Uncle's in loveeee!


---HYUNA'S P.O.V---

Sunday. I don't get why Sundays are called 'Sunday'. What's the point of calling the day that when it's freaking raining? Anyway, I've just woken up in a bad mood because of what happened yesterday.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I promised myself I wouldn't be stupid. Guess that didn't happen. I spent the whole night crying myself to sleep; which is why I was dead tired.

'Hyuna!' My uncle knocked on the door and came in. 'I made breakfast!'

I frowned. 'Uncle.....' 

My uncle never knocked the door unless it was something urgent that he wanted to tell me and I'm pretty sure I knew what it is.

'OMO! Did you find a girl?!' I crossed my fingers tightly, hoping I was right.

He nodded his head and laughed. 'I'm inviting her over today so dress nicely, alright?' He winked and gave me a peck on the cheek. 

Silly uncle.....He was always in a good mood whenever he found someone.

But it's so annoying how they always end up breaking his heart. They always say 'I'm sorry, I just don't think you're the one for me. You're just too....nice...'

Like what the hell?! Girls are supposed to LIKE nice guys! I mean, I like nice guys which reminded me of Yoseob.....

I peeked out the curtains and saw that Yoseob had left his window open. It was funny how you could see him sleeping in his bed.......Half . My whole entire face completely turned red.

Omo.....I just saw his......he......HE HAD SUCH BEAUTIFUL ABS! I slapped myself and squeezed my face.

'Calm down, Hyuna! It's just abs! Uncle has abs too!' I slapped myself for another minute then grabbed some clothes out from my cupboard. I couldn't get the picture out of my head. 

I skipped down the steps and saw a pretty woman sitting awkwardly on the couch. She looked up and flashed me a bright smile that could have made any guy turn blind. 

'Ah...Ahnyoung...! You must be Hyuna?' She looked kind of shy......Like me. I should have liked her. I wanted to like her. 

But I couldn't.

She looked way too similar to.......

'Hyuna! This is Park Min Young. I met her when I went out to buy some groceries.' Uncle introduced her to me.

I forced a smile and bowed slightly. 'Ahnyoung.'

She said hello again and uncle sat next to her as I went into the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I should probably leave them alone to talk to each other. I closed the kitchen door but left a small gap for me to peek through. I laughed to myself as I secretly spied on them.

'Was that your niece that you told me about?'

What?! Uncle already told her about me?!


'She's beautiful!' I blushed even though it wasn't even a guy who said it. 

But me....? Beautiful....??!! Was she blind!?

'I've always wanted a daughter.......But I never got the chance to marry the right guy to have one.' She gave an uncertain laugh and smoothed a strand of hair behind her ear. 

'You must be so lucky to have her.'

'I am!' My uncle said so proudly that I was blushing even more now.

I backed away from the door and started to eat my toast. Wha......For ages.....I've always wanted to be called beautiful by a true pure hearted person. 

Did my wish....just come true...?

I opened the kitchen door and smiled an innocent smile at them, pretending that I didn't hear anything. I ran up the stairs, into my room and locked the door.

I was just so happy......But......

I still couldn't bear the thought of what she had looked like. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't ugly. She was really, really beautiful. 

But she looked too much like....my....umma....

My umma who had left me in that dark, lonely corner of the house and promised me she'll come back. What a liar.

She never came back. I found my uncle instead, who was crying, saying, 'How could she be so cruel.....?'

I was 5. I never understood what it meant. 


I blinked and looked out the window. 'Yoseob......?'


Was he always that carefree about everything?

'Okay....' I said. If I hung out with Yoseob, maybe I could forget about my past.

But damn.

I completely forgot about Yunho.


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u-know yunho! <3
2 votes for yunho!
Chap8. I really didn't think yunho wud care about hyuna whatsoever. <br />
Can she change into the beautiful skinny hyuna soon?
so interestinggg
kagaki #5
Update please :D
Troll-Face #6
Weeeee neighbours ! ~ Update soon keke ! Wah getting to be neighbours with Yoseob's so coolllll ! XD