Chapter 5 : Butterflies in my stomach...

Young Love

 The petite woman that she saw earlier turned around, face expectant. She gave Jonghyun a questioning look. This woman must be his mum then.

"Are you sure this is the girl?" her voice was warm and friendly.

"Yes, why?" Jonghyun hugged his mum as a greeting.

"Erm...Ahnnyong. Rei Hyung imnida," Rei bowed respectfully.

"Ahhnyong. I'm Jonghyun's mum, Oh Sae Young," she shook my hand and hugged me then released me.

Just then, a guy appeared at the entrance of the kitchen. He was tall and lanky with brown  hair flopping into his eyes.

"Oho! This is the girl that mum chose," he grinned at me.

"Rei Hyung imida," Rei waved at him.

"Onew. Call me Onew sunbae," he smiled adorably.

"Where's Key dongsaeng?" Jonghyun grinned boyishly.

"He has night class," Sae Young-ssi replied.

"Let's go into the kitchen for a cup of tea," Sae Young-ssi led the group into the kitchen.

Soon, everyone was sipping on steaming cups of tea, except for Onew who drank coffee, grimacing the whole time. You could look at Onew's face and you could tell that it was his first time drinking coffee. Jonghyun was trying not to laugh but was failing miserably. After a fourth sip of the coffee, Onew started to cough and was slowly turning a sickening shade of green.

"Dump it into the sink," Rei suggested, feeling worried for Onew.

He immediately dumped it into the nearest sink and quick as lightning, gulped down four glasses of water. Rei noticed his colour slowly return to normal, sighing in relief.

"First time?" Rei indicated the coffee in the sink with her hand.

Onew nodded queasily. Beside her Jonghyun started to guffaw uncontrollably. His mother, Sae Young-ssi, threw him a sharp look. Rei purposefully jabbed him with her elbow.

"What? That's his price for trying to 'look' cool in front of you," Jonghyun shruged his shoulder, still sniggering slightly.

When Onew was feeling slightly better, he threw Jonghyun the finger behind his back, out of their mother's sight. Rei giggled at the show of brotherly 'love'.

"I saw that, Onew!" Sae Young-ssi chided him.

Onew hastily hid his hand and ran up to his room.

-To be continued-

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totsydotsy #1
My GAH .!! Tension tension .! Update yaw :)
totsydotsy #2
Update yo.! Craving since the last time..
totsydotsy #3
brader,ainie here.! nice story.! my user name funny heh..hoho.!looking forward to it ;)
MissLovely #4
Cute! Update^^ More more more! <3