Experience I : Met



Jongin looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked..okay? Jongin then walked out from his house quickly. He waved his hand at Kyungsoo who was waiting for him while playing with his phone.


“Hey, Jongin. You are here. Looking handsome as always.” Kyungsoo smiled at him and went into his car.

Jongin blushed a little but he quickly went into the car.

“So..where are we going to eat?”

“How about Old Town White Coffee near this area?”

“Good. I can drink coffee there.”

“You really don’t eat dinner, don’t you? Why didn’t you eat?” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Well, I don’t have apetitte at night.”Jongin retorted. Kyungsoo smiled sadly.

“Hmm..if you don’t then I can’t do anyth—“

“Well, I  can eat if the food is you, Kyungsoo” Jongin smirked.


Kyungsoo blushed a little.


“Are you kidding me? We are not even a couple or married anyway.” Kyungsoo stared at the road, trying to focus. He didn’t care if his face was flushed right now.

“I’m saying the truth.”Jongin chuckled

“Okay,okay. Whatever, Continue your story.’’

Jongin smiled a little.


It’s the TRUTH, Kyungsoo.




“Are you okay, Young Master?”

“Of course I’m okay, why?” Luhan lay on his bed slowly. , my head hurts.

“Where were you going?” Minseok asked his master back. It is his responbility to know what is his master’s activites.

“Where else? It’s full moon, man. Don’t you go hunting?” Luhan massaged his throbbing head carefully.

“Young Master, your father said you can’t go out. It’s dangerous out there. He would kill me if he know you were hunting.” Luhan flinched. He stood up and went towards his butler.

“I’m a wolf. What is there to harm me enough? You are being paranoid, Minseok.”

“Vampires..It’s full moon and—“

“I thought we had an agreement with them.”

“Well, it’s true b-but they—“

“Are you saying they can’t be trusted?” Luhan wrinkled his eyebrows. Suddenly he felt his head throbbing again.

“L-luhan, are you okay? Your face was pale.” Minseok hold Luhan’s hand to support him. His voice was trembling, worrying his master. Luhan pulled his hand back quickly.

“ Don’t call me, Luhan. I’m your master, not your friend.” Luhan quickly dashed out from his room as he massaged his head repeatedly.

Minseok looked at Luhan from afar sadly.


Friend? Of course, I’m not your friend.  I’m only your family servant, but

We were, right?




“ Hey bro, Found your victim?” asked Baekhyun as Sehun went into their room.

“ Shut up, hyung. I’m really confused right now.”

“So..did you found anything?” Baekhyun asked back curiously.

“No…nothing.” Baekhun wriggled his eyebrows at his brother’s answer.

“Seems like you are lying to me..”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are”


Sehun’s eyes turned into red. He clenched his jaw.


“ No, Baek. I didn’t caught any human or animal last night. I’m ing hungry right now..So..Please, shut your mouth.” Baekhyun startled a little. His brother’s temper is really scary. Last time he saw Sehun like this was when his food got stoled by another vampires. And then the vampire who stole his food got kicked and punched until he was half dead. Yes, HALF DEAD.


“Okay, okay….no need to be angry. I’m just asking.” Baekhyun sat on the sofa slowly. He continued his reading , pretend not to care about his brother .

“Good, ‘cause I’m going out again.” Said Sehun as he took his sweater on the table and went out from the room again.

“W-wait, Sehun! “ Baekhyun stood up and tried to catch his brother but  he was too late. He didn’t even can catch Sehun’s shadow yet his body.

“This brat, look at him. Aissh, the more he grow, the more his rude grow.” Baekhyun sighed heavily.




Sehun watched the deer carefully. One step, and you will be mine.

Then, Sehun pounced the deer hardly and bit its neck using his fangs. He the blood eventhough the deer was struggling and that’s when he heard ruftling sounds.


He stopped and watched his surrounding carefully.


Sehun then startled a little when he saw a shadow from a person who at his back. Sehun quickly turned his back and attacked the person. He then trapped the person below him. As soon as Sehun looked at the person’s face, his eyes widened.


“Y-you!” Sehun looked at the wolf. The wolf’s eyes were shining, just like the deer. Sehun’s body trembled a little but he still kept his position. To his surprise, the wolf didn’t even struggled  and attacked him back. Sehun was confused. He heard that the wolf are strong, even stronger than the vampires, but this wolf was different. His features were delicate and his body looked…fragile.



“What?” Sehun asked back.

“It’s h-hurt.”


That’s when Sehun saw a trip of blood flowing from the latter’s nose.


“H-hey, there’s blood flowing from your nose.” Sehun asked and helped the latter to stand up.

“N-no, I can’t stand up. My legs feel numb.” Sehun nodded and helped he sat.

“Are you okay? Your face looked pale and there’s blood..Did I push you  to the ground too hard?”

“It’s okay. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t bother you when you are having a meal. Besides, I’m already sick even before you push me.” Luhan shook his head and wiped the blood from his nose.


“Yeah..You also fainted when I first met you..So..why were you looking for me? “ Sehun glanced at the latter.

“Oh..I just want to said sorry because I accused you last night. It was miserable for me to do that when you was only worrying  for me. I’m sorry.” Luhan looked at the vampire.


“Well then, forgiven. I understand you. You must be shocked from meeting a vampire for the first time, right?” The latter's eyes widened, clearly showing that he was shocked because of Sehun's response.




“Me too. It’s my first time to meet a wolf too. I was shocked too.” Sehun retorted. He didn’t even know why he being so friendly right now. It’s just he thought that the latter looked like someone who need to be protected, not to be attacked.


“I’m Sehun. What is your name?”


Luhan’s eyes widened. He didn’t understand this situation at all. All his people said that the vampires are arrogant and rude but what is he seeing right now?


“L-luhan. My name is Luhan.” Sehun smiled and Luhan thought Sehun’s eyes looked like a crescent moon. A beautiful one.


“Nice to meet you, Luhan.” Luhan’s lips curved into a sweet smile.


“Nice to meet you too, Sehun.”





“We are here.”


“No, we didn’t-”


“I can see clearly the signboard, Kyungsoo.”


“Aaa~. Continue your story first. I want to hear it.” Kyungsoo whined.


“Didn’t you hungry? Let’s get out from the car first.”




“If not, I will eat you here right now.”


Kyungsoo eyes widened. For the second time, his face flushed.


“FINE,Fine.” Kyungsoo opened the door and went out from the car.


“Are you satisfied now?” Kyungsoo stared at the latter.


 Jongin chuckled and went out from the car.



You are so cute, Kyungsoo.

H-how can...How I can not resist you?



A/N: Sorry because of the grammar mistakes T.T. I'm not an English native speaker and I'm still young.

        Well then, hope you enjoyed this update.<3 <3 <3

P/S:Please comment. It will make me happy and want to write more. I'm begging you..

And a little gift for Luhan's fans..

And...well I just want to promote my jjong. Please support for Jonghyun 'BASE'!



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Chapter 7: Oh...my...god...
Luhannie do NOT tell me that by passing out for a few seconds that you lost your memories ... Oh wait. Memory loss was one of the side effects of the ... The ... What's his name? The uniform healer ... His healing, wasn't it? He losses memories?
Pleaseeeeeee get them back quickly Luhan ... Or Sehunnie might get convicted ...
Update soon please authornim this is great!
You should be proud
hunhan ... Kaisoo. I can imagine all the exo members in suits and eye glasses in a court trial ... LOL.
Kai is Jongin so all of it has happened right??? Oooooh ...
I really like this story ^^ good job (:
m2rxnxn #3
Chapter 5: Your story is daebak . I love kaisoo interaction in this . please continue your story juseyo !!
Dak-shi-1004 #4
Okay kaisoo and other super super cool but i swear i kill u authornim if i won't be able to fall asleep XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh My! this story is really good and more kaisoo please… <3<3<3
Jasmeen #6
Chapter 3: Well done! Thanks for promoting! Your grammar n vocab is improving ^.^
Chapter 2: Next chapter please 8(>v<)8