What the.....?


---YOSEOB'S P.O.V---

'So what do you guys wanna do first?' Hyuna asked as we stepped out of our new garden.

'Oh, Hyung. What do you wanna do?'

'....Well...., I'm kinda hungry...'

I stared at my brother. 'What?! But we just ate breakfast!'

I heard Hyuna giggle as she turned to face us. 'There's an ahjussi who sells nice ice cream around the corner. You wanna get one?'

Gosh......She was so....nice....

'Ne. I like ice cream.' Yonghwa nodded his head.


It wasn't long before we were standing outside the stall, eating our ice cream. Hyuna was right. It was nice.

'Omo....Who is that we see?' A dyed blonde hair girl was walking towards us, 2 girls behind her.

I had no idea who they were. Maybe Hyuna knew her? Or Hyung?

I looked at Yonghwa hyung's expression. Emotionless. As usual; which meant he didn't know them.

I looked at Hyuna's face and she had a complete different expression.


'Hyuna, Hyuna.....How are you ever gonna lose weight if you keep eating?'

Then she did something unexpected. She grabbed Hyuna's ice cream and threw it at her shirt.

My jaw dropped.'OMO! EH! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!' I yelled.

'Yo-Yoseob...It's okay...'

'NO! IT'S NOT!' Who the hell does this girl think she is?! How could she even do that?!

The girl suddenly smiled slyly. 'Oooh....Oppa...You're cute....'

Oppa? I don't even know this girl!

She tried to touch me but I flung her arm away. I didn't expect me to use so much strength but before I knew it, she was already on the ground.

'OPPA!' She screeched and picked herself up.

'Go away.' I looked at my hyung and his face..........I've never seen him this serious before....

'Ugh!' The stranger groaned and stomped off, her friends doing the same. 

'Hyuna....Who....Who was she...?' I mumbled.

She shrugged her shoulders. 'Dunno.'

She didn't seem like she wanted to say anything so I decided not to ask anymore. I dug in my pockets for a tissue instead and helped to clean her shirt.

It was kinda awkward since the stain was on her chest.

'I'll do it myself...' 

'Let's get you home.' Yonghwa hyung spoke.

'Ah....Aniyo....I'm fine. I'll keep showing you around.' She forced a smile and kept rubbing, trying to get rid of the stain.

I could tell it was going to be hard to get rid of it.

'No. It's best if you cleaned their shirt. We can explore ourselves after.' Yonghwa didn't let Hyuna speak for herself.

But he was right. She should go home.

Who the hell was that girl anyway?! Ugh....Thinking about her was making me pissed.



It was already dark and I hadn't seen Hyuna's face since this morning. I was about to go to sleep when a soft melody came from outside my window. I crept out of my bed and went over to the window sill. 

And what I saw was the most beautiful scene I've ever seen. Hyuna's curtains were fluttering wildly and through a gap, I saw Hyuna sitting down, playing the piano while singing at the same time. 

'A bitter day.....
da ireohke jiwo ga getji, eonjenga neun ijhyeo ji getji
na geujeseo ya, utget jiman, jigeumeun nado eojjeolsu ga eobt ne...'

A Bitter day....
it will all be forgotten, one day it will all be
That day, I will be smiling but right now, I can’t help it
Even if the sun is out, I don’t feel happy
It actually makes me mad, as if the sun is mocking me*


'Hyuna.....' I whispered.

Even though my voice was so soft, she somehow managed to hear me and looked at me.

'Ah...! Uh...Y-Yoseob?! D-Did you hear?!'

I blinked. Why did she look so....frightened....? 

I shook my head. 'Aniyo.' I lied. I didn't know why I did.

She looked relieved. 'Good...Well, I'll go sleep now. Goodnight.'

She pulled the curtains together so I couldn't see her face any longer.

But I was sure that when she closed the curtains........,

I saw a faint tear rolled down her cheek.

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u-know yunho! <3
2 votes for yunho!
Chap8. I really didn't think yunho wud care about hyuna whatsoever. <br />
Can she change into the beautiful skinny hyuna soon?
so interestinggg
kagaki #5
Update please :D
Troll-Face #6
Weeeee neighbours ! ~ Update soon keke ! Wah getting to be neighbours with Yoseob's so coolllll ! XD