Experience I:Awake


“Hey..what are you taking so long? So -- Wait..why are your face so pale? Are you hurt?", Jongin gently put his hand at Kyungsoo’s chin, inspecting the fragile face.

"Nothing.." Kyungsoo mumbled, shaking his head slowly.


Impossible..maybe I'm just thinking too much


"Really? Your face says the otherwise though ", Jongin retorted, eyebrows furrowed.

"Really..It’s nothing. It's just that I'm thinking too much." Kyungsoo finally smiled to ease Jongin.

"Why? Something happened?" Jongin asked again.


"No..I just saw someone named Luhan and that name is..somewhat rare and with the situation like this..it makes me..I don't know..I just..thought that..maybe your stories are real.." Kyungsoo chukled at the ridiculous thought.


"My stories are real...you mean that my stories are not myths but it really hapenned ?" Jongin looked at Kyungsoo face again, trying to read his expression. Kyungsoo laughed at the latter’s statement.


"Yeah..but it's impossible, right?" Kyungsoo looked deep into Jongin’s eyes. Jongin smiled at the latter.




No..it's not






"So...mind to continue your story?”


"Should I? I m afraid that you will be thinking too much."Jongin went to the counter and took out his wallet.

"Well you don't know what really happens in the world..so..what about you just continue your story so that I can enjoy it?" Kyungsoo tailed from the back.


"Well if you say that then I will continue my story then..So..after the court--".


"Wait a minute, how did Luhan woke up?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked.

"You want to hear how did he wake up?" Jongin pulled out some dollars and paid the bill to the cashier.

"Yeah.." Kyungsoo nodded a liitle.

"Well, of course he got healed by the healer.. You know that already.." Jongin quickly went out from the restaurant but then his hand got pulled by Kyungsoo at the back. Jongin looked at Kyungsoo abruptly.


"It's just I got interested about him..just tell me about it already.."


Jongin heaved a sigh.










"Where am I .. ", Luhan mumbled, his eyes wandering the surrounding. Yixing, who was reading a book beside him quickly stood up and looked at Luhan’s face, inspecting his face.

"Oh, you has woke up? How are you feeling?", he beamed, showing off his deep dimple.

"Not too well....Where am I? " Luhan moved his body slowly.

"I don't know. Your home maybe, It looks like they quarantined you here" Yixing inspected Luhan’s eyes and temperature while shaking his head. Luhan tried to wake up but then his headache came back, forcing him to lay back on the bed.


"Who are you? I mean..ohh god my head spinning.."


"Don't worry. I have no mean to harm you. I'm a healer by the way, the one who healed you" Yixing answered calmly while sitting back onto his chair. Luhan’s eyes widened.

"Healer? Oh? I didnt know they are still exist . I mean, with how things are like now..no one would expect your race would still exist anymore."

"I know. Everyone is saying the same things. Well, only few of us left." Yixing took a sigh.

"Im sorry...Err what is this on my wrist?" Feeling miserable, Luhan quickly changed the topic.


"Oh. That is my seal. I mean, I dont know..when people get healed, they usually get this seal on their wrist as a sign they had been healed by someone..i m sorry..it kind of tattoo - like right? I’m sorry if it bothers you though... " Yixing  chuckled a little.

"No, It’s alright to me. It's kind of cool though.." Luhan smiled back.

"Is it? If so, i m glad."

"What this symbol means anyway?" Luhan asked, his eyes sternly staring at the seal.

“It is my symbol, an unicorn. It means that you get healed by me, the unicorn healer. Pfft it sounds funny when I said it. Well that's the meaning anyway." Yixing laughed at the fact.

"Cool...so..you are like half unicorn- half human..?" Luhan eyebrows furrowed, confused on his own words.

"Uhuh..you can say it like that. I can change into an unicorn though. It has been ages since i took that form. Well every healer has it own symbol. Like my friend, Yifan, a dragon healer."

"That's cool. Where is him now?" Luhan woke up slowly, interested at the new information.

"He..is dead. He was killed at the same time my family got killed."

"Oh I’m sorry...by the way did you mean the healer trial? I’m sorry i didn't want to mention this though..." Luhan quickly apologized.

"You are right...well i didnt expect a youngster like you know about this....oh look at the time. Lets’ go. We didn’t want you to be running late." Yixing suddenly stood up and looked at his watch.


"Wait, what? To go where?" Confused at the latter’s said words, Luhan tried to stand up too.

"The court. To save your lover's maybe." Yixing walked away and went out from the room.


"W-wait!! " Luhan quickly grabbed Yixing’s wrist.


"Can you run?" Yixing asked, concerned.


"Of course, why?"


"Nothing..it's just your treatment isn’t over. I didn’t know what the side effects though." Yixing answered, worrying his patient.

"Side effects?" Luhan tilted his head a bit


"It could be a hard one though..because the poison has flowed all around you blood capillary ..well, your body, I mean" Yixing muttered.

"Well, I’m okay" Luhan beamed.







"The prince..the prince has awakens." Minseok stuttered, startled by the sudden Luhan’s appearance in the courtroom.


"Excuse me, who are you to interrupt thi --" the prosecutor glared at the intruder.


"Pfft. Look at yourself, Mr. Park. You don’t even know the victim." Baekhyun chuckled at the prosecutor’s words, mocking him. The prosecutor’s eyes widened at the sudden statement.


"Don't tell me you are.."


"Lu Han. I 'm Lu Han, the heir of Lu pack." Luhan stated confidently.


"Luhan? How can you...? I mean, what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here." Tao stood up from his chair.


"I come to prove Sehun 's innocence.” Luhan walked towards the judge.


"Well, that explains everything. Case closed." Baek stood up and clapped his hands.

"Now would you sit first, Lu Han. Baekhyun -- you too, please sit. Well, everyone. Looks like we need to start everything over." The judge quickly ordered to maintain the situation stable.


"Whatever." Baekhyun rolled his eyes and sat back onto his chair.


"Now everyone is here. Let’s begin this" The judge announced.

"Before we start this, I need to ask Lu Han, are your condition is really okay to we continue this." The judge asked again. Luhan smiled at the judge.


"I'm perfectly okay."


"Are you healed?" suddenly Junmyeon stood up and asked, startling everyone in the judge.


"Why are you talking nonsense? That's impossible." Looking worried, Jongdae quickly pulled Junmyeon’s wrist, forcing him to sit back on the chair.


"Yes, I am." Everybody in the court froze at the sudden information.


"W-What?!" Jongdae stuttered.



"Who a-" Junmyeon walked towards Luhan quickly but then he was pulled back by Jongdae.


"Guardi--" Panic at the sudden interruption, the judge tried to calm Junmyeon.


"Junmyeon, stop askin--" Jongdae pulled Junmyeon harshly.


"Mr.Kims!!" The judge half shouted.


"Yes, sir." Both of them quicky straightened their body.

"Please show your attitude as guardians and…as the jury as well." The judge ordered.


"Now can both of you sit still so we can continue this trial?"







"Is it true that you knew about your condition all along?" The prosecutor asked Luhan, while his hand holding a blue folder.


"Yes, I am. I accidentally ate the poison 3 weeks ago. I knew I can’t be healed anymore and has given up my life after that" Luhan answered calmly.


"Why didn’t you tell us? You are the heir of our pack, Luhan!" Luhan’s mother suddenly shrieked.


"It’s not like I can get healed if I told all of you. Maybe I will get quarantined just like you did right before this." Luhan glared at his mother.


"Now would you calm down first, Mrs. Lu" The judge quickly interrupts.


"So, did you met Se Hun before or after you got the poisoning?" The prosecutor continued his questions.


"It was after the poisoning. That time I wasn't feeling well and was walking carelessly. That's when he found me." Luhan retorted.


"Are you sure that he didn’t poison you?"


"No. He has been taking care of me well and I -I think h-he.." Luhan suddenly put his hands on the head.

"Are you okay, Luhan?" The judge quickly asked.


"Yes..just a little headache. I-I wan--"

Luhan’s body suddenly fall onto the floor, startling everyone. Sehun quickly ran towards Luhan.


"Luhan!! God, somebody help him!" Sehun shouted. The situations turned into haywire in a second. Everyone rushed towards Luhan at the same time. But then Luhan suddenly opened his eyes.


"Hey Luhan...Are you okay?" Sehun asked slowly. Furrowing his eyebrows, Luhan suddenly woke up and moved his body off from Sehun’s grab.


"W-who are you?"


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Chapter 7: Oh...my...god...
Luhannie do NOT tell me that by passing out for a few seconds that you lost your memories ... Oh wait. Memory loss was one of the side effects of the ... The ... What's his name? The uniform healer ... His healing, wasn't it? He losses memories?
Pleaseeeeeee get them back quickly Luhan ... Or Sehunnie might get convicted ...
Update soon please authornim this is great!
You should be proud
hunhan ... Kaisoo. I can imagine all the exo members in suits and eye glasses in a court trial ... LOL.
Kai is Jongin so all of it has happened right??? Oooooh ...
I really like this story ^^ good job (:
m2rxnxn #3
Chapter 5: Your story is daebak . I love kaisoo interaction in this . please continue your story juseyo !!
Dak-shi-1004 #4
Okay kaisoo and other super super cool but i swear i kill u authornim if i won't be able to fall asleep XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh My! this story is really good and more kaisoo please… <3<3<3
Jasmeen #6
Chapter 3: Well done! Thanks for promoting! Your grammar n vocab is improving ^.^
Chapter 2: Next chapter please 8(>v<)8