Sick (쩔어)

Promise The Stars
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hi guys if it doesn't make sense at some parts do bear in mind it's partially crack (i guess) i got no idea what i was writing (i had no exact plot for this hurhur)

i hope ya'll still enjoy it 

p.s kinda came up with this idea bc im sort of in the same situation as tae at the start



" God dammit Tae I swear to god one more time you- "

  " IT ITCHES LIKE HELL!! "   ' That's it. You're going to the doctors I don't care. '    And that's how Jimin ended up dragging a very grumpy Taehyung to the clinic. Taehyung huffed as he plopped down onto one of the chairs that was provided in the clinic after he took his queue number. Jimin shook his head as he sat beside Taehyung. " I told you I didn't need to see the doctor. " Taehyung muttered, after which he said something about the long waiting time. Jimin rolled his eyes, " Yeah right you totally didn't need to when you were screaming how you have red dots over your body and how much it itches." Taehyung scoffed, " So what? It's probably just mosquito bites nothing much. All of this is wasting our time. " Jimin frowned as he looked at the unusual red dots that were blooming on his best friend's arms. " We'll see about that Tae. "      After an hour, the device that showed the queue number outside the clinic door was finally 49 and Taehyung's queue number was 50. Taehyung stared hard at the number, waiting for it to turn 50 while Jimin was patiently scrolling through Twitter, checking for updates on the new Mickey Mouse limited edition figurine. Oh boy he can't wait to purchase and add it to his collection once it was released. Ding! When the number flashed 50, Taehyung sprang up, screaming " ing finally!! "Luckily they were the last patient so there weren't anyone left, save the second hand embarrassment. Taehyung then casually opened the door and skipped into the room. Jimin was about to tell Taehyung to have that little bit of manners and knock on the door but he guesses he was too late to and ends up shrugging (sometimes he was uncontrollable), tailing Taehyung from behind.    " So, Mr Kim, what problem do you have? " Taehyung met eyes with a surprisingly young and attractive doctor. Taehyung gulped as he suddenly gripped onto Jimin, shaking slightly. Who the hell is this guy? Is he even a doctor because i think he can be a ing model. Taehyung thought as he openly checked the doctor out. all Jimin did was to sigh and shake his head before pushing Taehyung down to sit on the chair. Jimin then looked at Taehyung expectantly to explain what was his problem to the doctor but decided he should when he noticed taehyung was just blanking out as usual, probably star strucked because of the hot doctor. " Uh doctor, he has red dots on his body like everywhere and he said it itches so.... yeah. " The doctor raised an eyebrow, tapping his chin. He inspected the dots on Taehyung's arms and neck before leaning back on his chair. " Alright, Mr Kim I need you to take off your shirt so I can see how bad is the red dots on your body. " As soon as he said that, a color of crimson red creeped up to Taehyung's cheeks. At first he did not move a muscle but when Jimin frowned and nudge him, muttering something about this is a serious matter Taehyung knew he had no choice. He sighed and got up, taking off his shirt. The doctor's eyes widened as the amount of red dots on his body and back were horrendous. " Okay, you may put your shirt back on, Mr Kim. " The doctor smirked lightly at Taehyung before jotting down several notes on Taehyung's condition on a sheet of paper. Taehyung swore there was a tint of teasiness in that voice. Taehyung then settled back down on the chair fully clothed as the doctor which name went by doctor Jeon ( Taehyung not so secretly eyed his name tag ) frowned before looking at Taehyung. " I'm afraid you have a very serious rash. It may be cause from the food that you have consumed. You have to stay at home and rest for a good two weeks. " Taehyung gasped in horror as he stood up, shocked. " WHAT?! two weeks?! that means no going to University? And I have my term tests next week! " The panicked voice echoed through the room as Jimin clamped taehyung's mouth shut, telling him to calm down. Doctor Jeon chuckled and shook his head. " Guess you have to miss it then. It can't be helped. All these rashes would take around two weeks to be healed, I predict. And in these few days, it would be spreading throughout your body before it is stable. Then, it will start to heal. " Taehyung groaned, slumping back down into his chair. " I'll give you some medication to take to stop the itch and to heal it too. Feel better soon, Mr Kim. "Doctor Jeon winked at Taehyung as he waved at them as he sent them out. ( Taehyung totally did not die in the inside )     Taehyung sulked as he took the bag of medication from the counter as Jimin paid for the consultation fee ( what a great friend is he ). As they walked back to their dorm, Taehyung was dragging his feet, mumbling incoherent words that Jimin assumes it was curses, seeing how Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. Jimin slung an arm around Taehyung and pulled him closer, " Yah, stop whining. Just think about getting well alright? I'll help you take down notes in class and update you on everything. " Taehyung pouted, still not feeling any better from Jimin's attempt of comfort him. " But... the tests... " Taehyung started before Jimin cut him off, " It's okay. I'll explain it to the teachers. I'm sure they will understand and they would probably take the scores from your previous tests. " Taehyung sighed before nodding. He nuzzled Jimin's cheek before murmuring a thank you.        The next morning, Taehyung woke up to an empty dorm. He slowly crawled towards the kitchen (oh his love for food) and then noticed a bright yellow thing on the fridge ( forgetting about food for a moment ). He squinted his eyes before realizing that it was a sticky note. He reached up and took down the note, it read      Taehyungie! Are you awake already? well I left for classes so you won't be finding me anywhere in the dorm. There's some pancakes I made in the toaster. Eat them for breakfast!! Remember to take your medicine and sleep more! Rest well and wait till I'm back okay? I love you~~~~~   Jiminnie <3       Taehyung smiled at the cute note before finally getting up, stretching. He walked over to the toaster and placed the pancakes on a plate before grabbing a fork and there he goes, wolfing them down. In the matter of seconds, he had finished the stack of pancakes Jimin had made. Just as Taehyung placed the empty place into the sink, he then felt an itch on his back. He groaned before scratching his back. Why the hell are these rashes so itchy, he thought. Everywhere on his body was itchy, even on his face. As he was scratching his face ( he swears he couldn't help it it itches as ) he suddenly paused. " MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!! " He screamed before running into the bathroom. To his horror, he looked into the mirror to find a very red faced of himself staring back at him. And there were even scratch marks on his face. Taehyung quickly washed his face with cold water, trying to cool his face down but there was no use as his face was already burning hot due to the extreme scratching he did to his face. From then on, Taehyung made a vow to never scratch his rashes again. Whenever he felt the itchiness, he controlled himself from touching those itchy rashes as he grit his teeth. After then, he sighed and flung himself onto the bed, rolling around. Ah, what should I do now? Just then he remembered. Medicine! Taehyung bounced up and went over to the plastic bag of medicine and popped a pill into his mouth before swallowing it. He then noticed a note in the plastic bag.    it wrote :    text me whenever you feel like it    Below that was a number. And the person signed off as " Jeon. "    Wait. Jeon? As in Doctor Jeon? Taehyung lips curved into a grin. Ever since yesterday, He could not get rid of the thought of that attractive doctor. And the fact that he looked like the same age as Taehyung got him interested in the doctor. Funny how he left this note in his plastic bag though. Taehyung shrugged, maybe Doctor Jeon was interested in him too. ( Kim Taehyung you little high self esteem brat)      Taehyung then proceeded to text him. Surprisingly, their conversation went pretty well. Taehyung found out that his name was Jeon Jungkook and he was actually just a substitute doctor for that particular day as the professional doctor in charge Seokjin was not around. Other than that, Jungkook works part time in that clinic and he was studying in the first year of university under the medical major. Taehyung was amazed as being a first year and being approved to be a substitute doctor was almost impossible. Jungkook must be really amazing, Taehyung thought, unconsciously smiling.                                                                                                                                                                                              wait did you just say you're in first year of Seungwon University?   that's rightttt!                                    
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Chapter 7: cute!!!!!!! totally made my day :-)
Chapter 5: I like these xD

Theyre like little doses of happiness LOL
Chapter 5: Okay, submissive doctor Tae...>//<
these are all so cute :-)
Chapter 4: damn i like..
Chapter 3: lol I still can't adapt to reading the submissive taehyung but damn it's still cute..
Chapter 2: OMG!!! This chapter make me squealing!!
Chapter 1: Sweet~~~<3
Chapter 4: can i read the rest of taehyung's present then? /wiggle eyebrows playfully at you

i'm glad this doesn't end up bitterly though ;w;
Chapter 4: Yeayy!! I was scared to the death!!! Coz I thought it would be a bitter ending!!! But the tittle make me felt better 'dreaming' !! It's only dream!!! Phewww!!! Ke ke ke... ^_^