Chapter 8 - Fate plays a trick

Young Love

Morning light shone through the slates of the window. The alarm clock blared out a trumpet fanfare but Rei didn't even twitch. It was only a few minutes later that she lifted her head up.


Something sharp was poking my cheek. After a few minutes, my irritation broke through my sleepy daze and I opened my eyes reluctantly. My pen was poking my cheek. I pushed it aside groggily. Angel, my cat, was asleep on my  bed. I smiled sleepily at the adorable sight.

Rubbing my eyes, I checked the time. My eyes opened wide in shock, I quickly scrambled out of bed. I made my way to the toilet, took a quick shower and got dressed at the speed of light. I speed walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. I saw that there was already some toast on the table. I walked to the fridge to take out some orange juice, when i closed the door i saw a  memo stuck onto the fridge.

       It read: "I informed the school that you would be late due to an appointment.

Eat breakfast slowly and drive to school safely, arasseo? XOXO Mom"

My mind blanked for a moment. O~kay? If that was the case, then might as well make a proper breakfast. I packed my bag while waiting for the water to boil. When i returned to the kitchen, the water was boiling nicely. I opened a packet of instant noodles and plopped the whole chunk of dried noodles into the pot. The seasoning was next, last was the egg.

After i ate, I slung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my car keys that was hanging on the underside of the kitchen island. I strolled to the garage where my cute Mini Cooper was housed. My black sneaker boots made echoing footsteps in the cave-like garage. I pulled off the tarp my car and stuffed it into a built-in cubby hole at the side of the garage. I unlocked the car door with a press of a button and threw my bag lightly into the passenger seat, closing the door shut. I walked around the bumper of the car with quick steps and got into the driver seat.

With the key in the ignition, I the engine and sped off for school. 


Rei entered the school parking lot and hurriedly locked the car. With her bag slung on both shoulders, she ran to her class. She was breathing heavily by the time she reached the front door of the said classroom. 

The class had already started, the teacher (Ms. Park), waved her into the classroom.


There she was! Rei had just entered the classroom.When Rei was within a metre to our table, I came forward and pulled her impatiently.

"Oww!" Rei grumbled as she massaged her wrist.

"What's with the death grip?" She complained.

I rolled my eyes and apologized.

"There's a new hottie in our class!" I whispered.

Rei took her time taking out the maths books and whispered back.

"Really. Is he that cute?" She replied back dryly.

"Erm...I gave him an 8 and Eun Ki gave him an 8. Rin couldn't care less about him. The other girls already have boyfriends so they couldn't give a flying fudge," I reported back.

"Where is he sitting?" Rei asked, craning her neck to get a glimpse of him.

"First row at the very back," I whispered.

Ms. Park must have heard us or something.

"Whoever is talking, can you keep it down?" She said sternly, without turning around as she was writing on the whiteboard.

Rei pretended to pay attention for  a while, then she resumed scanning the back row for the new guy. She must have spotted him already, as she gasped. I already told her he was hot. 



I turned around to look for the new student. There, I see him! Why does he look so familiar? I wracked my brain, thinking back on where I probably saw him. Then it hit me. It was Jonghyun oppa! I let out a soft gasp. Seung Won heard me and snickered at my reaction.

"I know him!" I told her softly, as I copied the question on the board.

"He's the blind date guy?" She threw a wild guess.

I nodded my head. I guess she was going to tell the rest now.

She wanted to press me for more details but refrained as Ms. Park was scanning all the students now. When she turned around again, I slipped my phone out of my pocket and sent him a text.

From : Rei

To: Jonghyun

Hey, guess where am i now?

Moments later, SHINee's Hello was heard coming from the back. I cringed silently.

"Mr Kim, I recommend that you put your phone on silent mode unless you want to give me an early birthday present," Ms. Park said drily.

"Sorry, it won't happen again," Jonghyun apologised.

She resumed the lesson after shooting him a dirty look. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. He was reading the message now with a goofy smile on his face. I inwardly sighed at his cuteness.

My phone vibrated minutes later. I opened the message.

From : Jonghyun

To : Rei 

You almost got me into trouble. Where are you now?

I replied to his message in a matter of minutes. My fingers tapped out the message quickly.

From : Rei

To : Jonghyun

Look around you and try to see if you spot anyone familiar looking.

I turned my head slightly so that he could see my side profile clearly. This also gave me a clear view of his handsome face. I made it look like I was talking to Seung Won. I received another message soon after that.

From : Jonghyun

To : Rei

I think i saw someone that looks like you? That can't be you, right? 

From : Rei

To : Jonghyun

Ding ding ding! You have got the right answer!

From : Jonghyun

To : Rei

Seriously?! I really didn't expect it to be you.

From : Rei

To : Jonghyun

You'd best believe it. Anyways, later you wanna have lunch with me and my friends?

From : Jonghyun

To : Rei

Sure. I was kinda lonely being the new kid around. I'm glad you're around atleast. :p

His reply made my heart skip a beat. Lunch was going to be interesting.

Seung Won who was watching the whole time, merely grinned at me. She knew i had fallen for him, hard.

"I can't believe i'm saying this, but, please put your phone away and pay attention," she whispered, after jabbing me with her elbow.

<End of POV>

The class passed by really slowly for Reihyung and Jonghyun. Reihyung couldn't wait to see each him. Just the thought of it caused blood to rush to her cheeks. 



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totsydotsy #1
My GAH .!! Tension tension .! Update yaw :)
totsydotsy #2
Update yo.! Craving since the last time..
totsydotsy #3
brader,ainie here.! nice story.! my user name funny heh..hoho.!looking forward to it ;)
MissLovely #4
Cute! Update^^ More more more! <3