The first meet

Young Love

   Rei sighed as her mum bustled around her bedroom. Rei sat on her bed that was covered with black silk covers. Yes, she was rich ,or, as her parents would say, wealthy.

   Her dad owned a chain of Italian Restaurants around the world. Her mum was a fashion designer. Rei just wanted to go out for some retail therapy but her mum had other plans for her.

   Apparently, she was of 'date-able' age and her mum wanted her to meet a boy. However, knowing her mum, it would be a rich and snobby . Yep, that was her life.

   As her mum rummaged in Rei's closet for an outfit for her to wear, Rei was online chatting with her friend through webcam. Seung laughed when her mum showed her a tight red sweater dress.

   "Are you INSAENE! I know what to wear! Can you leave my room? I need some privacy," Rei whined.

   "Fine. I'll come in again later to see what you chose," her mum warned with a raise of her eyebrows.

   On the computer screen, Seung was rolling on the bed laughing hysterically. Rei glared at her silently. Grr...Rei gritted her teeth.

   "Stop laughing..!" Rei protested.

   "Fine! I'll stop!" Seung wheezed between giggles.

   Rei walked over to the walk-in closet to pick out something less ty. In the end, she chose a black minidress with a cute pair of silver ballerina pumps and clutch. She wore tightss with the dress and a fitting jeans jacket that covered her arms. On her head, she wore a black beaded beret. Hmm...quite nice, Rei thought to herself.

   "What do you think?" Rei twirled for Seung to see.

   "Wow...dressy. Where are you going?" Seung commented.

   Rei made a face and sighed.

   "Another attempt at finding me a boyfriend," Rei admitted sheepishly.

   "She doesn't give up does she?" Seung grinned.

   "Nope," Rei gave a gusty sigh.

   "You better get ready. Text me what happened later," Seung replied cheerfully.

   The messenger window closed then. Five minutes later her mum entered, as promised. Having given  her approval, Rei started straightening her hair fringe and all.

   Rei slicked on some lip gloss and she was done. After puttin in the necessary items, mainly her iPhone, iPod and PSP, she then went downstairs where her mum was waiting, to her to the Kingdom of Boredom.

   "Are you ready? You are going to love him!" her mum chattered a hundred miles an hour.

   "Let's just get done with it," Rei grumbled.

   "You are going to love him. He. Is. Hot!" her mum shrieked.

   Rei usually didn't trust her mum if the guys she chose were said to be 'Hot'. It was only a load of 'Hot' air as far as Rei was concerned.

   "Later can I go to the toilet first?" Rei asked, with a glint in her eyes.

   "Sure, but thats later," her mum replied absentmindedly.

   That was her chance to escape. Rei had a perfect plan in mind!


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totsydotsy #1
My GAH .!! Tension tension .! Update yaw :)
totsydotsy #2
Update yo.! Craving since the last time..
totsydotsy #3
brader,ainie here.! nice story.! my user name funny heh..hoho.!looking forward to it ;)
MissLovely #4
Cute! Update^^ More more more! <3