7: 05.11.11

Last Wish of a Heart
It's Saturday but Yeona's sister has another part time job today. She works for almost everything she can to support her life with Yeona. She never complained about her sister's blindness, not even once.
Their parents had taught her to take care of Yeona. Now she is her only blood related relative so she is really protective when it comes to Yeona; she will not let anything harmful to get close to Yeona.
Unfortunately she can't see the Angel of Death, standing close to her sister every day or night. Junhyung is currently in Yeona's bedroom now while she is leaving their apartment for her work.
After the little conversation Junhyung had with Doojoon yesterday, he is convinced once again to treat Yeona better since the day is coming closer to her: her last day on Earth.
But he doesn't know how Yeona can feel better with Junhyung is around. He is the one who will take away her soul nonetheless. It is strange enough that Yeona is welcoming him every time he visits her.
The only reason why Junhyung keeps staying with Yeona is to wait for her to change her wish. Not that he forces her to change it but he thinks that it's impossible for Yeona to only have such a simple wish as her last wish.
There must be something else.
"Junhyung, can I ask you something?" Yeona asks as her hands are working for another scarf, the one she is going to give to her sister as her last present. "I have talked about myself too much that may be it annoyed you. Can I know more about you?"
The Angel of Death stares at the blind girl. He can't believe that his 'client' just asked him about himself. Not that his previous 'client's never asked him before, but the way Yeona asked it is really different from the others.
She asked it as if it is something ordinary. As if Junhyung is not an Angel of Death. As if they are new friends who just met in school. But he remembers that Yeona did ask this question before yet he didn't answer it that time.
"What is it you want to know?" Junhyung manages to turn off his arrogance this time. A part of him keeps telling him that Yeona just tries to be friendly. But he warns her this time. "Don't give me 'whatever' or 'anything' answer."
"Ah," Yeona stops her hand movements for seconds because of the warning. She pouts her lips, thinking of a question for Junhyung. She continues to knit when she finally finds the question, "Why did you become an Angel of Death?"
He sighs, doesn't understand why human always curious about the reason why he became an Angel of Death. He remembers that there is a phrase about 'curiosity can kill a cat'. Human is indeed strange.
"Angels of Death are spirits of humans that committed suicide. It's our punishment to collect souls after fulfilling their last wishes. We give a soul thirteen days to think for a last wish. As long as they don't ask for longer life span, we will grant the wish," Junhyung explains briefly. "Just like what I'm doing right now."
Yeona knits in slower pace now, surprised by the answer. She doesn't expect that Junhyung is originally a human. Not to mention that he did suicide in his past.
"Do you remember why you...," Yeona loses her words. She doesn't know how to ask the reason of his suicidal action without hurting his heart. She is afraid that Junhyung will leave without a word again.
"None of us remember our past. Because we need to work without any doubt in our mind," Junhyung answers her unspeakable question. "You don't need to pity us. Angels of Death are a part of life circle after all. Without us, human souls can't leave the world."
"Who gave you the name?" Yeona puts down her knitting equipment, trying to focus on Junhyung's answer. She has been wondering about the name. Now that she knows that he is once a human, she is thinking about searching for some information about Junhyung.
Junhyung raises his eyebrow. This girl does have many questions in her mind. Trying to be good to her, like what Doojoon told him, he answers her question, "Another Angel of Death named Doojoon gave me the name. He was the one who guided me on my first task as Angel of Death."
"Doojoon...," Yeona repeats the name but the name doesn't ring a bell. "Is it hard? Working as Angel of Death?"
"We ensure a person to die at the moment they are fated to die. We will not let a condition where death comes earlier or later than fate deems," Junhyung mutters with his usual monotone. "Nothing less, nothing more."
"Can you stop being an Angel of Death?" the final question that crossed her mind comes out from her lips. Yeona thinks that it is painful to be an Angel of Death, collecting souls from time to time, granting wishes from one to another.
Junhyung feels uneasy again. The question never crossed his mind. He always worked the task without questions, knowing that it's his punishment to not appreciate the life he was given once.
"No," he answers with a tone which hints that the questioning session is over. Yeona falls in silence, working on the scarf again.
"Think of your last wish once again," Junhyung states, not moving an inch. "You still have seven days to think."
Junhyung closes his eyes, trying to shove away the silly question about his cause of death and a way to stop being an Angel of Death.
Yeona doesn't say a word. She doesn't want Junhyung to keep reminding her about her life span. She knows she can't avoid the Death but her heart is aching when Junhyung tells her about the days left for her.
Seven days left for her.
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I remember whe I first read this story two years ago and somehow I feel like re-reading it. This story never failed to make me cry a lot and I swear there is no story out there that can make me cry as much as when I'm reading this kk and kyuri-ssi *I do not know ur real name* I know I should have told you this long time ago and this is probably too late but you are my very first favorite author in AFF. I'm not the type who will read a story that have only my biases as the main characters but I browse through any genres featured with anyone. I look for the story not for the character kk and yeah, your stories stole my attention and I have read your other stories too. This one is probably my most favorite together with Step by Step. Well, I came here to drop a comment tbh. You are really a great author btw ^^
anasilvia #2
Chapter 15: Un final muy triste... pero muy buena historia! Sad but very good story! It made me cry...
Chapter 9: try reading this with big bang's haru haru acoustic version :')))
sunny28 #4
Hi! I read this story since 2 years ago and I can't help but to cry and being in love all over again with your beautiful written story omg :( Please don't you ever have a thought to delete or whatsoever. Thank you, authornim for this great great story! Wish you the best!
Chapter 15: write* ^~^*
Chapter 15: i just decided to look at your stories agn today haha and i chanced upon this... i remembered I cried for many of your stories, mainly the sad ones such as this and Night Sun haha :) I really like you stories hope you update and writw more ^~
Chapter 14: love it much!!
yeah, it is a bit similar with that japanese comic book.
but the end is somehow a bit similar with 49days.
by the way, it was the best!!
i almost cry~ REALLY! ;.;
siskamarini #8
The best sad FF i had ever read !!!!!
vernielee #9
:)) your stories are so good :DD
I don't think I've read something like this before.
I was so good!
&& I cried a bit. Heh.
Imma go check out your other stories. :)