The Princes of North and South

The next meeting of the two princes was nothing short of a drama. They met on  the same canopy on the borders of both kingdoms and this time, it was Onew who had thrown the punch so to speak.


“I am sorry your highnesses but I will have to turn down the unification or Koryo and  Yurea.” Onew spoke as calm as he could and waited for their violent reactions.


“this can’t be, Koryo needs Yurea’s financial aid to help boost your economy.” Siwon argued, he was stating a big fact that Onew knew was the only way for their kingdom to survive especially now that the Hun dynasty of Mongolia is  threatening to invade Koryo.


“We will have to stand on our own and work out our finances on our own. As future King of Koryo, it is my responsibility to take care of my people and I will using my own way.” Onew stated firmly and Henry shook his head.


“Have you thought about it over?” Henry asked his son and Onew nodded.


“yes father, I had been thinking about for a long time and the resolution that came is such.” He replied and Henry nodded.


“You can’t back out Onew, you have to do marry Sunggyu to save your kingdom.” Heechul tried to convince the prince.


“Don’t stop him if he wants to back out.” Sunggyu said then stood to leave, but he was conflicted with the actions of the prince.


“I am deeply sorry for my actions your highnesses.” Onew bowed low and Heechul let her tears out as she ran towards Onew and hugged him.


“It’s okay my dear prince, we will try to understand.” Heechul muttered as she held the prince in his arms. “But always remember that we are your allies.” Heechul said and Onew nodded.


“Can I still call you Auntie?” Onew asked and that made Heechul smile wide.


“I would love that.” Heechul replied and soon the two families went back to their respective kingdoms.


Once back in their castle, Henry had dragged his son towards his study and demanded an explanation. He was mad at his son not because he turned down the unification but because he decided things on his own without even informing them.


“I need you to explain things to me Jinki.” Henry said and Onew knew not to mess with his father especially now because Henry never uses his birth name unless he was extremely serious.


“Yes Father.” Onew uttered and sat down on the chair in front of his father. “I am sorry for deciding things on my own. He started and Henry shook his head.


“I want explanation not an apology.” Henry said and Onew nodded again.


“The financial aspects of the unification is very inviting father but the repercussion on our people is something I am most afraid of. The differences in the lifestyles and values of both kingdom would only bring discrimination for our people and we may end up as puppets on Yurea’s leaders’ strings.” Onew explained.


“Heechul and Siwon would never do that.” Henry uttered.


“The king and Queen may not but the unified country will not be under their power, it will be shared between me and Sunggyu.” Onew replied.


“Are you saying that Sunggyu would take advantage of our kingdom?” Henry asked and Onew shook his head.


“It’s not him but the counsel.” Onew said and Henry let out a sigh.


“I guess you had thought things over Onew, I was right to have you as my son.” Henry said and gave his son a pat on the shoulder. “And I thought you did this to evade the impending wedding.” Henry remarked and Onew swallowed hard.


“I think of my people before myself father, If the unification is the only way, I would sacrifice whatever freedom I have  for my country.” Onew said and Henry hinted the sadness in his son’s tone.


“I believe you my son.” Henry said and  allowed  Onew to leave.


Sunggyu was angry at the Koryean prince and Woohyun was confused. “Why are you hating him now that the wedding was called off? You said that you don’t want to get married with him and his race so why the outburst?” Woohyun asked and Sunggyu glared at him.


“You have no right to talk back to your prince. Learn your position Woohyun.” Sunggyu pointed a finger at the eunuch. “How dare that so-called prince to look down upon me? Was I not worthy to a ruler of a unified country? For all I care, he just wanted us to beg for it.” Sunggyu huffed. “It only proved how selfish he was, he will never get the riches of Yurea.” Sunggyu announced to his only audience and Woohyun shook his head.


“I am sorry your majesty.” Woohyun uttered and bowed his head in respect to the angered prince.


“Hyung, I am going to the Northern Kingdom want to come?” Myungsoo asked a few days after the meeting and Sunggyu glared at his brother.


“What for?” Sunggyu asked back.


“I want to tour the place and Princess Taemin promised that she will take me on a tour of her kingdom.” Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders.


“What to see on that barren kingdom? I am not interested.” Sunggyu waved his hand in disinterest.


“You are so mean hyung.” Myungsoo uttered, clearly not liking the attitude of his brother. “They may not be rich in material things but at least they are rich in values and humility” Myungsoo defended the people of Koryo. “unlike someone I know.” He then walked out and left the gaping brother to ponder on his own.


Two days after, Myungsoo went on a journey to Koryo and he was smirkingwhen his brother joined him on the trip. Sunggyu glared at him and asked him to shut up, though Myungsoo obliged, he was s till controlling the chuckles, making Sunggyu pout heavily.


The trip to Koryo was peaceful and despite being known as an arid land, the people had been working hard to till the lands and it surprised them of the beauty the land held as they passed by the borders and travelled in the realm of the Koryean people.


“Halt, who crosses the border and dared to enter the Northern Kingdom?” One of the guards asked and Dongwoo uttered the response.


“Greetings from the royal highness, the 2nd prince of Yurea, Prince Myungsoo. He has been invited by Princess Taemin .” Dongwoo shouted and the guards bowed and acknowledged the entourage.


“very well, we are here to you to the palace, I am Minho, the royal guard of Princess Taemin,” Minho introduced himself and Dongwoo nodded.


“my pleasure Minho, I am Dongwoo, the prince’s royal guard.” Dongwoo uttered.


After the introductions, Minho led the Yurean entourage to the castle. Myungsoo was gleaming with delight as nature flourished in the northern land, truly the people had been working hard to reach where they are now. The palace wasn’t extravagant like the Yurean castle but the architecture was exquisite. Myungsoo was delighted to see the mahogany and oak that made the foundations of the single story palace.


“Prince Myungsoo, welcome to our humble land.” Taemin greeted him and Myungsoo couldn’t help but smile at the beauty of the place.


“The pleasure’s all mine Princess, the view is spectacular.” Myungsoo replied while Sunggyu puffed his cheeks, he won’t admit the fact that he liked the trip so far

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Chapter 8: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew JongHyun's words would work with them kkkk~ MyungSoo and Taemin? (you should call him TaeYeon, you know, like Onew and Eunsook, but it doesn't matter^^) that's a couple I never thought before ._____. but I liked it*-* ah~ I really enjoyed this fic~ so good :3
Chapter 8: This is so cute!! Jinki love gyu already huh..hahaha aigo
Chapter 8: triple updates to completeness! wow!!
Ongyu moment is really very fluffy feel and gosh! why aren't they close in real life too!!
but somehow my MyungGyu feel is in heat..haha! and I saw your ONE SHOT! I AM GOING TO READ!! :))))))
Chapter 8: OMG it was amazing. I loved the ending.
You are right to make Myungsoo and Taemin as emperor and empress. How do I condense three chapters worth of wonder in a few words? If anyone reads the comments before the end, my comment may act as a spoiler.
I just loved it. Great great story :D
Chapter 5: Omg....author-nim that's mean on Sunggyu!! Hahahahahahaha... to make him do girlish scream and act as teenage girl.. Totally cute!! but........the r/s or confession is a long wait!! U made me miss OnGyu affection badly now.. I want it badly!! Lol.
Chapter 5: Hmmm jinki tne hunk
Chapter 4: Such a down to earth prince, laboring alongside his countrymen for their prosperity. Is Sunggyu developing feelings for the Onew he is discovering?? seems like it :D
Chapter 3: Snotty Gyu put in his place by the younger brother ;)
Well done Onew. You were right to refuse. Attitude of the ruler filters down to the people and Koryeans would have fared badly under the present Sunggyu.
Chapter 2: Omg!! Sunggyu is not good in hiding feelings...

Is it mintae or myungtae?? I wanna see myungtae ahahwhah weird right