Experience I : The Trial


“Seriously what are you thinking, Sehun? Trying to kill a wolf prince? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?” Baekhyun glanced at his brother. His eyebrows furrowed at the thought of his brother killing a wolf.

“You don’t know how ashamed I was when The Observer told me about this.” Baekhyun glared at his brother.

“I didn’t kill him. Trust me, hyung.” Sehun hold his breath. He didn’t predict that he would be jailed if he sent Luhan to his house after he fainted.

“Of course you didn’t kill him. You TRIED to kill him.” Baekhyun shot back.

Sehun’s eyes wide opened.


“No, he was sick. I didn’t knew he was sick. I was trying to help him. Please trust me, you can ask he himself about this.”

“HOW CAN I ASK HIM WHEN HE CAN’T EVEN TALK. Things wouldn’t be this difficult if he can talk. He is in critical state. They just captured you just because you were the last person with him before he collapsed.” Baekhyun sighed.

“H-He can’t talk? Is he going to die?”

“Nothing can cure him right now. The poison will kill him slowly.”

“No! He cannot die. Hyung, please save him.”

“Why should I save him? I didn’t even know him. Besides, there’s nothing can cu—Wait  a minute. I think I can help him. When the judging will be done?” asked Baekhyun excitedly.

“Next week.”

“Good. See you next week, darl. Bye.” Baekhyun waved his hands and went out from the jailroom.








Baekhyun knocked the door. It has been a long time since he visited the clinic.

“Hello? Anyone there?” Bakhyun knocked again. Suddenly, the door opened.


“Oh! Hey, long time no see, Baekki. How are you doing? How’s grandma?” a young man  went out from the door.

“Good as always. How about you?” Baekhyun retorted .

“Fantastic. Working as a veterinar makes me really tired but it still interests me. I never feel bored doing this work.” the latter smiled.

“So, what is it that you want? Animal blood again? I have a plenty here if you want.”


“Thanks about that but no. I need your help to cure someone.” Baekhyun sat on a chair and stared at the latter.

“You have a pet? How could you didn’t tel—“


“Wolf.” Baekhyun grabbed the latter’s hand.


“Huh?” the latter tilted his head a bit, feeling confused.

“Cure a wolf. Can you do that?”Baekhyun asked.

The latter’s eyes widened.


“You have a wolf as a pet? Such a brav—“

“No! It’s my friend. Can you help him?” Baekhyun cut his words quickly.

The latter looked at Baekhyun’s eyes, trying to reconfirm what just he said. After a while, he finally nodded slowly.

“Well, I’ll do what I can but tell me the disease.” The latter sat on his chair slowly, his eyes are still remaining on Baekhyun.

“Immortal poison made by human. He was poisoned.”Baekhyun released a sigh.

“Such a terrible disease. It’s hard to cure but I’ll do what I can. Where is him right now? He must be in a terrible state. Pity him.”

“In the forest. Guarded by some people.” Baekhyun stood up, walking towards the door.


“Well then lead me the way.” The latter smiled.


It has been a long time since I heal someone..





Baekhyun sighed. It took him a long time to find the house. He looked at the house. The house was made of from wood and the size is a little bit small. It seems like the pack  quarantined the sick wolf eventhough the wolf is a prince.

 “Anybody here? Hello?”Baekhyun knocked the door.

“Yes?” A voice answered.

“Hello. Ermm..Can I meet the wolf prince?” Baekhyun shyly asked the voice.

“Luhan?” the voice retorted.

“Luhan? Ahah, that was his name. Can I see him?”Baekhun beamed. Ahh..so his name is Luhan..

“Well I’m sorry to tell you that he is not in a state where he can meet anyone.” The voice answered sadly.

“You can just go back hom—“

“Please…I just want to help him.”Baekhyun cut his words. He then tried to push the door open.

“H-help? How can you help him? His state cannot be healed. Just go away from here.” The voice, Minseok finally opened the door and revealed himself.

“Well, I don’t tell lies.”Baekhyun shot back.

“Why should I trust you?” Minseok looked at Baekhyun, finally noticing someone behind the latter.

“Just 30 minutes. I’ll do everything I can to save him.” Baekhyun demanded.

Minseok hesitated for a bit but then he finally opened the door so they can go inside the house.

“Just tell me your name so I can find you if something happens to Luhan.” Minseok closed the door when both of them have gotten inside the house.

“My name is Byun Baekhyun.”Baekhyun introduced himself.

“And who is this?” asked Minseok again, his index finger was lifted up towards the direction of the latter.

“Owh, he is my friend, Zhang Yi Xing.” Baekhyun smiled.

“Baekhyun, why do you need your friend to save Luhan?”

“Well, how do I say this. He is actually…” Baekhyun put his hand on his nape, showing his hesitation.

Yixing smiled. He walked towards Minseok without hesitant.

“Hello. My name is Zhang Yixing and I’m a doctor.” Yixing shook his hand with Minseok.





“So that night, you gave him a poisoned meat. Am I right?” the prosecutor assumed.

“I object this accusation. Where is your evidence, Mr. Park?” Baekhyun, being Sehun’s lawyer, objected the accusation.

“He was the last person with the wolf prince. Even if you think rationally, who else could poison the prince? They always meet each other. The prince trusted him the most. It gave him a big chance to poison the prince without notice.” The prosecutor stood up and walked towards Baekhyun’s desk.

“Why would he sent the prince to the house if he poisoned the prince? It’s just like you turn yourself in. It was obvious, he sent him because he was worried. Why can’t you think logically?” Baekhyun denied again.

“What if all of that was an act to fool his family?” the prosecutor put one of his hand on Baekhyun’s desk.

“How do you know it was an act? You don’t have a proof.” Baekhun glared at the prosecutor angrily.

“You also don’t have an evidence. Why you—“




“Enough! Both of you can stop. The witness may speak.” The judge, Kai, ceased both of them. Minseok , who silently watching both of them stood up.


“Emm…My name is Kim Min Seok. I’m the prince’s butler. As all of I know, the prince like to go out at night lately. He said he went out with his friend, but I don’t know who it is.”

“Is that you, Oh Se Hun?” Kai looked at the latter. Se Hun nodded.

“Yes, that was me.”

“Oh Se Hun, could you tell us clearly what was your activity with him during that night?”

“We would go hunting together.” Se Hun stuttered.

“Can you tell us exactly what happened that night?” Kai asked again.

“That night, we were hunting together. When we got our catch, I offered him some meat but he refused it. When I noticed that his face was pale, I asked him if he was okay. But then he said something about death and suddenly collapsed. I was panicked. That’s why I quickly sent him to his house.” Se Hun stated nervously.


“He said something about death?” Minseok eyes darted on Se Hun.

“What did he say?” Kai asked. Se Hun looked at Kai. His heart was racing.

“He said..he wanted to die beside a person that he loves..” Se Hun stammered.


“You are lying!!!!” Luhan’s mom glared at Se Hun.


“It sounds like he knew he was about to die.” Baekhyun snickered.

“Liar!! My son would never poison himself. He is the heir of our pack. He wouldn’t do such a thing.” Luhan’s mom shrieked.


“The poison is a long term poison…he could’ve know about his condition.. I mean he might know that he was poisoned.” The prosecutor furrowed his eyebrows.

“That means everyone could poison him. You can’t accuse my brother did that without any evidences.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

“But he never meets anyone except him. The only person he met in the duration was only  Se Hun and Minseok. Well, most of it was Se Hun. He is the most suspected.” The prosecutor protested.


”That’s unfair! Why would my brother kill him? They are friends.” Baekhyun stood up instantly.


“But they just know each other. Not to mention that they are from different races. Everybody knows wolf and vampires have some sort of conflict since long time ago.” The prosecutor glanced at the furious Baekhyun.


“But we have an agreement. Why are you bringing up this topic again, Mr.Park? A ghoul like you would never understand us.” Baekhyun raised his voice.

“As a prosecutor, I know all about my client, Mr.Byun.” The prosecutor smirked.

“How can you know about your client when he can’t even talk?” Baekhyun glared at the latter.

“Of course I would ask his family. His closest connection.”

“You said yourself that the prince was closest with my brother and his butler. He didn’t even meet his family. I doubt his family even know that the prince went out every night with my brother, right, Mr Butler?” Baekhyun chuckled a bit, mocking the prosecutor.

“Ah?..Yes…“ Minseok startled.


“How can you proof that your brother is not guilty? He didn’t even defense himself. You are the only one defensing him.” The prosecutor glared at Baekhyun. Baekhyun’s eyes widened, showing his furiousness after the prosecutor’s statement.


“Why are you—“ Baekhyun’s words were cut when suddenly a youth stormed in.




The voice echoed in the whole court.  Everybody stopped talking and their eyes darted on the stranger who just came into the room. Sehun’s eyes wide opened when he saw the stranger while Minseok gasped in his breath.


“The prince…The prince has awakens.” said  Minseok, eyeing the stranger who interrupted the trial.






“What?!! Luhan was awake? But how can? How about the poison? What is this? This is so confusing!” Kyungsoo pouted. Jongin chuckled, feeling amused looking at Kyungsoo’s cute expressions while listening to his story.

“Well..How about you finish your dinner first and we can continue the story in the car. It’s late already.” Jongin patted Kyungsoo’s head.

“Awhh..I can’t finish this fish. Your story is too interesting. It makes me lose appetite.” said Kyungsoo while poking the food with his fork.

“Hey, can I go to the toilet for a while?” said Kyungsoo suddenly. Jongin nodded.

Kyungsoo quickly stood up and ran for the toilet.





After finished his bussines, Kyungsoo quickly washed his hands. He then looked at his reflection on mirror, taking time to fix his hair a little bit.


 Kyungsoo startled a liitle when suddenly a young guy came out from one of the toilets’ door. The guy walked towards the mirror while looking at his reflection, just like Kyungsoo, fixing his own hair. Kyungsoo observed the guy’s clothes. The guy was wearing a black T-shirt and a half apron. On his chest side there was a gold name tag written his name on it and he was wearing a headphone. 


He must be a college student who worked as a waiter as a part time work. Kyungsoo smiled.


The guy walked past him and that was when Kyungsoo can see that guy’s nametag closely. His eyes wide opened when he saw the name.




His name is Luhan.





A/N: Sorry for late updating.. Please don't mind the grammar errors..and..please comment and subscribe! 



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Chapter 7: Oh...my...god...
Luhannie do NOT tell me that by passing out for a few seconds that you lost your memories ... Oh wait. Memory loss was one of the side effects of the ... The ... What's his name? The uniform healer ... His healing, wasn't it? He losses memories?
Pleaseeeeeee get them back quickly Luhan ... Or Sehunnie might get convicted ...
Update soon please authornim this is great!
You should be proud
hunhan ... Kaisoo. I can imagine all the exo members in suits and eye glasses in a court trial ... LOL.
Kai is Jongin so all of it has happened right??? Oooooh ...
I really like this story ^^ good job (:
m2rxnxn #3
Chapter 5: Your story is daebak . I love kaisoo interaction in this . please continue your story juseyo !!
Dak-shi-1004 #4
Okay kaisoo and other super super cool but i swear i kill u authornim if i won't be able to fall asleep XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh My! this story is really good and more kaisoo please… <3<3<3
Jasmeen #6
Chapter 3: Well done! Thanks for promoting! Your grammar n vocab is improving ^.^
Chapter 2: Next chapter please 8(>v<)8