ae took out her phone and dialled Yoo Ri's number. 


"Oh Aunt Yoo Ri." Jin Ae replied. Calling her "sunbae" out in public would sound weird. 

Sehun heard Jin Ae on the phone and glanced behind at her, slowing his pace so he could listen to the conversation without her noticing. 

"I'm gonna be home a little later today. I have to do a project." Jin Ae. 

"Oh arasso. Be safe on your way home then okay?" Yoo Ri said to her. "And watch out for any demons. They've been acting up lately."

"I will. Bye Aunt." Jin Ae said and hung up. Sehun figured that was who the Angel lived with since her parents were dead. Again, he felt sympathy and sorrow for Jin Ae. He wanted to hold her close and protect her from the outside world. He knew she was cold and put on a mask that showed others she didn't need to be protected, but Sehun knew that she was fragile on the inside. After he saw the way she cried for her deceased mother and father, he knew she much different then they way others perceived her to be. 

"Come down Grumpy. Stop walking so slowly." Sehun threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her along. If he couldn't hold her in his embrace, he could at least half hold her like this. 

But to Jin Ae, she still wasn't okay with Sehun and swatted his arm off of her. "Don't touch me." She flipped her hair and strutted towards his car witthout a look back. Sehun softly sighed with a smile. 

"I'll get you someday." He silently promised himself. 

"Annyeong Jin Ae-ssi!" Luhan smiled and waved when he saw the Angel walking towards him. Jin Ae half-smiled back. "So can you practice with us today?" 

"Yeah, sure." She said trying not to sound to bitter. 

Sehun soon came as well and just as Luhan was gonna get in the shot gun seat, Sehun gave him a look to go sit in the back. He wanted Jin Ae to sit up front with him. 

Luhan made a face since he didn't like sitting in the back but still obeyed the younger. "Jin Ae-ssi, I'll sit in the back." He grumbled and got in instead of her. Jin Ae gave him a weird look and then looked at Sehun for an explanation. The latter just shrugged pretending not to know anything. But when Jin Ae wasn't looking, he gave Luhan a grateful smile and got in the car. 

The first thing Jin Ae looked at was Sehun's arm to see if the bruises were stil there. She found herself constantly looking for him. She didn't know why though. Maybe it was the fact that someone as happy-go-lucky as Sehun, might be hurting behind the curtains. 

But Jin Ae's shoulders fell when she saw his long sleeve uniform shirt was pulled all the way to his wrist, covering up any sign of pain. But the fact that Sehun always wore long sleeves made Jin Ae's suspicions stronger. 

As they drove, Sehun and Jin Ae would glance at one another when the other wasn't looking. Sehun would look at her when she was staring out of the window and Jin Ae would steal a look when his eyes were on the road. 

Although neither of them knew what the other was doing, Luhan could see it all from the back. His eyes slightly grew in surprise when Jin Ae looked at Sehun and smiled upon seeing the latter biting his lip in thought. And when Sehun glanced at Jin Ae as she dozed off a few minutes later, Sehun did the same. A small smile grew on his face. 

If a stranger had seen the two, they would say that Jin Ae and Sehun were in a "some" relationship. But Luhan knew that on the exterior, the two fought like cats and dogs but he couldn't help but wonder if inside, there was something more there. 





"Ay me!" Jin Ae exclaimed as she stood on little dining table the boys had placed in the garage turned hideout. 

"She speaks! O speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head as a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air." Sehun recited his line perfectly, holding his laughter when he said the word "bosom." 

Luhan stood in the back, cringing at the 1800s lines of romance. After a lot of fighting, Jin Ae finally agreed to be Juliet and Luhan was her nurse. 

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if though wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." Jin Ae said perfeectly, but rolling her eyes as she read her lines. These were way too cheesy for her liking, once again. 

The two said their lines, sometimes stopping and repeating a small scene but for the most part, it went well. Until the end when Luhan found a problem. 

"Alright hold on." Luhan stepped in. Sehun and Jin Ae both sighed and sat down on the table. "Jae Suk Ssem said to make it different and right now, we're just copying the exact scene. We need to make it different from the others. Any ideas?" He asked. 

"What I ran back out and just threw a knife at him?" Jin Ae suggested with an evil chuckle. 

Sehun's mouth dropped at her suggestion in both surprise and irritation. "What if she came back out and kissed me?" He suggested, matching her stupid suggestion. 

"Are you crazy?!" Jin Ae shot up. 

"Are you?! Your suggestion was worse!!!" Sehun exclaimed to her. 

"I would be doing everyone a favor." Jin Ae held her chin high and sat back down, her arms crossed in a superior manner. 

"Alright guys!!" Luhan shouted shuttung them both up. "Jin Ae, your idea is satanic and illegal." He said first which made Jin Ae's jaw drop. "And Sehun," He stopped and looked at the two of them, "your idea's not bad." 

"BWAH?!" Jin Ae and Sehun both jumped up with completely different expressions on their faces. Sehun was smiling from ear to ear while Jin Ae's expression looked like someone just did the most vile and disturbing act in front of her. 

"Including a small kiss at the end would defnitely seperate us from the other groups and no one would be expecting in." Luhan nodded, thinking through his head how they could put it in. 

"Have you gone mad??" Jin Ae exclaimed to him. But Luhan was already in his thoughts, jotting down notes about their new addition. "Yah Xi Luhan!!" 

Sehun was in the back just basking in this amazing turn of events. Not only would Jin Ae have to drop her pride for the kiss, but she would be the one kissing him first. 

Oh revenge was sweet. 

He looked at Jin Ae and saw that she still trying to get Luhan's attention. He laughed and just pulled her back towards him. "Maybe we should start practicing now?" Sehun pulled her close. His legs were dangling off of the table and Jin Ae was standing in between them, a little too lose for her comfort. 

"What did I say about touching me?!" She slapped his arms away from her waist. Jin Ae stepped out of his leg lock and stood beside him instead. 

"Why are you so against physical contact with me?" He asked her. "Are you afraid you might fall in love with me?" Sehun winked. 

Jin Ae gae him a "are you ing kidding me" look. "Falling in love with you is the last thing that would happen between us." She sighed, turning her head away from him. 

"Psht. You're probably already head over heels for me." He pursed his lips. 

"You're the one thats constantly coming after me. Why? Do you see me as a woman?" She spat back. 

"Please. I don't date devil girls like you." He shook his head. 

"Yeah, okay." She huffed and turned away from him once again. 

Luhan glanced back and smiled. "You guys are so cute." 

"Ts." Sehun scoffed. "I'm cute. She's not." Jin Ae glared and raised her fist as Sehun slightly flinched. 

The two went back and forth for awhile with Sehun whispering stuff about Jin Ae under his breath and Jin Ae threatening him to say it louder until Luhan finally finished writing the last bit of their addition and brought it over to him. 

"Alright I got it. Just start from your first new line." Luhan told Jin Ae. The Angel sighed and stood on top of the table once again and started reading off of her paper. 

"Romeo, ho!" Jin Ae said. "Come hither once more, young love." She said. "Oh God." Jin Ae rolled her eyes, breaking out of character earning a scolding from Luhan. 

"Does my darling need something?" Sehun recited as he took a step closer to her. 

"Can my love take the steps up the green rope to me? I would like to give thee a present thou shall never hinder from your mind." Jin Ae rasied an eyebrow to the writer. "Seriously Luhan?" 

"Keep going!!" He hissed at her. Jin Ae rolled her eyes as Sehun climbed up onto the table. 

"And what sort of present may it be?" Sehun asked, anticipating the next scene. Jin Ae closed her eyes and mentally prepared herself. She slightly puckered her lips. She brought them up to Sehun's cheek and then, time seemed to stop. Not for Jin Ae, but for Sehun. 

With her lips on his cheek, a bolt of electricity shot through his body. He thought that Jin Ae would be the one to get flustered, but instead, Sehun was the one that felt his heart flutter. In just that one second little peck, Sehun felt something he had never felt with someone.





Alright my lovelies. Am I the only one that thinks that Sehun looks exactly like Lee Min Ho in this picture?!





and don't even get me started on Sehun and Luhan. 

I have no words. 


until next time my beautiful readers~~ Dont forget to comment!! please do, I love reading and replying to your comments TT.TT but i only have like 3 comments right now *cries a river*

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Hey thank you so so so much for all the love you've given me through this story! if you wanna read more of my stories, subscribe to My Other Half with Kai (:


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ilovebestfriends #1
Chapter 9: I love this story. <3
Chapter 9: This is so good :) update neh?
jullijus #3
Chapter 9: the first supernatural that i've ever read..i will waiting till ends of story.. ^^d
Bookmarked. Omg. Very interesting description~
Chapter 9: Lovely chapter. might have to re-read it again before the next chapter comes out haha
Chapter 8: update fast please!! can't wait!!
kyudirection #8
Chapter 8: aahh poor sehunnie~
next update please^^
flyboytuan #9
Chapter 8: Awesome story~
Can't wait for the next update