
Promise The Stars
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i know taehyung's birthday is ending soon but it's better to be late then never right? sorry though T A T i really really wanted to finish writing this earlier but i was busy ;a; so i've just finished it ;; this was actually planned as an angst one but i decided to change it in the end, i hope it isn't weird. and school's starting really soon and next year is an important year for me so i apologize if i don't update (much) next year. enjoy this though! 

p.s taehyung's cover of someone like you got me like ; n ; asdfghjkl.



    His vision adjusts. He sees a familiar figure in front of him. He squinted his eyes to get a better look of that person.    " Taehyung? Is that you ?" He calls out.    But there wasn't any response. The other's back was facing towards him so he couldn't tell if it was really him.   " Taehyung? Taetae? " Jungkook tries again.    This time, the figure turns around. Jungkook's heart leaped in joy as it was indeed Taehyung, his Taehyung. But there was one thing that wasn't right. He seemed... emotionless. There wasn't any spark in his eyes like the way it usually was. He didn't had his signature box grin on his face. His eyes were pitched black which were so deep. He was... lifeless. Jungkook's heart then started to ache. He felt a pang in his chest. " Tae... Taehyung? " Jungkook managed to choke out as a heavy feeling started to act on him. He was trembling, trembling in fear. The Taehyung he loves isn't like that. Taehyung was always full of energy and sunshine. Just then, Taehyung took a step away from the other. Jungkook realizes that somehow, Taehyung is fading away. He tried to run to him, but he feels so weak. It was restricting him. Jungkook screamed and thrashed around. He doesn't move from where he was. He doesn't want Taehyung to go. He doesn't want him to disappear. No no no, it resounded in his mind like a mantra. He reaches out for Taehyung with his arm, but no he can't reach him. All he could do was to watch Taehyung slowly fade away into nothing. As he feels tears in his eyes, he doesn't even care to hold back his tears. He lets them flow down his cheeks and slowly fall. He screams out Taehyung's name one last time as he disappears from his sight.     Jungkook could barely hear it but, he heard a faint, almost inaudible,    Goodbye, Jungkook-ah.   Hyung? Where are you? Hyung?   HYUNG! Jungkook finds himself sitting up on his bed, in perspiration. He was panting and he touches his cheeks just to feel a slight wetness. It was just a dream ... silly me. Jungkook shook his head and heaved a sigh of relief. He looked around. The afternoon sun cracked through the slight opening of his dark windows with royal blue curtains. He lifted the blankets off him and got up before shuffling to his table where a calendar was placed. Jungkook stares at the circled date, 30th december for a moment before walking off, smiling softly.    He doesn't think of the dream he had. He pushes it to the back of his mind.    Jungkook freshens up himself and throws a coat on, stepping out into the winter cold. He shivers but continued walking anyways. He fought ag
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Chapter 7: cute!!!!!!! totally made my day :-)
Chapter 5: I like these xD

Theyre like little doses of happiness LOL
Chapter 5: Okay, submissive doctor Tae...>//<
these are all so cute :-)
Chapter 4: damn i like..
Chapter 3: lol I still can't adapt to reading the submissive taehyung but damn it's still cute..
Chapter 2: OMG!!! This chapter make me squealing!!
Chapter 1: Sweet~~~<3
Chapter 4: can i read the rest of taehyung's present then? /wiggle eyebrows playfully at you

i'm glad this doesn't end up bitterly though ;w;
Chapter 4: Yeayy!! I was scared to the death!!! Coz I thought it would be a bitter ending!!! But the tittle make me felt better 'dreaming' !! It's only dream!!! Phewww!!! Ke ke ke... ^_^