
Promise The Stars
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hello guys!! sorry for taking so long to update this omg u n u. i was writing half way and i had a sudden writer's block sighs. and so i stuggled writing the rest. and i kinda changed the storyline alot before finalizing it TT i'm sorry if it's a little weird omg i know there were several details i didnt add in but i think it wouldn't fit in so ;; but anyways, do enjoy!


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Jungkook finds himself liking the rain. 

Maybe because it gets colder and Jungkook never once liked the warmth. Or perhaps it's the sound of the raindrops.   Or it's just Taehyung.    Jungkook was having his daily dose of caramel macchiato at a small cafe that fine day. He was focused on reading a new book he bought when there was a sudden increase of noise around him. He looks up, slightly startled. More people kept swarming into the cafe, trying to squeeze in. He an eyebrow up, confused. Then he notices several people were drenched. That's when he turns to his right, looking through the glass window. Ah, there's a heavy downpour, he thought. He stares out of the window, watching the raindrops splatter onto the pavement before disappearing. He lifts up a palm and touches the window. Cold, he thought. It was a habit every time it rains. When usually in the car, he would touch the window, feeling it's coldness. He loves the cold. He slowly puts his hand down, returning to his book. But when the cafe started to become noisier, he sighed before closing the book. He then sips on his caramel macchiato while watching people. The tables at the cafe were already packed with people, who probably came in to seek shelter from the rain. He pouts slightly, displeased with the interruption of the once quiet and peaceful cafe. Jungkook doesn't like to be with people, honestly. They're too loud, he concurs. He puts his book down and clicks his tongue in boredom. Just then, a tall figure saunters into the cafe with a hoodie on. Jungkook's eyes shifted towards him. As he walks up to the counter and takes down his hood, Jungkook heart beat a little faster. There standing, was the most attractive male jungkook ever saw in his life. how the hell can someone look like that? He gawks slightly at that attractive male as he orders his drink. His lilac hair was slightly wet which covered his forehead and , those mysterious eyes. And his lips looked so kissable that he can just-      No. Wait. This isn't right. Jungkook thinks. He shakes his head before clearing his throat. He was never like that. And the worst thing is that he doesn't even know that guy. He takes a sip of his drink before cupping his face. No. He's not going to think about that guy. Jungkook's face heats up as he thought if that guy could read minds, that guy would immediately get away from him, thinking that he's a creep, god. okay, Jungkook. you got to calm down. Yes you're cool. You're not some crazy girl squealing over a guy. Yes-    “ Um hey? Can i sit with you? ” a slightly deep timbre voice directed to him. Jungkook turns just to see the attractive male standing by the table, holding a frappe. He froze. Wait what- Is he asking me- Jungkook looks around, not positive that he just asked him.    “ Yes im talking to you, and there's no other seats available so.. can i? ” The attractive male reaches up to the back of his neck, rubbing it awkwardly.    Oh my god, he's talking to me wow is this a miracle- Jungkook coughs lightly, " Yeah sure of course i dont mind, have a seat, it's not like im waiting for someone anyways oh- " He pauses abruptly. " Sorry for talking too much " He manages to say, cheeks tinted pink with embarrassment. The guy laughs before settling down the seat opposite him. " It's alright, i talk a lot too "    Jeon Jungkook, you better not embarrass yourself
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Chapter 7: cute!!!!!!! totally made my day :-)
Chapter 5: I like these xD

Theyre like little doses of happiness LOL
Chapter 5: Okay, submissive doctor Tae...>//<
these are all so cute :-)
Chapter 4: damn i like..
Chapter 3: lol I still can't adapt to reading the submissive taehyung but damn it's still cute..
Chapter 2: OMG!!! This chapter make me squealing!!
Chapter 1: Sweet~~~<3
Chapter 4: can i read the rest of taehyung's present then? /wiggle eyebrows playfully at you

i'm glad this doesn't end up bitterly though ;w;
Chapter 4: Yeayy!! I was scared to the death!!! Coz I thought it would be a bitter ending!!! But the tittle make me felt better 'dreaming' !! It's only dream!!! Phewww!!! Ke ke ke... ^_^