New neighbour!


'We're back!' I called out as we stepped into our almost empty house.

'Welcome back!' Onew said, winking at us as he stacked a couple of boxes on the doorstep. 'How's my cutest baby cousin?'

I stuck my tongue out at him. 'I'm not a baby.'

'Are we gonna sleep in the new house tonight?' Yunho asked as he helped carry the boxes to the van.

'Ne. Yonghwa's already there unpacking the stuff. These are the last boxes so we'll be heading there now.'


---HYUNA'S P.O.V---

*Next day*

'Mmmm....' I moaned softly as a soft angelic singing voice entered my ear. I reached under my pillow to turn off the alarm clock.

Hold on.

It's Saturday. Why would I set my alarm? And I've never ever heard this song before.......

My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly, pushing my covers off me. I walked over to my window and pulled the curtains apart.

My jaw dropped at what I saw through an opened window. 

Yoseob was in the opposite house, singing as he hung some clothes in a cupboard.

Since when did he live here?! Omo! Was he the new neighbour my uncle was talking about??

'OH!' Yoseob's shocked voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked at him and he was pointing at me.

'HYUNA? AHNYOUNG!!!' He waved hello, grinning like an idiot.

He was so...adorable.....

I felt my face burning and I cooled my cheeks with my hand. 'Ah...Ahnyoung...' I smiled back.

'I didn't know you live here! What a coincidence!'

I laughed. 'Ne.'

'Are you free?'

I was surprise. 'W-Wae....?'

'Well, I thought that you could---'

'AISH! YOSEOB! DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO LOUD??!!' Yoseob and I both flinched at the loud familiar voice.

'Mianhe!' He said as someone walked into his room.

Hmm...? He looked familiar....I gasped as I realised who it was. 

Yunho?! He lived in the same house as Yoseob?! Were they really brothers....??

'Since when did pigs live in houses, Yoseob?' Yunho asked as he stared at me, smirking.

I bit my lip. him. Who does he think he is?!

Yoseob was completely confused. 'Pig...? Did you see a pig, hyung?'

'I'm looking at one right now.' He was still looking and I was getting pissed.

Goodie. Now I have to see that head Yunho every day. 

I grabbed my curtains and closed them so I didn't have to look at his face for at least a second.

'Ah! Hyuna!! You still haven't answered my question! Are you free?? Maybe you could show me around the neighbourhoog?' Yoseob's voice came from outside.

Should I.....? I opened the curtains and saw that Yunho was still there.

'Ne! As long as Yunho doesn't come!' I pointed.

Yoseob turned to look at his hyung. 'Uh....Hyung...'

I couldn't hear what Yunho said clearly but I think it went something like this. 'Whatever. I don't want to get caught with a pig anyway. Yoseob, be careful.' Then he was out of the room.

'...I'll see you outside, then?'

I nodded my head and closed the window. It'll be fine. Yunho isn't going.

I skipped down the stairs into the kitchen and found my uncle there, drinking his morning coffee.

'Annyeong hashimnikka!'I smiled and grabbed a slice of bread.

'You look happy.' My uncle was smiling back at me warmly.

I nodded my head. 'Ne.'

'You should do something during the weekends, Hyuna. You're always staying home.'

My smile widened. 'I am. I'm showing the new neighbour around. It turns out it's one of the students at my school.'

'Oh, really? That's good. Male or female?'


'Oh, boyfriend?' He winked at me, laughing.

I blushed madly. 'Aniyo!! I only just met him yesterday. Bye!' I ran out of the house before my uncle could tease me anymore.

'Hyuna!' I was standing outside Yoseob's house. I peeked behing Yoseob to find another boy that looked pretty cute; smooth skin and big round eyes.

'Who....Who's that?' I asked.

Yoseob turned around and grinned. 'Oh. This is my older brother, Yonghwa. Yonghwa hyung, this is Hyuna.'

He gave me a small smile. 'Ahnyoung. Mind if I follow you guys? I have nothing else to do.'

I shrugged my shoulders. 'Sure, I guess.'

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u-know yunho! <3
2 votes for yunho!
Chap8. I really didn't think yunho wud care about hyuna whatsoever. <br />
Can she change into the beautiful skinny hyuna soon?
so interestinggg
kagaki #5
Update please :D
Troll-Face #6
Weeeee neighbours ! ~ Update soon keke ! Wah getting to be neighbours with Yoseob's so coolllll ! XD