2: 10.11.11

Last Wish of a Heart
Yeona is focusing her hearing, hoping that she will find a hint that Junhyung is standing somewhere around her. But she has the feeling already that he is nowhere to be found.
She is really worried because Junhyung didn't come to meet her yesterday. The conversation they had the day before yesterday makes her afraid that he is mad at her.
But why does she even bother that the Angel of Death is mad at her? She should be the one who is mad at him, from stealing a kiss when he definitely knows that Yeona has a boyfriend.
Yeona doesn't want to make a mistake within her last days. Junhyung has been the one who accompanied her last days and, she knows it sounds ridiculous, she feels safe whenever Junhyung is with her. She doesn't know why but she feels that Junhyung is special for her in one and another way.
"Yeona, come on," her sister grabs her hand, dragging her gently to walk along. They are standing in the middle of the hospital corridor. "I've done with the administration. Let's meet the doctor now."
Yeona forces herself to smile so her sister will not worry about her. It's not like she can tell her sister about an Angel of Death. The only thing she needs to worry now is her operation.
After short conversation, Yeona is getting ready for the operation. Within an hour, she finally enters the operation room while her sister is waiting for her outside, praying for Yeona's safety.
Junhyung folds his black wings, walking step by step closer to the operation room without a single sound. He stares at the door and looks at Yeonhi. Yeonhi just pulls an envelope from her bag: the last letter written by Jaesoon.
The letter arrived this morning before they took the flight, but since Yeonhi was working under Jaesoon's last wish, she couldn't say a thing before Yeona read the letter; and he asked Yeonhi to give the letter to her after the operation.
Junhyung doesn't have enough courage to meet Yeona after everything he found out yesterday. Doojoon didn't ask him to do or say anything but he reminded him that it's the consequence he needed to live with.
The fact that he is Jaesoon, Yeona's dead boyfriend because he took her place from death around a month ago. The fact that he never stopped loving Yeona even after his death separates him with Yeona. The fact that Yeona doesn't know that he's already dead and she wants him to be the first one she see when her operation is done.
Why? Junhyung asks to no one in his mind. Why is fate being this cruel to Yeona? After everything he did for her, she is going to leave the world tomorrow no matter what he can do for her.
His heart is still not prepared to meet Yeona now but since he must fulfill her last wish, he is pulled by the invisible string of fate to meet Yeona. Yeona wants to see him even though he is an Angel of Death now.
Doojoon has told him that he can keep these memories until he takes away Yeona's soul. No matter how, he can't remember his past since it can interfere his work.
So there he stands in silence, praying for Yeona, waiting until the sign to change and tell him that the operation has finished. He can step inside without people knowing but he doesn't dare to.
After more than an hour of dilemma, the light turns off. Yeonhi stands up quickly when the door is opened by the doctor and nurses. Yeona is moved to another room while she is still unconscious but the operation has succeed.
Being under the demand of Jaesoon's last wish, even though Yeonhi wants to stay with Yeona until she open her eyes, Yeonhi leaves the letter next to her pillow so she will read the letter when she opens her eyes.
Not knowing why she doesn't stay, Yeonhi leaves the room with teary eyes. She can't imagine how Yeona will react after she read the last letter from Jaesoon.
Junhyung approaches Yeona, her hair gently. For the first time after he became an Angel of Death, he smiles. The happy memories he shared with Yeona when he was alive flow in his mind, telling him that he loves her so much.
He doesn't know how long time has passed and he doesn't want to care. He wishes that this moment will last forever where he can stay together with Yeona. But he knows it's impossible to fight the fate.
Yeona stirs; she moves her finger slowly. She gains her consciousness, making Junhyung to embrace her hand to tell her that he is right there beside her.
"Jaesoon Oppa?" Yeona mutters, making him to keep silence. She opens her eyes slowly, looking at the world for the first time. When she sees Junhyung, she smiles wider, "Oppa..."
She reaches out her hand to touch his face; she can recognize a person when she touches his face. Since she has touched Jaesoon's face before, it will be easy to recognize him now.
"Jaesoon Oppa...," Yeona smiles happily, knowing that the face she touches, the one who is right in front of her, is her beloved one, Yong Jaesoon. "You're here. You keep the promise. The last wish is real."
Junhyung can't say a word. He is speechless. How can he tell Yeona that he is already dead? That he will be the one to take away her soul. That they can't love anymore like how they used to.
"Yeona," he caresses her cheek with his cold hand, sending her chillness that she recognizes it different from his usual warm touch. She feels like she is talking with Junhyung, the Angel of Death. "Will you please read the letter?"
Blinking quickly, still feeling strange that she can see, feeling the brightness of the light, Yeona takes a glance at the letter next to her. She takes it slowly and begins reading the letter in silence; it's a good thing she learned about the shape of every character from Jaesoon so she can read it without difficulties.
"Dear Yeona,
this will be my last letter for you. If the operation went well, you must be reading this letter by your own now.
Yeona, thank you and sorry for everything.
When you read this letter, I'm already gone. Let's say that I become an Angel. I can't explain it to you but I am protecting you till the end of my life.
Do you remember our conversation? If one day we have a child, I want to give our son a name.
But since now I can't give a name anymore, maybe, just maybe, you can use the name someday for your child.
I love you, Yeona. Don't ever forget that.
I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. I'm sorry for making you sad. I'm sorry, Yeona, I really am.
Please, live on. Live for me. Live with my eyes.
Yong Jaesoon"
A tear escapes her eyes when she finished reading the letter. She looks up from the letter to Junhyung. She doesn't want to believe what she just read.
"I-It's a coincidence, right? That your name is Junhyung. That...," Yeona stammers, feeling panic all of a sudden. "You said you would grant my last wish, right? Where is Jaesoon Oppa? Where is he?"
Junhyung feels hurt, seeing the one he loves since he's alive until now to deny the reality. He clenches his fists and manages to speak, "We never failed to grant the last wishes. I'm fulfilling yours right now, Yeona."
Yeona starts to cry. She doesn't want to believe what he just said. She wants Jaesoon to be the first one she saw with her eyes, or to be exact, the eyes she received from Jaesoon.
"I fulfill my promise as Jaesoon," Junhyung forces himself to explain, making her to shed her tears, "and I fulfill your wish as Angel of Death."
"No! No!" Yeona covers her ears with her hands, denying the reality. Junhyung stares at her with sad eyes, doesn't know what he can do to calm her down. "You're lying! You're lying!"
She finally can see just to know that her Angel of Death is the one she loves? That he has died before her? Why? An Angel of Death supposed to be the one who commited suicide, right?
"Yeona, I'm sorry," Junhyung finally pulls her into a hug. He can't bear to see her like this, hurting her own heart with denial. He kisses her hair softly and mutters the word sincerely.
Yeona cries endlessly. She knows that Junhyung is Jaesoon now; the way he made her to blush, the way he touched her, the way he hugged her, the way he kissed her.
He is her beloved one.
What should she do now? What can she do now?
When she only has two days to be with him.
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I remember whe I first read this story two years ago and somehow I feel like re-reading it. This story never failed to make me cry a lot and I swear there is no story out there that can make me cry as much as when I'm reading this kk and kyuri-ssi *I do not know ur real name* I know I should have told you this long time ago and this is probably too late but you are my very first favorite author in AFF. I'm not the type who will read a story that have only my biases as the main characters but I browse through any genres featured with anyone. I look for the story not for the character kk and yeah, your stories stole my attention and I have read your other stories too. This one is probably my most favorite together with Step by Step. Well, I came here to drop a comment tbh. You are really a great author btw ^^
anasilvia #2
Chapter 15: Un final muy triste... pero muy buena historia! Sad but very good story! It made me cry...
Chapter 9: try reading this with big bang's haru haru acoustic version :')))
sunny28 #4
Hi! I read this story since 2 years ago and I can't help but to cry and being in love all over again with your beautiful written story omg :( Please don't you ever have a thought to delete or whatsoever. Thank you, authornim for this great great story! Wish you the best!
Chapter 15: write* ^~^*
Chapter 15: i just decided to look at your stories agn today haha and i chanced upon this... i remembered I cried for many of your stories, mainly the sad ones such as this and Night Sun haha :) I really like you stories hope you update and writw more ^~
Chapter 14: love it much!!
yeah, it is a bit similar with that japanese comic book.
but the end is somehow a bit similar with 49days.
by the way, it was the best!!
i almost cry~ REALLY! ;.;
siskamarini #8
The best sad FF i had ever read !!!!!
vernielee #9
:)) your stories are so good :DD
I don't think I've read something like this before.
I was so good!
&& I cried a bit. Heh.
Imma go check out your other stories. :)