

Kyungsoo stared at the latter. It has been two weeks since he was transferred to the train station and he keep seeing the latter. The latter usually will be in the last stop and would be the last passenger. Everyday, he will see the latter sleeps in the train with same clothes and time everyday. Kyungsoo usually will be the one who responsible to wake him up before the train stop at the last station. Kyungsoo was anxious and curious. Today, he promised himself that he would talk and get to know the latter.

Kyungsoo looked at his watch. It was midnight. His shift will be going to end soon. He went to the latter. As usual, the latter was asleep.

"Sir, the train will going to end soon." Kyungsoo shook his body. The man slowly rubbed his eyes ad yawned.

"Ah, thank you..Huargh~ Sorry for causing you a trouble." The man stood up and tidied his clothes.

"May I know where are you going after this?" Kyungsoo continued the conversation.

"Bus station, to go back home." The latter smiled.

"Wow, I don't know there's still buses at the bus station with the time like this." Kyungsoo's eyes wide opened. He looked at his watch back.

"There is. But it depends on me if I could go to the bus station in exact time or not." the latter retorted.


"If you don't mind, I have a car and you can ride with me if you want." Kyungsoo glanced at him.

"Seriously? You are so kind. By the way, my name is Jongin." The latter shook his hand with Kyungsoo. Kyugsoo smiled.

"My name is Do Kyungsoo. I'm a porter here." Kyungsoo introduced himself.


Kyungsoo grabbed the steerig tightly. His forehead frowned.

"Are you sure this is the way to your house?" Kyungsoo looked at the road carefully. There was a signboard written 'Graveyard 500m' and that was really scary. Kyungsoo was afraid but he was so eager to know about Jongin.

"Yes, you just need to go straight." Jongin nodded confidently.

Now, Kyugsoo felt really afraid. His heart pounded quickly.

"Okay, you can stop here." Jongin tapped Kyungsoo's shoulder. Kyungsoo's eyes widened, revealing more of his white eyes.'Oh My God. Seriously, he is living in a graveyard. Just who is he really?' Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes hardly.'This is a really graveyard'.

"Thank you, Kyungsoo. Bye, Goodnight." Jongin went out from the car. Kyungsoo nodded and waved his hand.



 It has been 3 days Kyungsoo drove Jongin back to his home. He realized that Jongin is really ing living in a graveyard. Kyungsoo was curious. He wondered what kind of living thing Jongin is? Kyungsoo thought he was a ghost but his figure is perfectly fine..Does ghost knowadays handsome too? Kyungsoo was confused so he decide to follow Jongin and stalk him this time.

"As always, thank you very much, Kyungsoo. You're a totally a big help for me. Bye, Drive well." Jongin waved his hand. Kyungsoo waved back. He then placed his car somewhere near and followed Jongin from the back slowly and carefully.


"Garlic,check. Nails,check. Cross,check. Black pepper,check. Mirror,check. Salt...where is salt? Oh, there is it. Okay,everything is ready." Kyungsoo whispered to himself. He has brought many things that he think could defend and protect him from the ghost. He quickly searched for Jongin's house and walked towards it slowly.



Oh My Gosh. Is that flesh?  The sound made Kyungsoo shivers. He quicky eyesdropped Jongin.

'What was he chopping for?' Kyungsoo asked himself.

That was when Kyungsoo saw Jongin was chopping meats and he ate the flesh roughly. Kyungsoo was terrified. He knew now that that Jongin was not a human. What kind of human eat flesh? Canibalism?


Kyungsoo moved back slowly but he was so clumsy because he hit a tin or whatever  made of metal. He cursed himself for being so clumsy. The sound echoed in Jongin's house. That was then Jongin realized that Kyungsoo was in his house. Kyungsoo's body froze.

"Kyunsoo, what are you doing here?" Jongin stared straight on Kyungsoo's eyes. His hand was holding a knife.

"Er...I was thinking to ask you for...a dinner...maybe.."  Kyungsoo stuttered. His body was shivering and his face was pale.

" Are you alright? You looked sick." Jongin walked towards Kyungsoo. 

"No..I'm fine..Stay away from me.."Kyungsoo retorted. Jongin ignored his words and walked towards him.

"Kyungsoo..Are you really okay? You are-"

"NO! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" Kyungsoo threw all the things he got to Jongin. He tossed out the mirror and the cross. He shouted loudly.

"Hey,hey! Calm down, Kyungsoo. Oh My God, is that garlic?" Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo's hand tightly. Kyungsoo cried. He thought  that Jongin will kill him.

"Hey, Kyungsoo. Calm down, why are you crying?" Jongin wiped Kyungsoo's tears using both of his thumbs.

"You are going to kill me, are you? You are a canibal." Kyungsoo eyes was red. He was really afraid. He hiccuped repeatedly.

"I'm just eating sashimi. Don't be afraid. I'm not a canibal. Stop crying.." Jongin's forehead frowned. He hugged Kyungsoo to comfort him.


"Really? You aren't lying to me, are you?" Kyungsoo stopped crying. He looked at Jongin's eyes, trying to find honesty.

"No, why would I kill and lie to a kind and cute person like you, Kyungsoo." Jongin smiled at Kyungsoo. He soothed Kyungsoo's back.

"Really? Am I wrong? Oh My God! I'm so sorry, Jongin. I was so stupid and paranoid to think you are like some magical creatures or ghost that lives in a graveyard." Kyungsoo bowed at Jongin.

"It's okay. You don't need to worry about it." Jongin smiled back.

"But why are you living in a graveyard?" Kyungsoo scratched his head back.

"Err..I'm a son of a gravedigger, Kyungsoo. By the way, do I look like a ghost anyway?" Jongin laughed.

"Nope. You are so handsome, Jongin. Oh, Jongin. I'm so sorry. This will never happened again. I would never come to your house again after this." Kyungsoo stated. 

"Hey...I would love to ask you for a dinner anyway. You can come here anytime if you want." Jongin grinned.

" I will cause a trouble again so nope. Err..Jongin, I'll go first. It's late and I really need to go home now."Kyungsoo smiled at Jongin.

"Oh..okay..Err..Kyungsoo..Can you take back all your things here..I'm not comfortable" Jongin pointed at the things that Kyungsoo brought.

''Oouh..Sorry. I really thought you were a ghost." Kyungsoo quicky took back all his things. He then went out from the house.


"Bye, Jongin" Kyungsoo smiled and waved his small hand.

"Bye, Kyungsoo." Jongin waved back.

After making sure that Kyungsoo has left his house, Jongin continued  eating the flesh.

He then took a heavy sigh and smirked.

Stupid human...Of course I'm not a ghost, I'm a ghoul.



 A/N: So....let's just say that i just watched an anime called Tokyo Ghoul. It's really great but the ending of the sory was a cliffhanger and I was really dissapointed. If anyone of you wondered what type of creature ghoul is..Let me explain it to you. Ghoul is a creature which is just like the vampire .Their body just like the human but they CAN only eat human's meat. The raw one I mean. They can't eat anything except that. If they eat human's food, they will be sick. Okay..That's it. I hope you understand. Hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you really much.

Please comment~ \[>,<]/




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Chapter 7: Oh...my...god...
Luhannie do NOT tell me that by passing out for a few seconds that you lost your memories ... Oh wait. Memory loss was one of the side effects of the ... The ... What's his name? The uniform healer ... His healing, wasn't it? He losses memories?
Pleaseeeeeee get them back quickly Luhan ... Or Sehunnie might get convicted ...
Update soon please authornim this is great!
You should be proud
hunhan ... Kaisoo. I can imagine all the exo members in suits and eye glasses in a court trial ... LOL.
Kai is Jongin so all of it has happened right??? Oooooh ...
I really like this story ^^ good job (:
m2rxnxn #3
Chapter 5: Your story is daebak . I love kaisoo interaction in this . please continue your story juseyo !!
Dak-shi-1004 #4
Okay kaisoo and other super super cool but i swear i kill u authornim if i won't be able to fall asleep XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh My! this story is really good and more kaisoo please… <3<3<3
Jasmeen #6
Chapter 3: Well done! Thanks for promoting! Your grammar n vocab is improving ^.^
Chapter 2: Next chapter please 8(>v<)8