Chapter 4 : Just like Cinderella?

Young Love

Jonghyun snorted, almost choking. His eyes teared up slightly as he grinned. He wiped his eyes with the back of his free hand.

"Like the story...Cinderella!" he snapped his fingers, with a triumphant expression.

Rei rolled her eyes at him, sticking out her tongue at him.

"What? It's true!" Jonghyun insisted wolfing down the rest of his cheese burger.

"What do you want to do after this? Rei sipped her sprite.

"Go to my house to meet my parents," he replied, tackling the fries in one go.

Rei watched in silent awe. This guy could eat a horse and still be hungry. Five minutes later, his meal which consisted of the burger, large fries with a side serving of kimchi in a tiny dish plate (made of plastic), was gone. There was no remnants of the burger left, the dish plate was clean (EWW!) and the fries gone in one go.

"You're amazing, you know," Rei made a disgusted face.

"Ghamsahamnida," he gulped down his coke then.

"Gaja! Let's go!" Jonghyun grabbed her arm and pulled Rei up to her feet. There was a red porsche with the words 'Turbo 1000' scrawled at the back in cursive handwriting outside already. Rei's jaw dropped to the ground.

"This is your ride?! Omo..omo...this is the latest model!" Rei felt the hard curves of the car under her hand disbelievingly.

"Yep, you better get in it,too!" Jonghyun walked over the driver's side and got into the car.

A few girls were staring incredulously at Jonghyun and his car. Rei smoothly slid into the car, closing the door behind her.

"Buckle up, babe," Jonghyun hit the gas and soon they left the restaurant in a puff of smoke.

"How'd you get the car there?" Rei leaned back into the leather seat.

"Erm...secret...for me to know and for you to find out," Jonghyun winked adorably at her.

Pretty soon, they were at his house. Rei suddenly had an anxiety attack. Jonghyun smiled and patted her clammy hands.

Rei's eyes practically bugged out of her skull when she saw his house. Since her parent's were rich and all, she thought that she had seen everything. She was waayyy wrong.

His home was beyond amazing with it's vaulted ceilings and parquet floor. All the furniture was designed to compliment each piece of furniture nicely, even though each piece was a unique design.

"Wow..." Rei's eyebrows was up to her hairline by now.

"Amazing, right? My mum practically handpicked all of it," Jonghyun explained as he led her to the dining room.

"She has rich taste," Rei joked as she set her eyes on the figure of a petite woman.

Butterflies flitted in her stomach. She felt like she was about to puke. Soon her hands were clammy and shaking again. Rei tried to hide her nervousness, silently cursing herself for agreeing to her mum's idea at all.

Did she regret going? No, if she never went to the blind date she would've never met Jonghyun. Some other would've gotten him. Did she want that to happen? Of course not!

Just it up, she thought to herself. You're going to be fine.

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totsydotsy #1
My GAH .!! Tension tension .! Update yaw :)
totsydotsy #2
Update yo.! Craving since the last time..
totsydotsy #3
brader,ainie here.! nice story.! my user name funny heh..hoho.!looking forward to it ;)
MissLovely #4
Cute! Update^^ More more more! <3