Experience I


“What do you work as?”

“Huh?!” Jongin choked a little. Feeling nervous, he ignored the question and tried to change their topic of conversation.

“It smells little stuffy here. Don’t you think so?” Jongin sniffed a little,then he took out his Channel perfume and sprayed it in the air.

“Really? But I just washed and vacuumed the car yesterday..Sorry if the smell disturbs you.” Kyungsoo pouted a little. His eyes never left the sight of the road in front of him. He took a breath and hummed a song to fill in their awkward situation.



“What do you work as?”

Damn it. He’s really curious.

“ I..work as a judge..” at Mystical World Court, of course.

“Whoa! That’s cool. You must be talented to be a judge at such a young age.”Kyungsoo smiled a litte.

“Wanna share your experience?” Kyungsoo glanced at Jongin.

Jongin blinked once.” Of course. So, which one do you prefer? A sad one or the happy one?”

“ I would like to hear the happy one.”Kyungsoo beamed.

“ What about I tell you a little legend stories about magical creatures ? My experience was boring anyway…” Jongin looked at the the elder. Well..it’s still my experience anyway..

“Awesome! I don’t know you are interested in such kind of stories. Tell me about it.”Kyungsoo retorted.

“ Well..it’s about a love story between a vampire and..”

“Human? Like Twilight?”

“Nope..That’s a defferent  case.”

“Sorry..So, what is it?”

“ It’s between a vampire  and a wolf. A forbidden love”



“ Do you wanna go out today?” Se Hun asked his brother, Baek Hyun.

“ Did you mean hunting? Nah..I’m full already. Besides, today is a full moon night which mean the wolf will also going out hunting today. I hate them. I don’t want to meet them tonight.” Baek Hyun pouted and continued to read his favourite magazine, Cosmopolitan.

“Are you afraid of them? I thought you never meet them.” Se Hun poked Baek Hyun’s cheek when he realized that his brother has been ignoring him since then.

“You are right. I had never meet them before but according to our elders, the wolf was our worst enemy.” Baek hyun glanced at his brother a little.

“It was a long a time ago. We have made agreement with them, right? It’s peace now.  So…the conclusion is you have to go out with me today.” Se Hun pulled Baek Hyun’s wrist.

“Noooooo!!! I’m full! Go out by yourself, Se Hun! Be independent a little, Se Hunnie~” Baek Hyun whined and pulled his hand back.

“Fine! Fine! I’m going by myself. Don’t expect me to come home tonight!” Se Hun pouted and went out from the house angrily.

Baek Hyun sighed. I’ve warned you, Se Hun.


Lu Han breathed heavily. His head hurts so much. He kneeled and massaged his head a little.

Gosh, it’s hurts so much. I feel like dying. Stupid poison. Stupid me for eating a poisoned meat.

Lu Han startled  when he heard rufstling sound around the bushes.

Who the hell is that? Oh My God, I can’t hold it anymore.

“Hey, are you okay?” Lu Han’s eyes twitched. He looked around and found a boy behind him, looking really worried.

“I’m oka- Argh!!“Lu Han felt his head spinning and before he know it, the darkness filled his eyes.


Lu Han opened his eyes. His head still hurts but not much as before.

“Hey..You have woken up. Are you okay? You passed out in front of me and luckily I was there to help you.” The boy beamed and his eyes formed a shape of a crescent moon.

Lu Han nodded lightly. His eyes widened a little when a strange smell went into his nose.

“I’m alright. Thank you so much. Emm..What smell is this?” Lu Han asked the tall boy who has helped him.

Wait..this smell..I knew this scent.

“What smell? I didn’t smell anything. Did you broke your sense of smell too?” the boy looked at him weirdly. The boy then pulled Lu Han’s hand to help him stand up. Lu Han eyes wide opened when his warm hand touched the boy’s cold hand.

Oh God. It’s vampire. It’s vampire scent.

“Nothing..I should go now..Err thank you so much for helping me.” Lu Han quickly made his way to avoid the vampire.

“ Are you okay? You looked sick. Your face was pale.” The boy quickly pulled Lu Han’s wrist back and put his hand on his forehead.

“I’m okay. Really. Please let me go—“

“ But you looked sick and your body was warm too. Did you catch a cold? It’s because your face right now is really pale. And—“

“ Your face is pale too!” Lu Han yelled back. He wrickled his eyebrows. His head hurts and now he need to face an annoying vampire.

“It’s true my face is pale but it doesn’t mean I’m sick right now.” The boy retorted back calmly, trying to cover his identity.

“Then it doesn’t mean I’m sick too. Get off from me.”

“But you just passed out right in front of me and that could be a strong evident to improve the fact  that you are sick. I’m just worried to see a person who just fainted and sick to be in the forest alone. I’m not an a bad person, you know. So-- ”

“So what? So you can drained me here violently? So you can my blood until I die here?”

“ What? I—“

“Did you think I’m stupid enough to believe you are a kind person? What kind of person who went into the forest lonely at night?”

“Then, what are you doing here lonely in forest at night too?”the boy shot back.

Lu Han glared at the latter. “ off!”He pulled his hand using his full strength and ran away from the vampire.


Se Hun looked at the boy who just ran away from him. In a speed of light, the boy was lost in his sight.

An incredible speed. He is definitely not a human.

“ How the hell did he know I’m vampire anyway..?” Se Hun talked to himself.

“Wait..He was talking about a smell earlier..Did he smell me?..What kind of creatures have a good sense of smell like that? Wait a minute…Oh My God!” Se Hun’s eyes twitched.

I just met a wolf.




“So..what happened after that? Did Se Hun talk to his brother about it? Did they meet again?” Kyungsoo asked Jongin excitedly.

“Whoa..Calm down, Kyungsoo. I really want to tell you about this story but we’ve arrived to my house. We can continue later..Tomorrow maybe?”Jongin retorted.

“But..okay...I’ll wait. Hey, Jongin. What about a dinner together tomorrow?”Kyungsoo eyes lit up.

“Uhh..Let me think about it.”

“Please..You can continue your story tomorrow.”

But I don’t eat human’s food..

“ I don’t eat at night.”Jongin stated bluntly. He went out from the car and glanced at the latter.

“Then how about lunch?”

“ I have a work to do at  lunch. Besides, you don’t know where my workplace is..”Jongin replied back.

Kyungsoo pouted and Jongin thought he was really cute.

Aish this human….making me fall into him again...

“Alright! Alright! Dinner together tomorrow! Are you satisfied now?” Jongin shot back.

“ Yay!! Love you Jongin!! Bye. Take care. Sleep tight.” Kyungsoo said happily and waved his hand at Jongin. He then left Jongin after Jongin waved his hand back.

Jongin  blushed a little. Then, he suddenly frowned.

Would you still love me after you knew me, Kyungsoo?



A/N : So...I've made a decision to make a sequel..I don't know if this story is okay or not..So please comment and sorry for grammar mistakes. Please look out my bestfriend story too! 


Her story is so lovely and she is so talented so I hope you can give her a support too!

Till then..Ooh, maybe i will update this story tomorrow. so please anticipate and thanks for reading my stories. Bye!


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Chapter 7: Oh...my...god...
Luhannie do NOT tell me that by passing out for a few seconds that you lost your memories ... Oh wait. Memory loss was one of the side effects of the ... The ... What's his name? The uniform healer ... His healing, wasn't it? He losses memories?
Pleaseeeeeee get them back quickly Luhan ... Or Sehunnie might get convicted ...
Update soon please authornim this is great!
You should be proud
hunhan ... Kaisoo. I can imagine all the exo members in suits and eye glasses in a court trial ... LOL.
Kai is Jongin so all of it has happened right??? Oooooh ...
I really like this story ^^ good job (:
m2rxnxn #3
Chapter 5: Your story is daebak . I love kaisoo interaction in this . please continue your story juseyo !!
Dak-shi-1004 #4
Okay kaisoo and other super super cool but i swear i kill u authornim if i won't be able to fall asleep XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh My! this story is really good and more kaisoo please… <3<3<3
Jasmeen #6
Chapter 3: Well done! Thanks for promoting! Your grammar n vocab is improving ^.^
Chapter 2: Next chapter please 8(>v<)8