The Princes of North and South

Jinki wasn't fearless, in fact he was really scared to face the Huns. Yet he must lead a ver inexeperienced army to a war to protect their land and families. Prior to last night, he maynhave gone to war without regrets but now, after Sunggyu's confession, he was praying that he'll make it out alive, he still wanted to make it official with Sunggyu.

With full battle gear and a desire to return to their family and loved ones, they headed towards the border.

"Remember that this is a fight for our country, for the women and children of Koryo." Jinki shouted and soon the men of Koryo shouted back with determination.

Jinki gripped the sword thightly as he waited for the enemy's move, and he prayed that they could make it out alive. "please Sunggyu, wait for me." He uttered.

Sunggyu was pacing to and fro as the guards prepared the carriage for the princes. "Hyumg, please stop the circular marathon!" Myungsoo shouted and effectively halted the elder prince. "What's gotten in to you? You were disgusted with the Koryeans before." Myungsoo was curious at the sudden change of behavior.

Sunggyu blushed all of the sudden, and Myungsoo grinned at him and poked his brother's arm. "You like him do you?" Myungsoo teased his brother into confession.

"fine! Okay I like him a lo. Two nights ago I would never care for Koryo but that was two nights ago and I can't lose Jinki now, we haven't even made it official!" Sunggyu shouted, getting the attention of everyone including Eunsook who was grinning at him.

"so you two had finally confessed to each other." She uttered and Sunggyu blushed a deeper shade of red. "I'm glad you both had mutual feelings, and despite being inexperienced in war, Koryeans have great will power and we will strive to protect what is important to us." Eunsook said and Sunggyu nodded.

"It is not just Koryo's battle, It is Yurea's battle too." Sunggyu uttered then went outside to ride a horse. "instruct the soldiers to meet us at the borders, this is our battle." He yelled and the Yurean's entourage nodded.

"Brother!" Myungsoo shouted.

"Whatever happens, take care of both kingdoms." Sunggyu said and Myungsoo was dumbfonded. Sunggyu smiled at his brother and then to Taemin who was standing next to Eunsook. "If I faced mine, so can you." He uttered and then took off with the horse.

"you better be my best man hyung!" Myungsoo shouted and Sunggyu raised his hand to wave at his brother.

The waiting was really nerve racking for the people of Koryo, but even if the Prince was feeling it, he's not letting it show, but not to Jonghyun. The royal guard sat next to the prince and patted his shoulder. "You seemed to be in trouble hyung." Jonghyun asked and Jinki sighed.

"I am willing to sacrifice my life for my country you know that Jonghyun." Jinki started and Jonghyun nodded. "but that was before I confessed." At the prince's words, Jonghyun smiled wide and happy for his prince. "He technically confessed first, but I kissed him." Jinki uttered with a faint blush on his cheeks.

"oh my gosh you did? Oh gosh hyung!!!" Jonghyun was genuinely happy for the prince, he of all people knew the pain he had endured for this day to arrive.

"He fell asleep before I got to ask him." Jinki said and Jonghyun laughed loudly at that. 

"we wil reach the border in two days, We may not be the best in fighting but this is our territory." Jonghyun said and Jinki nodded.

Sunggyu was riding in full speed, he can't lose a single second, he has to be with Jinki. He held the reigns when the Koryean camp was nearby. His heart raised a tousand fold as he neared the place, the only thing in is mind was Jinki, nothing else.

"Halt!" A soldier shouted.

"we are from Yurea, Prince Sunggyu will aid your kingdom." Hoya shouted back and soon a familiar face appeared.

"Your majesty, please enter." Minho uttered and the soldiers let the delegation enter.

Jinki met with the Yureans and as soon as Sunggyu got down from the horse he was riding, he ran towards Jinki and locked their lips. "don't you ever leave me like this!" He shouted and Jinki was caught by surprise.

"It's not safe here." Jinki argued.

"this is not your fight, this is our fight." Sunggyu replied.

"but..." Jinki started but Sunggyu shook his head.

"our fight, no buts" Sunggyu said and Jinki could only smile to that.

"the Yurean army is travelling as we speak, it will take around five days to reach the Koryean border." Hoya told the prince.

"if that is the case, then this is our fight, for Koryo and Yurea." Jinki announced and Sunggyu held his hand and smiled at him.

"For Koryo and Yurea." Sunggyu and the rest repeated.

By dawn they set on a journey towards the border, all armies setting their own pace and all were ready for battle. They were prepared to die, yet their determinstion to return to their loved nes was stronger. Jinki was afraid beyond words but with Sunggyu holding his hand, he had gained confidence to face a formidable foe.
The armies faced each other at the border, the leaders stared at each other to intmidate the foe. Yet they were all strong and fierce. Despite being outnumbered, the Koryeans have faith and they have back up coming.

"We came to get our land, and you shall bow down to our emperor." The supposed leader shouted But Jinki held his ground.

"No conqueror would step on our soil, our blood, sweat and tears shall shed to protect the earth we rightfully own." Jinki shouted back, fierce and firm.

"Then a fight we shall have." The Hun leader shouted and on cue, the Huns charged towards the Koryean men.

"vanquish the enemy, protect our land, secure our children's future." Jinki shouted and the men all screamed heir battle cry before they charged towards the enemy.

The clashing of swords and metals, the sound of pain and the sight of blood, the borders transformed into a blood pool. Each man for himself, kill or be killed, as ghey swung te might swords and make it slice through flesh. The horrid view was inevitable, it wasn't for the weakest of heart, but in a war you have no options; to survive, you must learn to kill persons who you will regard as the enemy.

Jinki was strong and perhapsone of the best fighters of Koryo. Despite the lack of experience the prince has and his training was from strong hunters. Yet this did not dampen the spirit of the young prince as he strike each lethal blow and men far older than him fell and perish. He was strong, he needed to be formthe Koryeans who looked up to their prince, a gallant fighter and a blue blooded Koryean. Despite having a strong will and facade, he has one weakness, the Yurean Prince.

Sunggyu may loom weak but his hands were swift and his body trained to fend off attackers. His moves were flawless and the sword on his hand mercilessly cut through flesh. The Yurean Prince is a force to be reckon with, true to its words of Yurea as a kingdom of wealth and power. He has his flaws and he has his weakness yet despite it all, he was strongest, because he had beside him his confidence and strength, in the person of the Koryean Prince.

"sire, they are far too many." Minho called out but Jinki was not going to surrender, he did once and he almost lost a chance to be with Sunggyu, he won't do it twice.

"Stand your grounds, we will fight till the end." Jinki shouted and the guard nodded and commanded his platon to charge.

"Jonghyun!" Jiki called out and te guard approached him. "My sister, I entrust her to you." He said and then dashed off to charge at the Huns.

It looked a lot like a never ending battle, and the soil was already stained scarlet. The blood that spilled from countless bodies smelled foul as the hours passed, yet no one dared to surrender, no one wanted to claim defeat. 

The Yurean fleet was near, and they smelled the senc of blood. They knew it was a tad bit late, but they hoped theyweren't too late. As they crossed the thicket to the borders, they heard and saw their prince in pain, a battle cry the never wanted to hear yet it fueled ter sols and filled their bodies with courage.

The Huns were far from weak, they are a challenge. Yet in a battle that seemed like nothing more but chaos, the Huns kew what will make their enemies fall. They surronded the Yrean prnce and the threat had been Jinki's weakness. The Koryean prnce did wha is hesrt dictated and soon, it was a battle of two princes. But two against many, it was bound to end bitterly. As an arrow flew to te direction of Sunggyu, Jinki had embraced the prince and took the shot; the arrow lodged deep inside the Koryean Prince.

"I love you" were the last words of the prince and the tears on Sunggyu's eyes instantly fell as royaluards protected them.

"I love yo so please don't leave me." Sunggyu mutterd and kissed the fallen prince's lips and before he screamed a heartwrenching sound.

He took the Koryean Sword wit his left hand, the Yurean Sword on his right, and led the men both Koryan and Yurean, the shall fiish eac and every Hun, no exception.

"FOR KORYO AND YUREA, WE ARE NOT JUST MEN OF DIFFERENT LAND, RATHER BROTHERS OF ONE RACE. FIGHT FOR OUR LAND AND SHOW NO MERCY!" Sunggyu shouted and the  troops, both Koryean and Yurean fleet charged and pulverized each and every Hun. 

Sunggyu charged towars the leader and with one swift move, he beheaded the man and raised his bloody sword. "YOUR LEADER HAD FALLEN, SURRENDER YOUR RMS OR SUFFER THE SAME FATE." Sunggyu shouted and one by one the swords fell and the Koryeans and Yureans cheered as they captured the remaining Huns.

Unggyu was panting as the fight had takrn a toll on his body, yet he can only tink of one ting at thr moment, the fallen prince, the love of his life, Jinki was slowly slipping away fro him.

"Don't go!" Sunggyu's voice was desparate as he tried to cary the prince's body towards safety. Seeing the difficulty he was having, Jonghyun took the prince and ran towards safety, where the medics were on stand by; they can only pray for Jinki's survival.

A/N: well Gyu isn't all girly right? Sooooooooooo shall I or Shan't I kill the prince of Koryo?? Wahaah ending up next ^^


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Chapter 8: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew JongHyun's words would work with them kkkk~ MyungSoo and Taemin? (you should call him TaeYeon, you know, like Onew and Eunsook, but it doesn't matter^^) that's a couple I never thought before ._____. but I liked it*-* ah~ I really enjoyed this fic~ so good :3
Chapter 8: This is so cute!! Jinki love gyu already huh..hahaha aigo
Chapter 8: triple updates to completeness! wow!!
Ongyu moment is really very fluffy feel and gosh! why aren't they close in real life too!!
but somehow my MyungGyu feel is in heat..haha! and I saw your ONE SHOT! I AM GOING TO READ!! :))))))
Chapter 8: OMG it was amazing. I loved the ending.
You are right to make Myungsoo and Taemin as emperor and empress. How do I condense three chapters worth of wonder in a few words? If anyone reads the comments before the end, my comment may act as a spoiler.
I just loved it. Great great story :D
Chapter 5: Omg....author-nim that's mean on Sunggyu!! Hahahahahahaha... to make him do girlish scream and act as teenage girl.. Totally cute!! but........the r/s or confession is a long wait!! U made me miss OnGyu affection badly now.. I want it badly!! Lol.
Chapter 5: Hmmm jinki tne hunk
Chapter 4: Such a down to earth prince, laboring alongside his countrymen for their prosperity. Is Sunggyu developing feelings for the Onew he is discovering?? seems like it :D
Chapter 3: Snotty Gyu put in his place by the younger brother ;)
Well done Onew. You were right to refuse. Attitude of the ruler filters down to the people and Koryeans would have fared badly under the present Sunggyu.
Chapter 2: Omg!! Sunggyu is not good in hiding feelings...

Is it mintae or myungtae?? I wanna see myungtae ahahwhah weird right