Chapter 1

Dawn of the Guardians
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Present time:


Yi Fan's POV:


    I turned to look at Joonmyun silently while he was looking at a map with green and red pins sticking up here and there. The green symbolizes where the rest of the Guardians are and because of that, there are only ten. The red symbolizes the enemy. The Inegrea. They are a species of hybrids that had tests being done to them, but a chemical reaction occurred and it caused them to turn demonic and deformed.


    We have avoided them for these last five years together. I escaped death just by having Joonmyun show up and save me. I have been thankful to him ever since then but have never shown it though. I just don't like to show a vulnerable side to me so I keep my emotions hidden under what people call my "face".

    "If we go by what we have pinpointed on the map, three Guardians shall be in a ten mile radius of where we stand right now."


    I looked towards Joonmyun when he said that. Neither of us knew which ones they would be, just that they were Guardians. We could feel their power radiate towards us and just by the feel of it they had control over most of their power and used it at times because we could feel shockwaves pulsating through the air.


    Our eyes met each other and a silent agreement went through us and we turned towards the door. The place we stayed at had enchantments casted all around it so that we wouldn't be detected and that we could train in private.


    We walked through the door and our black head-to-toe robes slithered over our bodies and Joonmyun had the addition of a fingerless glove on his right hand because that was where his mark is located at. When we were a safe distance from the house, I grabbed onto the back off Joonmyun's robe and pushed off of the ground to get into the air.


    At a certain high I changed course from straight up to heading northeast. That was the closest Guardian. I followed his directions and I took a matter of ten minutes to arrive. I lowered us slowly towards the uneven ground and looked towards a group of guys picking on someone that was obviously paying them no attention.


Luhan's POV:


    I was ignoring the boys who always bullied me when I was alone. They didn't like me ignoring them but I didn't give them any of my attention. I grabbed my earbuds and put them in and my music. I had just turned the music up to a certain point when I was shoved roughly from behind. My earbuds came out and I landed ro

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Chapter 7: will this story be finished?
Chapter 7: I'm so excited >////<
Chapter 7: *thumbs up* hope u update soon....
Chapter 7: So Suho reveals more of his story... I wonder what Kyungsoo needs Chen for? Im glad you can update more frequently now! ^ ^ and good luck on getting to the top! Please update soon xD
Chapter 6: Aww their pregnant! (•ؔʶ̷ ˡ̲̮ ؔʶ̷)✧
i would have thought Jongdae would run and hug the life out of Suho but I like this hopefully Jongdae and Minseok become part of their family soon!
Update soon please!!!
Chapter 6: Omgomgomg!!!! I cant help but fangirl over this chapter!! The long lost siblings to how Suho thinks that he cant wait to face chen and xiumin!!! Please update soon xD
zianart #7
Chapter 6: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) AWESOME!!! (Chen and Xiumin though) :P.
Chapter 5: Wow this story is great! Please update this story soon! I can't wait to see what happens to the gang! But wait didn't Joonmyun get help from Jongdae when he discovered his power?? How come Joonmyun didn't react a bit??
Chapter 5: Please update soon author-nim ^^b