Bonus Chapter~Joonmyun and Jongdae

Dawn of the Guardians
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A/N: I just decided to give you guysa bonus chapter on how joonmyun came into the group.


Five years old

Joonmyun was running around his yard with his four year old brother Jongdae, when suddenly they saw hideous creature appear before them. They fell back onto the ground out of surprise and fear. Jongdae was pushed behind his brother by a hand not much bigger than his own. He looked towards his brother with wide eyes.

"H-hyung. I'm scared."

"I'll protect you with my life. Even if I have to die."

"W-what? Hyung? No!"Jongdae had yelled too late though. For the next thing he knew was Joonmyun had stood up in front of the creature to protect his younger brother's life. Joonmyun was willing to give up his life for the younger.

"Jongdae. When I say run, you go into the house and lock the door behind you. I'll knock our secret code on the door after a while. If I don't, then the worst had happened. Don't open the door to anything else. Our parents have keys to the locks. Even if the knock, run silently to your room and act like your asleep."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I'm saying that I might die."

"No! I won't let you!"

"And I don't want my baby brother to die either!"



Joonmyun turned around from his brother and looked on towards the creature that stood in front of them. The creature had a face of a crushed skull with red eyes that stared back at him. A body of charred flesh with an underskin of molten lava flowing like blood. On its head lay two horns that stuck up from its head. When it opened its mouth, you could see row upon row of sharp serrated teeth. It's arms were abnormally long and had poison tipped claws with scars running up and down them. It was crouched down on its two taloned feet. A loincloth was all it had on also. It turned to start circling us, and that was when he saw the tail. Long, pointed, with spikes running down the top of it. It had leather like wings, as black as midnight. 

Joonmyun didn't look back but he signalled to his brother and yelled at him to run into the  house. Jongdae did what he was told but stopped before he closed the door. He looked behind him. Joonmyun stood there, in front of the creature, with blood running down his head. He had a large gash running the length of his hairline. The creature walked up to him, grabbed him around his waist, and flew off into the night, never to bring him back.


Jongdae cried standing there for a while until he heard the front door open. He ran inside after closing the door and went straight into his room. He dove under his covers without knowing that in several years, he would see his brother once again.

Twelve Years old:

Joonmyun was held captive underground, where the pits of Hades flourished. Fires of all different colors crackled and burned. Blue flames of destruction. Red flames of resurrection. Purple flames of peace and black flames of death. Joonmyun was surrounded by all the flames. He was given food to eat during meal times. He was never able to wash himself of the filth and dirt covering him. His hair was long and matted covering most of his face. Chains held him at bay from escaping the dungeon that he was held in. The only visitors that he ever got were the Inegrea.

He tilted his head back against the wall. He couldn't speak because he had long forgotten how to since he was prohibited to. They told him the day that it was today when he first woke up. May 22. His twelfth birthday. He wished himself a happy birthday in his mind considering no one around him didn't care about him. He heard a wooshing noise come from behind him. He would've turned aruond had he not felt hands on his back and words whispered behind his ear.

"You will hold great power my boy. Remember this though. Find the right time and get yourself out. You will have challenges, but you will come to love the people around you, especially your mate. If you don't make it out in three years, I will send someone to come and get you out."

Then the hands and the voice disappeared. All that was left was a few last words and a burning sensation on his back.

"Your mark is in the shape of a water drop my boy."

Joonmyun was left confused yet also cooler than he was a few moments before. The door slid open with his forst meal of the day and that was how it continued. Secretly while no one was watching, he practiced his power and discovered that he could diffuse the flames to where they weren't that hot. He continued on getting his power better and mastering it for the next three years until he heard screams coming from outside his door.

Fifteen years old:

Joonmyun stood up on wobbly legs with the help of holding onto the chains. His ratty and torn clothes hung loose off of his body when he stood to his full height(even though it wasn't much). He felt the screams get louder outside of his door until he saw the door fly in off of its hinges. A boy stood there, not much older than him, and put his leg down fdrom when he just kicked the door. He walked into the room and towards where Joonmyun stood. When he got and arms reach from him, Joonmyun had to tilt his head back just to see his face.

"What is your name?"

Since Joonmyun couldn't really speak, he spoke with his power. He held up his hands and formed a ball of water. He then formed the characters of his name '수호'. He dropped his hands back down to his sides and looked at the man standing before him. He was tall, taller than anyone he has ever seen before. He had what looked like a permanent frown on his face because of his eyebrows.

"Why didn't you speak?"

I spelled out once again 'I have forgotten how to talk. It has been ten years since I last spoke." I let the water hang in the air for I knew that he was going to continue to talk and ask me questions.

"When was the last time that you did speak?"

"When I told my younger brother to run for safety. Then I was cut on the side of my head and taken away from the life that I had once known. I don't know if my brother is still alive. I only want to see how he is."

"I can take you to him, if you want."

I only nodded my head to that. I would be so happy to see if my brother at least once and see how he was doing. He grabbed my wrist and once breaking the chains, pulled me out of the room. He noticed all of the Inegrea running towards us. He pulle dme in front of him and wrapped his arms around my waist. He must've noticed that I wasn't in the right condition to properly keep myself held up.

"Hold still."

He then pushed off of the ground and flew us around, over and under walls, over hangs, and corners. Once we got to an over large door, he flew faster and the force of the wind around us was enough to blow it open. We were flying out in the open air towards a big house on a hill. I looked at the world around me for the first time in so long. The world had developed so much over the time that I had spent underground. He landed on the steps of the house and let go of me except of my wrist. He unlocked the door and led me inside of the house.

"This is were we will stay while finding the others. I know you're probably wo

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Chapter 7: will this story be finished?
Chapter 7: I'm so excited >////<
Chapter 7: *thumbs up* hope u update soon....
Chapter 7: So Suho reveals more of his story... I wonder what Kyungsoo needs Chen for? Im glad you can update more frequently now! ^ ^ and good luck on getting to the top! Please update soon xD
Chapter 6: Aww their pregnant! (•ؔʶ̷ ˡ̲̮ ؔʶ̷)✧
i would have thought Jongdae would run and hug the life out of Suho but I like this hopefully Jongdae and Minseok become part of their family soon!
Update soon please!!!
Chapter 6: Omgomgomg!!!! I cant help but fangirl over this chapter!! The long lost siblings to how Suho thinks that he cant wait to face chen and xiumin!!! Please update soon xD
zianart #7
Chapter 6: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) AWESOME!!! (Chen and Xiumin though) :P.
Chapter 5: Wow this story is great! Please update this story soon! I can't wait to see what happens to the gang! But wait didn't Joonmyun get help from Jongdae when he discovered his power?? How come Joonmyun didn't react a bit??
Chapter 5: Please update soon author-nim ^^b