Hold Me Tight (and take my hand)

Promise The Stars
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in the middle of a wedding dinner and istg its so difficult to edit and publish on phone but I can't wait to post this! it's been three months since i disappeared im so sorry it has been really hectic :( I'll probably be posting once every few months only (or worse) since im busy this whole year ( streaming T a T (those who know what I mean yeah) ) anyways, enjoy this!! c: I'll write whenever I can~ ( when i have inspiration ;; )


( comment what ya'll think c: )






The street lights flickered as Jungkook runs passes it, not giving a single damn about it. He tried picking up his pace but fails as he trips over his untied shoelaces. Jungkook huffed in frustration and hastily stuffs them in his shoes. He cringed as his hands scraped against the dirty and rough asphalt. He decides to ignore his now bleeding hands and casually wipes his hands on his jeans. He doesn't have time. He needs to escape before it's too late. Jungkook looks back just to find those people who were chasing him before. Stupid mafia s. He quickly got up to his feet, stumbling before gaining back his balance and he takes off, running into the dark night. Jungkook could hear shouts behind him getting closer, he could hear his pounding heart, so loud resounding in his ears. He takes a sharp turn into an alley, meeting a tall fence. Jungkook cursed as it was a dead end and it was the end for him. Not until he darted his eyes around, realizing he could possibly climb over it. At the other side was something that seemed like a park. Jungkook roughly estimated if he could climb over it and he was willing to try. He was standing infront of the fence, pondering to jump over or not but screw this i dont have time, he thought as he ran towards it and jumped as high as he could, he then used the top of the fence and pushes himself over to the other side, tumbling down. He doesn't look back this time. He continued to run into the park before noticing a gazebo at a far corner and ran towards it. He finally settles down, panting heavily, catching his breath. Those ers never know when to quit, he scoffs as he thought to himself. 


Jungkook didn't know that once you've joined a mafia gang, you can't get out without being dead. He regretted shouting at his gang members, telling them that he quit. because the next day when he comes back home, he finds his house destroyed, everything strewn all over the place. For the past few days, those men kept coming after him. Jungkook wonders if this will ever end. He has no place to go, he was running away from everything. It was early 6 in the morning when he notices students from his school getting off the bus at the other side of the fence. Jungkook himself, was a student, a sophomore. He guessed he wouldn't be attending school anyways. Even more, who would go to school when there's people who're after you to kill you and you have nowhere to go?


" Hey, what you're doing here? " A surprisingly deep voice called out to him as a hand clasped his shoulder. Jungkook jumped up and turned around wildly, alarmed. He met with a young man, probably a few years older than him. The first thing that caught Jungkook's eyes was his appearance. His looks were alluring, features all on point and his hair was slicked up, exposing his forehead. He was dressed in a suit, with a tie hanging loosely around his neck, first button popped opened. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his toned arms. Damn, he looks so fine. Jungkook flushed red as he quickly shook his head, crushing those thoughts about the male in front of him. " I.. I was running away. " Jungkook managed to stutter out. The man raises an eyebrow, confused. Seeing jungkook all sweaty and tired, he decides not to ask first. " Well, I think you got to go. This place isn't safe. " Jungkook nods slowly before looking up at the man. "But i have nowhere to go," he muttered to himself. Jungkook looks down to his dirtied shoes, biting his lips anxiously. He doesn't know what to do. he hears the man sigh softly and he felt himself getting lifted up. Jungkook got onto his feet and the man grabbed his wrist lightly. " Come with me then. " The man said, gesturing to his car awaiting for him at the side of the road. Jungkook eyes widened at that sudden statement. " You said you had nowhere to go, so...come with me? " The man smiled rather shyly as he tilted his head, eyes twinkling. Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded slowly, gulping. He barely know him and yet he allowed himself to agree on going with him. Jungkook didn't know if it was a good decision but at least he has somewhere to go now. 


The man introduces himself as Taehyung. As they got into the car, Jungkook assumes that he's rich, considering he has a chauffeur that could drive him to wherever he wants. He looks down and fiddles with his fingers, eyes occasionally glancing at the other seated beside him. He did not know what to do or how to. Was this a right decision? Jungkook frowned as he thought. He then felt a hand clasp over his fidgeting fingers. Jungkook jumped slightly due to the sudden touch before looking at taehyung and he was greeted with an eye smile. " Relax. " Taehyung whispered to him as he soothed Jungkook's nerves. 


Miraculously, Jungkook did manage to calm down. Jungkook thought it was a right time to tell Taehyung about it and so, he took a deep breath before explaining to Taehyung he was being chased down by a mafia group as he wanted to quit the gang. Taehyung nodded his head, understanding Jungkook's situation but he had a perplexed expression on his face that made Jungkook felt confused but he casually brushed that feeling away. I heard about my men going after to hunt down an ex-member..It cannot be him, can it? Taehyung thought, frowning as he looked at Jungkook carefully. Little did he know..



“ Here we are, my home! ” Taehyung grinned gleefully as he welcomed Jungkook to his house. It wasn't big like a mansion nor small like a room, but it was a pretty house which had two floors and a roof. Jungkook gaped in awe upon the sight of the house. He had never thought of living in one that was like thrice his house size. Taehyung grabbed his wrist and pulls him into the house, showing him around. Jungkook widened his eyes in surprise as he spotted a black grand piano in the corner of the house. Excitement caught up to him as he eagerly wanted to play the piano. It was his secret hobby that no one knew. Not that anyone cared about him, anyways. He eyed the piano as Taehyung continued dragging him to the other room. Jungkook cast a last glance at the piano before it disappears from his sight. I'll play it, some day. He tells himself, firmly nodding mentally. He quickly focuses back on the home tour, on Taehyung.  


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Chapter 7: cute!!!!!!! totally made my day :-)
Chapter 5: I like these xD

Theyre like little doses of happiness LOL
Chapter 5: Okay, submissive doctor Tae...>//<
these are all so cute :-)
Chapter 4: damn i like..
Chapter 3: lol I still can't adapt to reading the submissive taehyung but damn it's still cute..
Chapter 2: OMG!!! This chapter make me squealing!!
Chapter 1: Sweet~~~<3
Chapter 4: can i read the rest of taehyung's present then? /wiggle eyebrows playfully at you

i'm glad this doesn't end up bitterly though ;w;
Chapter 4: Yeayy!! I was scared to the death!!! Coz I thought it would be a bitter ending!!! But the tittle make me felt better 'dreaming' !! It's only dream!!! Phewww!!! Ke ke ke... ^_^