The Princes of North and South



Morning came and Sunggyu would never admit the fact that it was peaceful and wonderful. It was still early gauging from the darkness outside the bedroom , window but had decided to wake up to drink some water. He walked towards te kitchen and saw Eunsook already preparing breakfast. He greeted the hostess and asked for a glass of water. Eunsook handed him the drink and askd if he wanted anything in particular for breakfast. The prince shook his head and drank the water when he heard the sounds of chopping wood.


"It's Jinki." She answered the unspoken question. "He does manual labor when he wants to think about things." she elaborated and Sungyu could only nod at it. Eunsook then sighed loudly, getting the attention of the Yurean prince.


"I pity him sometimes, he pushes himself too much and it urts to see him suffer for the sake of others. I haven't seen such selfless man in my entire life and I feel blessed to be his sister." Eunsook stated and smiled at Sunggyu. "I know my brother is not a prince by birth but he is a prince by heart." Eunsook then took a deep breath and turned back to the stove. "He is an ordinary man who is willing to do extraordinary things for the people he cares for." She ended and Sunggyu couldn't muster a reply. 


Sunggyu made his way out the back door and tne sight of Jinki chopping firewood had stirred a lot of emotions inside him; he felt touched, happy, proud, angered and jealous all at the same time. He observed the prince lift the axe and splitt he wood in half, the toned arms flexing with each swift move, and Sunggy really couldn't understand why he was starting to like seeing him all of the sudden.


"It's still early your majesty." The sudden greeting from Jonghyun made Sunggyu jump a little bit. "I apologize if I gave ou a fright our highness." Jonghyun said and Sunggyu puffed his cheeks and then pouted.


"You almost gave me a hear attack." Sunggyu explained and Jonghyun chuckled.


"Jinki hyung, let's have breakfast." Jonghyun called out but Jinki paid no heed to the call. "Hyung, you are chopping too many firewood that the forest might go bald!" Jonghyun sneered and Jink sighed and kept the axe.


He walked towards the house and bowed at Sunggyu before entering his room and taking out some clothes and taking a shower and sitting in front of the table. Sunggyu sat across him and Jinki instantly bowed at him. 


"Stop bowing!" Sunggyu shouted and Jinki nodded and muttered his apology to the prince who puffed nis cheeks and turned to his food. 


When breakfast was done, Jinki excusedhimsef and once again disappeared into the back door. Sunggyu was sure that the Koryean prince was avoiding him and that was unfair because Jinki was the one who broke the engagement. He decided that he'll follow the young prince and give him his two cents.


Sunggyu followed Jinki out into the backyard, the prince was far more curious than he usually was and it surprised himself with it. Jinki walked towards the rice field, the padies were full of green plants waiting for the harvest in the coming weeks. Jinki continued to walk towards the lone tree in the middle of the paddies and sat on the large root. He then looked at Sunggyu and gestured for the prince to it down as they waited for the sunrise.


"The sunrise and sunset in Koryo is breathtaking." Jinki uttered and Sunggyu nodded and took a seat next to Jinki.


They waited in silence and as soon as the majestic sun peaked from the darkness and filled the place with golden yellow rays, Sunggyu was mesmerized by the beauty of its natural glow. They bask in the simplicity of nature, of its beauty untainted by humans and how he missed such peaceful life he may have never experienced until now.


"Beautiful isn't it?" Jinki asked and Sunggyu could onl nod agreement, he words weren't enough to convey the warmth he was feeling right now.


Jinki then stood and walke towards a bull attached to a plow. Sunggyu was even more intrigued as to why the prince would do manual labor so he just followed him as he led the bull towards the field. Jinki is an expert farmer, in Sunggyu's opinion and with his toned arms, Sunggyu can definitely conclude that he's a total keeper, at least physically.


Sunggyu followed Jinki through the fields, Jinki prepping the soil for the wheat to be planted. It amazed Sunggyu that a trained prince could actually do such dirty job and be goo d at it. Sunggyu followed Jinki as he made rounds, plowing the soil as he guided the bull towards the right direction when Sunggyu tripped on a fairly large rock and slipped down on the muddy earth, falling on his while letting out a girlish scream. Jinki ran to nis side, checking his ankles and concluding that the prince has sprained his ankle.


Sunggyu flushed at the next scene because just like a cheesy romance novel, Jinki had carried him bridal style and made his way back to the house. Sunggyu held on to his neck, blushing a deeper shade as he inhaled the scent of the Koryean prince, a scent that intoxicated him yet calmed him at the same time. Sunggyu couldn't believe himself, was he falling for this man whom he loathed from the very start?


Jinki settled Sunggyu on the bed and attended to his ankle, binding it with bandages and assuring the prince that they will have it checked by a medic the soonest. The blush on sunggyu's cheek became permanent after that and he had wanted to kick himself repeatedly for the way he was behaving but the attention he got from Jinki was making him smile and feel giddy inside.


"You should rest your majesty." Was the only words Jinki spoke to him the whole day and it was dinner time, and he was sulking pretty badly.


"Your majesty, your dinner." Woohyun uttered but Sunggyu was sort of expecting the prince rather than the eunuch.


"I am not hungry." Sunggyu replied and Woohyun grinned at him. 


"could it be because you were expecting someone else your majesty?" Woohun teased and Sunggyu can't help but blush to that but scowled at the eunuch. "Jinki hyung said it's not that serious but if you want we can go back to the palace and have you checked." Woohyun added and Sungu raised a brow.


"Jinki hyung?" Sunggyu asked and Woohyun nodded.


"He told me I could call him that but I shall call him Prince Onew whenever suited." Woohyun explained and Sunggyu nodded.


They then heard a knock and Jinki entered the room. "Pardon the intrusion your majesty, I will just get some clothes to change." Jinki uttered and gestured towards the dresser.


"Sunggyu." Sunggyu uttered in response. "just call me Sunggyu." Sunggyu said, lowering his head to hide his crimson cheeks.


"Oh, Sunggyu-ssi, can I?" Jinki asked and Sunggyu was bewildered by it. "my clothes." Jiki said and Sungyu nodded. 


"Yes you may Ji-Jinki ssi." Sunggyu replied, it's the first time they oth addressed themselve informally.


"Thank you." Jinki flashed a small smile and grabbed his clothes before leaving the room.


Once Jinki was out of the room, Woohyun let out the laughter that he had been holding. It was a hearty laughter, but Sunggy wasn't liking it. "will you shut up?" Sungu shouted at the eunuch who tried to control himself.


"I am sorry your majesty, you certainly sounded a lot like a teenage girl." Woohyun remarked and he earned a hard punch on the arm.


"I do not!" Sunggyu argued but bit his lower lip and looked at the eunuch. "Did I?" He ked and Woohyun nodded making Sunggyu groan in frustration.


"Maybe you are starting to like Jinki hyung because you are now actually witnessing who he really is" Woohyun remarked and Sunggyu has words to ponder

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merry christmas everyone


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Chapter 8: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew JongHyun's words would work with them kkkk~ MyungSoo and Taemin? (you should call him TaeYeon, you know, like Onew and Eunsook, but it doesn't matter^^) that's a couple I never thought before ._____. but I liked it*-* ah~ I really enjoyed this fic~ so good :3
Chapter 8: This is so cute!! Jinki love gyu already huh..hahaha aigo
Chapter 8: triple updates to completeness! wow!!
Ongyu moment is really very fluffy feel and gosh! why aren't they close in real life too!!
but somehow my MyungGyu feel is in heat..haha! and I saw your ONE SHOT! I AM GOING TO READ!! :))))))
Chapter 8: OMG it was amazing. I loved the ending.
You are right to make Myungsoo and Taemin as emperor and empress. How do I condense three chapters worth of wonder in a few words? If anyone reads the comments before the end, my comment may act as a spoiler.
I just loved it. Great great story :D
Chapter 5: Omg....author-nim that's mean on Sunggyu!! Hahahahahahaha... to make him do girlish scream and act as teenage girl.. Totally cute!! but........the r/s or confession is a long wait!! U made me miss OnGyu affection badly now.. I want it badly!! Lol.
Chapter 5: Hmmm jinki tne hunk
Chapter 4: Such a down to earth prince, laboring alongside his countrymen for their prosperity. Is Sunggyu developing feelings for the Onew he is discovering?? seems like it :D
Chapter 3: Snotty Gyu put in his place by the younger brother ;)
Well done Onew. You were right to refuse. Attitude of the ruler filters down to the people and Koryeans would have fared badly under the present Sunggyu.
Chapter 2: Omg!! Sunggyu is not good in hiding feelings...

Is it mintae or myungtae?? I wanna see myungtae ahahwhah weird right