

---YOSEOB'S P.O.V---

'Hyung...She's gone.' I said when Yunho kept mumbling on about something I didn't even understand.

He looked up and sighed, sitting down on the piano chair where Hyuna sat. I assumed her name was Hyuna.....I just took out the 'Piggy'.

'Don't go near her, Yoseob.'

I frowned at my step brother's words. 'Wae?'

'She's not someone who you would like to hang out with.'

'But she seems nice....'

'She's MIN---FAT!'

I blinked. 'Min...fat?' Hyung had pronounced the 'min' as though he was saying 'mine'.

'Fat. She's fat. I'll be ashamed of you if you became friends with her.'

'But hyung!' I protested. Hyuna seemed like an interesting girl....and I wanted to hear more of that voice she had been singing along to my song.

'No buts! Where's Yonghwa?' There he go, changing the subject whenever he didn't want to continue a conversation.

'He already went home. What are you doing here, anyway? You never come into this music room.'

'I came to grab new drumsticks.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'Okay...' He was definitely lying. 

'Let's go.' Yunho opened the door and we both saw Hyuna still standing outside.

'What are you still doing here?!' Hyung sounded like he was panicking.

Hyuna glared at him. 'I only stayed back to lock the door. I can't just lock you guys in there. Though I wouldn't mind locking you in...'

I think she meant to say the last sentence in her head.

Too late, Hyung was already clenching his fist in a tight ball.

'H-Hyung! We gotta go! We have to pack our stuff for our move.' That made him forget about what Hyuna said. 

'Oh yeah. Our new house. Let's go! Hurry up!' Onew will kill us if we're late!' Hyung grabbed my arm and we sped off at top speed.

I turned to look back at Hyuna who was locking the door.

Hyuna.........What a beautiful name.

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u-know yunho! <3
2 votes for yunho!
Chap8. I really didn't think yunho wud care about hyuna whatsoever. <br />
Can she change into the beautiful skinny hyuna soon?
so interestinggg
kagaki #5
Update please :D
Troll-Face #6
Weeeee neighbours ! ~ Update soon keke ! Wah getting to be neighbours with Yoseob's so coolllll ! XD