Chapter 4

Dawn of the Guardians
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No One's POV:

Luhan's training over the next few months went really well. Joonmyun taught more the mental focus level of his abilities while Yifan is more of the physical fighting style of the powers. While Joonmyun teaches Luhan how to control his power with his mental flexibility before he goes onto Yifan. In other words, Joonmyun is helping to prepare him to be able to fight with unlimited movement and control of his mental power. Especially since his power required a lot of concentration. After a certain amount of time, Luhan is able to multi task while still using his telekinetic powers.

Now was the harder part. Able to use his powers while being on the offense of a fight yet also keeping yourself protected from hidden attacks. This process takes up most of the few months that they had spent training. While he could protect himself well, the only problem he had was also fighting his attackers. He could do one thing but not the other at the same time the first few weeks of this. Yifan kept up with the days training even when it wore the both of them out. 

After the time spent with vigorous mental training and even fighting with his telekinesis, Luhan is able to be able to help them with searching for other Guardians. Since Luhan is more sensitive with wavelengths in the air and brain patterns, he is able to tell if someone is a Guardian, Inegrea disguised as a human, or just a natural, ordinary human being. With this type of ability, they got things narrowed down a lot better and actually found out that some of the points on the map were false with Luhan's help.

"So it seems that the last nine are congregated in the same area. This actually makes thing a lot easier on us. The question though is, who?" Joonmyun had stated one day.

The three were in the study hovering over the map laid out over the table in the center of the room. Joonmyun leaned against the table, gnawing on his bottom lip. Yifan had a had going through his hair with a frown on his face. Luhan was just sitting in the armchair next to the table, carefully feeling and listening for differences in the air to change. A subtle cahnge and that would be all that they need to go and search for the next Guardian.

Luhan was messing with the glass of water in his hand, having the water mold and conform to the side of the glass when he froze midway and waited for the shift in the wave pattern to happen again. Yifan and Joonmyun obviously noticed the change in his demeanor and waited for his signal before they start to head out. Once Luhan felt it again he set the glass of water down and stood up. They caught the look on his face before he willed the robe to drape itself over him. The robe has a brooch that keeps it clipped together over the left shoulder and a hood that covers all of the face when pulled up. Yifan and Joonmyun summoned their own and followed Luhan out of the house. Since Luhan can manipulate the matter around him, he can get himself their without the help of Yifan.

They left in search of the new Guardian.

Baekhyun's POV:

I was walking down the hallway, avoiding people like normal, when I felt something hit me in the back of the head. I ignored it to the best I could until I heard people snickering behind me. I composed myself and kept on walking towards my next class of the day. Just because I was a little different than them doesn't mean that they have the right to pick on me. I'm short and I wear eyeliner. So what. It's just who I am. No one will ever change that about me.

I hitched my backpack higher on my shoulder and turned right at the intersection of the hallways. Instead of going down left and to the dance corridor, I headed to the band and choir rooms. I walked over to room 201 and headed in. My teacher, Mrs. Ahn, was my vocal instructor for this semester since my original instructor was out on medical leave. Mr. Cha wasn't a very good person to begin with. He would always complain about the littlest of things. Even though I have no room much to speak, but he was so much worse. He also hit people in the neck if the did things wrong. It was a good thing that he had the throat surgery this late into the year or we would've had to deal with him even more.

I cleared my throat to announce my presence in the room and she turned around with a warm smile on her face.

"Baekhyun. I see that you arrived earlier than usual. Let me guess. The same people who have always done this to you?" she said with a sincere smile on her face.

I only nodded my head and smiled a little towards her. Park Chanyeol. Him and his group of friends which consisted of himself, Jongdae, Jongin, Zitao, and Sehun. Jongdae was much more easy going than the rest since he started to date Minseok. He was really the only one that I could stand at times. I mostly tried to steer clear of their little group but somehow they kept on finding me. It's like they have spies somewhere or they just know where to look. Probably both though.

"How about we get started so that you can forget about them and you can get out of here earlier."

"Sounds good to me."

We started out with warming up first so that we can get accustomed to it. After a few run throughs of the warm ups, we started on the actual practice. We started out with a few easier things to ese our way into the songs. Once done with those, Mrs. Ahn instructed me into trying and singing the new piece that she had given to me a few days ago to practice on. I was singing smoothly when all the sudden the door was thrown open by none other than Do Kyungsoo. I tried not to get irritated by the fact that he had interrupted us without knocking even though he was the student council president.

"Sorry to intrude but you are needed for a sudden meeting among the teachers. They would've sent a notice out earlier had this not just appeared," Kyungsoo said with and apologetic smile.

"Can you go and tell them that I will be there in a minute. I just need to discuss a few things with Baekhyun here," Mrs. Ahn said with a small smile.

"Sure thing Ma'am."

Mrs. Ahn turned towards me before saying the next few things, "Since this was a surprise and very

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Chapter 7: will this story be finished?
Chapter 7: I'm so excited >////<
Chapter 7: *thumbs up* hope u update soon....
Chapter 7: So Suho reveals more of his story... I wonder what Kyungsoo needs Chen for? Im glad you can update more frequently now! ^ ^ and good luck on getting to the top! Please update soon xD
Chapter 6: Aww their pregnant! (•ؔʶ̷ ˡ̲̮ ؔʶ̷)✧
i would have thought Jongdae would run and hug the life out of Suho but I like this hopefully Jongdae and Minseok become part of their family soon!
Update soon please!!!
Chapter 6: Omgomgomg!!!! I cant help but fangirl over this chapter!! The long lost siblings to how Suho thinks that he cant wait to face chen and xiumin!!! Please update soon xD
zianart #7
Chapter 6: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) AWESOME!!! (Chen and Xiumin though) :P.
Chapter 5: Wow this story is great! Please update this story soon! I can't wait to see what happens to the gang! But wait didn't Joonmyun get help from Jongdae when he discovered his power?? How come Joonmyun didn't react a bit??
Chapter 5: Please update soon author-nim ^^b