Omo. I'm in Yoseob's house!


'Uncle. I'm going over next door. Have a nice talk, both of you.' I smiled as I put on my coat.

'Byebye!' Min young smiled back. 

I stepped out of the house so that I couldn't see her face. It was too...similar...

I rang the doorbell and Yoseob answered it. 'Ahnyoung! My parents aren't in so feel free to make yourself comfortable.'

The walls that surrounded me was all painted in different patterns and I felt so at....ease......I continued to stare and suddenly bumped into something hard.

'What are YOU doing here?!' 

Ugh. Jung Yunho. It was so stupid of me to forget he lived in the same house as Yoseob.

'Hyung! Don't bother Hyuna, I need to talk to her.'

I cocked my head to one side. So that's why he wanted me to come over....

'Come upstairs, Hyuna. I'll show you my room.' Yoseob grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

Yunho gave a disgusted grunt. 'Make sure she doesn't you, Seobbie.'

My jaw dropped and I looked down at Yunho. What the did he jusy SAY?!

'GO TO HELL, YOU BIRDBRAIN HEAD!' I screeched and tried kicking him.

'H-HYUNA! BE CAREFUL!' Yoseob tugged my arm and I grabbed the rail of the stairs so I wouldn't fall.

Omo....That was close....! I was getting a little dizzy from what just happened but what confused me was that.......the voice that called out......It wasn't Yoseob's.

*In Yoseob's room*

'Wow....It's really neat.' I stared at the floor and his walls. 'Ah.....It's a painting of you!' I pointed at a poster on the side of his wall.

He nodded his head and grinned proudly. 'My umma painted it for me.'

'Is she an artist?'

He shrugged his shoulders. 'Not a popular one. She can only paint if you play some kind of music to her.'


'Dad's a singer, and whatever song he sings, umma would start painting to whatever the song sounds like.'

Whoa. That was so cool....!

'Anyway, I wanted to ask you something.'


'Do you want to become a member of a band?' He leaned forward, closer to me, grinning like a little kid.

'A....member...of a band...?' 

'Ne! You can play the piano, right?' I nodded my head when he asked that question.

'And you can sing too. Yonghwa hyung can play the electric guitar and Yunho can play the drums and sing too. So what do you think? Do you wanna join our  team?' He sat back down, twirling round....and his spinning chair.

'I....I don't know....' I really didn't know. I mean, it sounded cool. But a band....with Yunho in it?

He goes to the same school as I do and right now, he's living next door to my own house. What the hell was I gonna do if I joined the same team as he was in?! I would hear him bag me for 24 hours.

That was something I would like to avoid, thank you very much.


I couldn't reject Yoseob though....'I'll tell you what.'

Yoseob stood up and reached above his cupboard to grab something. His shirt lifted up a bit and I caught a glimpse of his abs. Again.

I covered my eyes and I heard Yoseob sit back down. 'Hyuna....? What are you doing?' He asked with his adorable voice.

'N-Nothing...' I took my hands off and saw that he was holding a small bottle necklace with a piece of paper rolled up in it. 

'Do you want to know what's inside?'

I nodded my head eagerly. It looked so.....Interesting....I couldn't get my eyes off it.

'I'll tell you what's inside it if you join the band.' He laughed.

'What?! That's no fair!' I pouted and tried grabbing it away.

'Heehee. So are you going to join?' 

'When will you tell me what's inside?'

'When I think it's a good time.'

'....Fine. I'll join!'

Yoseob jumped up and did the most epic, cute dance ever. 'KAMSAHMNIDA!'


Ahhhhh..........WHAT IS IN THAT BOTTLE??? It's a secret ;D And you won't know until...........Until you find out. XP MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

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u-know yunho! <3
2 votes for yunho!
Chap8. I really didn't think yunho wud care about hyuna whatsoever. <br />
Can she change into the beautiful skinny hyuna soon?
so interestinggg
kagaki #5
Update please :D
Troll-Face #6
Weeeee neighbours ! ~ Update soon keke ! Wah getting to be neighbours with Yoseob's so coolllll ! XD