The Princes of North and South

The tour of the palace took little time as it wasn’t as elaborate as the Yurean Palace which prided itself with the modern structures made of stone. But the craftsmanship of the Koryean people in building the palace was commendable. 


“If I may ask Princess Taemin, where is Prince Onew?” Myungsoo suddenly asked as they sipped homegrown tea.


“he’s working at the moment, but would you wish to visit him?” She asked and Myungsoo nodded.


“I have some questions to ask and it would be great if I could talk to him.” Myungsoo replied and Taemin nodded.


“I see, it will be a bit of a travel, are you willing to do so?” She asked and myungsoo nodded.

 “I am not going anywhere.” Sunggyu uttered and Taemin nodded in understanding.


“Minho, prepare the carriage.” Taemin instructed and the guard took his leave. 


In an hour’s time, the princess boarded her carriage and gave the instruction to her men. Minho would be riding close to her carriage while the Yurean entourage followed behind them. Myungsoo was again grinning as the brother pouted across him as they made their way towards Koryo’s prized territories, the Golden Valley.The valley was a haven for agriculture since Prince Onew had discovered it a few years back. The land was fertile and the country’s main source of rice and produce come from this place. Taemin then led them towards a humble house where a girl resembling Prince Onew welcomed them warmly, 


“Prince Onew?” Myungsoo asked, bewildered at the transformation.


The girl chuckled and flashed him a smile that was reminiscent of the Koryean prince. “You must be mistaken your highness. I am Eunsook, Prince Onew’s twin sister.” She said then led them inside. She prepared them tea and some pastries before she tended to the questions Myungsoo had been dying to ask. She laughed lightheartedly and smiled at the younger. 


“He was adopted when we were three since the King and Queen were giving up on having heirs of their own. I was supposed to be a princess but I wouldn’t want the responsibility that accompanied it.” She said and Myungsoo nodded in understanding while Sunbggyu scoffed. 


“Noona!” They heard a familiar voice and everyone turned to see Jonghyun in farm working clothes and was sweating furiously. “Oh, Your majesty.” He bowed to the three royals in the house.


“Yes Jonghyun?” She asked back and Jonghyun cocked his head towards outside. “He doesn’t want to stop for lunch?” She asked and Jonghyun nodded making Eunsook sigh. “I’ll go get him. Wash up and set the table, Key has been working hard for this lunch.” She said and excused herself to tend his twin brother.


“I’ll change, please wait for a while.” Jonghyun excused himself.


“Wait, is Key cooking?” Woohyun jumped on his feet and caught the royal guard just in time.


“yes he is, the kitchen is that way.” Jonghyun directed his hands to the direction of the kitchen and Woohyun thanked him before going his way.


Eunsook emerged from the back door a few minutes later with a smile on her face that really resembled his twin brother. “Jinki will join us soon.” She announced and both Myungsoo and Sunggyu gaped at her. “Jinki is Prince Onew’s birth name, but when he’s here, he wants to be addressed as Jinki.” She said and both of them nodded. 


By lunch time, Jinki entered the house and the Yurean delegates gaped at the prince. Jinki was wearing a sleeveless shirt paired up with dark work pants. The muscles in his arms were revealing too much to be left unnoticed and Sunggyu felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of the Koryean prince.


“I will excuse myself your majesties, I will change into something decent." Jinki said and turn towards his room to change into something presentable.


Sunggyu was captivated at the very least seeing how attractive Jinki was in his ordinary clothes, something he won't confess anytime soon. After Jinki changed into something decent, he went to join the guests in the dining room. Taemin gestured for a seat between her and Sunggyu but he politely declined and opt for a chair next to Jonghyun. Lunch ws ather quie which was unbearable that Key initiated a conversation askinthe princes about their opinion of Koruo. Myngsoo relayed his stiry with glee, how he had fun even if he had been exploring in just a few hours. The Koryeans smiled gratefully at the Yurean prince whom hd been a very fun guest so far. Sunggyu just shrugged his shoulders and said so-so. Woohyun shared his delight in the Koryean culture and would love to experience more, winking at the Koryean eunuch who bust out laughing. And by the end of lunch, they have exchanged stories and looked like were best of friends for the longest time.


Jinki excused himself afterwards and tended to te rice paddies that were due to be harvested in a few weeks time. Jinki felt at peace with nature rather thsn face the Yurean prince who looked down upon his race. He was sentimental seeing Sunggyu whom he had high regards with but his behavior, Jinki can't help but be remorseful with him. As he walked acroos the rice paddies and took in the scent of leaves, he can't help but feel hurt seeing the prince in his sanctuary, and worse was that he had to act all civil to him despite the urges to slap the bratty xcuse for a prince.


"Jinki hyung." Jonghn called out and Jinki looked up from his reverie to find Jonghyun offering warm tea, the younger knew him too well. Jinki took the cup and smiled at the younger gratefully. " bothered?" Jonghyun asked and Jinki nodded.


"I just can't fathom why he hated Koryeans when we did nothing against their kingdom." Jinki said and Jonghyun nodded. 


"We can't please everyone." Came Jonghyun's reply. 


They watched the sun set in silence, mulling over the things he'll have to do to elevate the lives of his countrymen.


"Hyung, I wonder if Prince Myungsoo is interested with Princess Taemin." jonghyun blurted out and Jinki smiled a bit.


"I wouldn't mind if he does, Taemin would be better in his hands." Jinki replied and fixed his gaze on the setting sun. "What if they et together instead of me and Prince Sunggyu?" Jinki asked outloud and Jonghyun chuckled next to him.


"It is a possibility hyung but would the teo welcome the idea?" jonghun asked back and Jinki was silent. "We both know how much you wanted your sisters to be married to tne ones the love and you wouldn't sacrifice Taemin's happiness for it." Jonghyun added and Jinki sighed.


"Don't worry Jonghyun I approve of you for my twin sister." Jinki blurted out and the royal guard blushed a shade darker than the setting sun.


"Thanks hyung." Jonghyun replied and they reurned to watching the sunset fil the place with oranges and reds.


They returned for diner which Eunsook cooked together with Key and Woohyun. Jinki st next to his sister and avoided the gaze of anyone, he prefered to be invicible at the moment. Jinki evaded every question asked and kept the silence on his part. He doesn't want to pug a facade for the guests because he wasn't a lie and he was a bad actor. 


The dinner ended and Eunsook led them to their rooms while the Koryeans took the living room and placed their beddings while Eunsook led the princess to her room. Sunggu observed Jinki's actions and he felt something was off, like the prince was avoidinhim; perhaps because he felt embarassed for calling off the unification. 


When tne lights were put off and everyone was deep in slumber, Jinki got out of his makeshift bed ad exited tnrough the back door. He sat under the shade of the glorious oak tree and looked up at the glowing silver moon. A placid smile graced his face before he let out the tears he was hiding all this time.


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Chapter 8: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew JongHyun's words would work with them kkkk~ MyungSoo and Taemin? (you should call him TaeYeon, you know, like Onew and Eunsook, but it doesn't matter^^) that's a couple I never thought before ._____. but I liked it*-* ah~ I really enjoyed this fic~ so good :3
Chapter 8: This is so cute!! Jinki love gyu already huh..hahaha aigo
Chapter 8: triple updates to completeness! wow!!
Ongyu moment is really very fluffy feel and gosh! why aren't they close in real life too!!
but somehow my MyungGyu feel is in heat..haha! and I saw your ONE SHOT! I AM GOING TO READ!! :))))))
Chapter 8: OMG it was amazing. I loved the ending.
You are right to make Myungsoo and Taemin as emperor and empress. How do I condense three chapters worth of wonder in a few words? If anyone reads the comments before the end, my comment may act as a spoiler.
I just loved it. Great great story :D
Chapter 5: Omg....author-nim that's mean on Sunggyu!! Hahahahahahaha... to make him do girlish scream and act as teenage girl.. Totally cute!! but........the r/s or confession is a long wait!! U made me miss OnGyu affection badly now.. I want it badly!! Lol.
Chapter 5: Hmmm jinki tne hunk
Chapter 4: Such a down to earth prince, laboring alongside his countrymen for their prosperity. Is Sunggyu developing feelings for the Onew he is discovering?? seems like it :D
Chapter 3: Snotty Gyu put in his place by the younger brother ;)
Well done Onew. You were right to refuse. Attitude of the ruler filters down to the people and Koryeans would have fared badly under the present Sunggyu.
Chapter 2: Omg!! Sunggyu is not good in hiding feelings...

Is it mintae or myungtae?? I wanna see myungtae ahahwhah weird right