The Princes of North and South

a/N: I will just have to cut the story into chunks


It has been eighteen years since he was adopted and Jinki was more than deserving of his title as the Koryean Prince. He was a hard worker and he had helped so much to elevate the status of Koryo, the poverty level was decreased and their land had grown so much. Yet amidst the victories the monarch had achieved, they remained humble and had been the role model of the Koryean family, bonded and simple, and achievers.


“Onew, I hope you will forgive us with the decision we had made for you.” Henry started as he sat across prince who was busy studying a piece of scroll.


“What is it father?” Onew asked and Henry sighed and looked at him in the eye.


“We had decided to marry you off.” Henry said and Onew sighed audibly. “With the prince of Yurea.” Henry finished and Onew was shocked beyond words. “I really am sorry Onew, it is our only way to help our kingdom.” Henry added and Onew closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


“I understand father, but a union of two princes, is that even allowed?” Onew asked and Henry nodded. “For Koryo, I will do it.” Onew smiled and Henry appreciated that they chose the perfect son to be the prince of their kingdom.


“Absolutely not!” Sunggyu stood up and shouted back to his father. Siwon was expecting this, he had known Sunggyu’s ill behavior and he had enough of it, this time, the King will have his word across.


“Yes you are and you are most definitely getting married and both kingdoms shall be united under the two of you.” Siwon shouted back to his son while the queen and the second prince just stared at them.  “On the second day of next month, you two shall meet and we will arrange the wedding.” Siwon uttered and left the dining table.


Sunggyu was furious about it, an arranged marriage and to a prince of a poverty stricken kingdom.


“Your Majesty, Please calm down.”  Sunggyu’s eunuch and best friend uttered as he handed the prince a glass of water.


“How can I calm down when they want me to marry a prince whose kingdom is undeserving! They will just use Yurea’s wealth!” Sunggyu shouted and Woohyun sighed next to him.


“So you are not even bothered that that you were arranged to marry a prince but hated that he is from  Koryo?” Woohyuun clarified and Sunggyu looked at him in bewilderment. “You are bound to marry a prince.” Woohyun reiterated and Sunggyu kicked the nearest thing he could reach and that happened to be the bed post which earned him a groan.


Woohyun laughed hard but the painful groans of the prince alerted his royal guards, Hoya and Dongwoo, who rushed inside the room with their swords unsheathed. “are you okay your majesty?” Hoya asked and Sunggyu glared at them,


“Get out!” He shouted then plopped himself on the bed.


“I will take my leave your majesty.” Woohyun excused himself and left Sunggyu sighed and closed his eyes.


The meeting of two princes was unsightly and it turned ugly. They had decided to meet on the borders of the two kingdoms, a canopy was setup to accommodate the meeting. Both kingdoms had given their share, of food and wine, and of servants and guards.  Onew was prim and proper, impressing Heechul who had taken an instant liking to the prince as Henry introduced him. She was delighted to see the prince.


“I am getting jealous Heechul.” Siwon uttered and Heechul laughed gracefully.


“He is adorable honey.” Heechul remarked then turned to the King and Queen. “You have a cutie for a son, I am impressed.” She said and the two bowed to thank her.


“We did what we could your majesty.” Ryeowook replied and Heechul glared at her


“and what is this behavior Ryeowook? I thought thatwe had an understanding about this?” Heechul uttered and Ryeowook smiled and nodded.


“I am sorry Heechul eonnie.” She said and Heechul flashed a smile.


Onew approached the Yurean prince but Sunggyu adamantly ignored him. Myungsoo sighed and accepted his greeting, Introducing himself and his older brother. Onew smiled warmly and it made Myungsoo smile as well, the bright smile was contagious.


“this is my sister, Taemin.” Onew introduced and  Myungsoo politely kissed her hand as a sign of respect.


“It is nice to meet you, your majesties.” Taemin uttered and soon sat on the chair opposite of the Yurean prince.


Although Onew was well received by Siwon and Heechul, and Myungsoo even, Sunggyu was objecting to it. Siwon sighed and shook his head, it was to be expected from a prince who had lived a grandeur life and had high expectations in life and his potential partner. But Sunggyu had to admit that the Koryean prince was handsome at the very least, and his smile was amazingly captivating.


The meeting went well despite the objections, mostly from Sunggyu who had been objecting to everything. Surely, Onew had felt that Sunggyu was really not going to cooperate with him but then again, that is to be expected since what can a Koryean prince offer a Yurean prince? They have no precious jewels nor expensive crafts, just their hard work and loyalty.


“He seemed nice hyung.” Myungsoo blurted out as they entered their carriage.


“Still, he’s from Koryo.” Sunggyu smugly replied as he plopped down on the seat of the carriage.


“Prince Myungsoo is a charmer.” Taemin commented and Onew nodded to agree as he helped the sister get inside the carriage.


“would you want to marry him then?” Onew asked and Taemin laughed loudly.


“Do not pass the responsibility to me brother, your betrothal to Prince Sunggyu is final.” She uttered and Onew frowned at that.


“he doesn’t like it, I’d rather not push it.” Onew remarked and Taemin nodded in understanding.


“I am sorry brother.” She uttered and Onew flashed her a smile.


“it is okay Don’t worry.” Onew uttered and looked out into the changing horizons of the Koryean Forest.

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Chapter 8: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew JongHyun's words would work with them kkkk~ MyungSoo and Taemin? (you should call him TaeYeon, you know, like Onew and Eunsook, but it doesn't matter^^) that's a couple I never thought before ._____. but I liked it*-* ah~ I really enjoyed this fic~ so good :3
Chapter 8: This is so cute!! Jinki love gyu already huh..hahaha aigo
Chapter 8: triple updates to completeness! wow!!
Ongyu moment is really very fluffy feel and gosh! why aren't they close in real life too!!
but somehow my MyungGyu feel is in heat..haha! and I saw your ONE SHOT! I AM GOING TO READ!! :))))))
Chapter 8: OMG it was amazing. I loved the ending.
You are right to make Myungsoo and Taemin as emperor and empress. How do I condense three chapters worth of wonder in a few words? If anyone reads the comments before the end, my comment may act as a spoiler.
I just loved it. Great great story :D
Chapter 5: Omg....author-nim that's mean on Sunggyu!! Hahahahahahaha... to make him do girlish scream and act as teenage girl.. Totally cute!! but........the r/s or confession is a long wait!! U made me miss OnGyu affection badly now.. I want it badly!! Lol.
Chapter 5: Hmmm jinki tne hunk
Chapter 4: Such a down to earth prince, laboring alongside his countrymen for their prosperity. Is Sunggyu developing feelings for the Onew he is discovering?? seems like it :D
Chapter 3: Snotty Gyu put in his place by the younger brother ;)
Well done Onew. You were right to refuse. Attitude of the ruler filters down to the people and Koryeans would have fared badly under the present Sunggyu.
Chapter 2: Omg!! Sunggyu is not good in hiding feelings...

Is it mintae or myungtae?? I wanna see myungtae ahahwhah weird right