Chapter 6 : Goodnight Kiss...

Young Love

Onew hastily hid his hand and ran up to his room.

"See you later!" Onew winked at Rei.

The sound of the key jingled as the front door opened. Sae Young-ssi's face brightened instantly.

"Hubby's back!" she smoothed the already-smooth apron she donned.

She exited the kitchen and entered shortly a few minutes later with a man. He looked younger than her and had a warm smile on his face.

"Ahnnyonghaseeyo, Taemin imnida," he shook my hand in a firm grip.

"Rei Hyung imnida," I tried not to show my confusion.

"What's with that face?" Taemin asked.

" old are you?" I blushed red.

Realization dawned on his face. He started to laugh.

"You noticed? I'm younger than my wife," he admitted, feeling embarassed.

My mouth dropped open into a perfect 'O'. It was impolite to do that so I closed my mouth quickly. The air had become tense and awkward.  Jonghyun took hold of my hand and pulled me towards the doorway.

"It's getting late. I'd better take her home ," Jonghyun pulled me out into the corridor. His grip on my wrist was warm and did not loosen until we were in the confines of his car.

"The heck?" I exclaimed, sounding way too loud in the silent car.

"I'll explain everything to you," Jonghyun sighed unhappily.

He explained that his biological mother became pregnant when she was young, by a jock she was dating. When she found out that she was 3 weeks pregnant, she told him. She pleaded for the guy to marry her but he objected violently. At that time, she was the object of my father's (Taemin) affection  and Taemin was her best friend. She cried uncontrollably to him after the jock didn't want to marry her. In the end, he volunteered to marry her.

After Onew was born, she was pregnant again, this time with Taemin's baby 3 years later. They began to have problems after Jonghyun was born. The both of them divorced a year later. Apparently, she decided that she didn't want the kid anymore and dumped the kids to Taemin. How was a 17-year old teenager supposed to support two young toddlers?

Taemin's parents decided to find him a new wife that could support him while he was still studying. A year later he married Sae Young, who was still in her early twenties, who was willing to marry him. A few months later, they adopted a child, a boy, and named him Kim Ki Bum aka Key.

"After that, the past is history," Jonghyun concluded. He looked like he needed a kiss to cheer him up so I did the first thing that came to my mind.

Leaning towards him, I pressed my lips to his gently. At first he didn't react, then after a few minutes he kissed me back. My hands wrapped around his neck and his hand wound around my waist.

-To be continued-

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totsydotsy #1
My GAH .!! Tension tension .! Update yaw :)
totsydotsy #2
Update yo.! Craving since the last time..
totsydotsy #3
brader,ainie here.! nice story.! my user name funny heh..hoho.!looking forward to it ;)
MissLovely #4
Cute! Update^^ More more more! <3