Meeting Yoseob


My friends had all gone home already and I was staying back at school to practise the piano. As usual.

'Eww....Look at her....She's so....ugh!' Some girl was whispering.

Hello? I can hear you.....

Another girl was giggling loudly. I looked around.

Great, there wasn't anyone else in the locker bay except for me. They were talking about me.

I tried to pretend I didn't hear them, but I couldn't.

Their comments kept creeping into my ear, the words ecoing by themselves repeatedly.

I slammed my locker door shut and quickly walked away from them to the music room. 

'Ah, Hyuna!' Mr. Lee stepped in front of me and handed the music room keys. 'Take care of the music room and I hope you're practising well!'

I bowed and took the keys. 'Kamsamnida!'

It was the same, every day after school. I'd go to the music room to sing an work on composing piano notes and lyrics for the school choir. 

'Oh....Is this room already taken?'

I looked up to see a boy with natural spiky black hair standing at the door way.

I nodded my head. 'I'm just using the piano though so you can use the vocal studio.'

He smiled a smile that seemed surprise but happy at the same time. 'How did you know I only sing?'

I blinked. Wait.....How did I know....?

I shrugged my shoulders. 'Just a hunch.'

He opened the door to the vocal studio and started to adjust the microphone.

'Uh....Are you gonna leave the door open? I...just can't play...if someone's listening...' I laughed uncertainly and he looked a bit upset.

'I was actually going to ask if you could play the piano for me.....I guess not. I'm kinda sick of hearing recorded piano instead of it in real life.'

I cocked my head to one side. 'What's the difference.....?'

He continued to grin. 'There's a major difference! So could you play...? Please....?' He sqeezed his eyes shut, crossing his fingers.

I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. This guy.....How can he act so natural around a stranger he doesn't know?

'What song?' I asked.

'OMO! KAMSAMNIDA!' He jumped up and down happily and handed me a piece of paper with piano notes on t.

I stared at the paper. 'Uh....Jwesonghamnida......' I apologised, giving back the paper.


'I can't read notes. I either play by ear or compose my own songs.' I apologised again and sat back on the piano chair.

He was confused for a minute, but his smile came back when he thought of an idea.

'Then why don't you hear me sing then play along?' He suggested.

I nodded my head. 'But you wouldn't need a piano then, would you?'

He shook his head, his second finger waving side to side. 'It sounds more beautiful with the piano.'

He......He looked so happy....

'You ready?'


He gave a slight cough and took a deep breath. My eyes widened when I heard his voice. It was the same voice I heard every day after school. Someone was always locked up in the vocal studio, singing over and over again. But I never got sick of hearing the mysterious voice....

I set my fingers on a random key and closed my eyes. All you have to do is let the music flow in you.....

Before I knew it, my fingers were dancing across the piano keys and even I had to admit it sounded great.

But I stopped when the guy started to sing a high note.

Oh....I was breathless, even though I wasn't the one singing.

He opened his eyes, his voice stopping abruptly when he realised I stopped playing.

'Oh! Mianhe! Did I sing out of tune or something?!'

I laughed, shaking my head. 'Aniyo....Far from that. You....You have a beautiful voice.' I mumbled.

And if my eyes weren't wrong, I swear I saw him blush a little. 

'Kamsamnida.....You can play the piano really well too!'

'Thanks. I'm just average though.'

'Can you sing?' His question caught me by surprise.

'Aha......I never really sang before...' I lied. I didn't even know why I decided to lie.

'But you were!' He was pointing at me, laughing in a friendly way.

It was me who was blushing now. 'I-I was...?'

'Ne! You sound like you have a nice voice. Sing for me...?'

I shook my head immediately and stood up. 'No, no. Definitely not. Well, I better get going. Good uck with your singing.'

Before my hand touched the doorknob, the door opened magically byt itself, hitting me on the forehead. I fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

'Oho....Look what I've found. Miss Piggy Hyuna.'

I bit my lip and glared at the perfect figure that stood before me.

'Jung Yunho.' I spat.

He was the guy who has been teasing me ever since I started high school. He was the one who let everyone know I was fat and that no one should hang out with me.

He was the one I first loved.....and.....he was the one who ruined my life.

'Oh! Yoseob? Are you practising your vocals?'

'Ne, Hyung......' 

Hyung? What was the relationship between those 2 guys?

'Piggy Hyuna, why are you still on the ground?'

I picked myself up and dust my skirt. 'Bye Yoseob.' I said, ignoring Yonghwa as I walked past him.

For the past 3 years, I've always ignored him and it works. He didn't bother to say anything else. He wasn't that bad......

But he was the one who started it.

'Oh, byebye! Juh gi yoh! What's your name?'

I turned around to answer him but Yunho did it instead. 'Piggy Hyuna. Her name's Piggy Hyuna.'

I growled. 'He was asking me, not you.'

Yunho turned to look at me, snickering. 'You're talking back to me for once. Wae? Don't want to look weak in front of cute Yoseob?'

Well, I had to admit that Yoseob was cute....but I only just met him.

'It's because I hate you.' I said through gritted teeth.

He walked over to a cupboard in the corner and grabbed a couple of drumsticks, twirling it around in his right hand. 

'Hate me?' He scoffed. 'No, because you used to lov-'

I left the room before he finished his sentence.

I didn't want to hear anymore.

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u-know yunho! <3
2 votes for yunho!
Chap8. I really didn't think yunho wud care about hyuna whatsoever. <br />
Can she change into the beautiful skinny hyuna soon?
so interestinggg
kagaki #5
Update please :D
Troll-Face #6
Weeeee neighbours ! ~ Update soon keke ! Wah getting to be neighbours with Yoseob's so coolllll ! XD