Experience I : Falling



"Se Hun, have you ever drink human's blood?" Luhan glanced at Sehun.

"Shh..The deer might hear you.." Sehun retorted.



With a lightning speed, Sehun pounced the deer and pinned it down. He quickly the blood , ignored the deer's struggle. He then pulled Luhan's hand, asked him to sit next to him.

"Do you want its meat?" Sehun asked. Luhan shook his head and sit next to Sehun carefully.

"Lately, my body feels weak and my head always feels hurt. I also have no apetite lately. " Luhan pouted. Sehun looked at Luhan.

"Since when you are feeling like this? I noticed that your face was always pale but I thought that maybe it was natural to you" Sehun grabbed Luhan's hand.

"Look, your hand is cold too. It's usually warm" Luhan smiled.

"Did you remember the day when I met you?" Sehun nodded his head.

"Of course, you fainted in front of me."

"That day, just before I met you, I was eating a rabbit." Luhan's eyes slightly closed, trying to memorize the incident.

"But unfortunately, that rabbit was sick. It was poisoned by human. I ate the meat, which mean my body is poisoned too." Sehun's eyes wide opened.


"That's bad. We need to heal you. Why are you telling me this now?" Sehun put both of his hand on Luhan's cheeks.

"It's too late. This poison is too strong. It was specially made to kill wolf pack. All parts of my body is already poisoned. I'm dying, Sehun-ah." Luhan's tears slowly flowed out.

"There must be a way to save you. You can't just die after telling me this. Have you ever telling anyone about this?" Sehun wiped Luhan's tears. He felt so bad knowing about this. If he know about this sooner, he will try to find a way to heal Luhan.

"There's nothing that can save me. I'm just telling this to you because if I told my family, they will make a ruckus. They will send me to the witch. The witch can't heal me, they just can delay my death. And then they will quarantine me in a room untill I die. I don't want that kind of death.It's a painful death. I want a peaceful death." Luhan closed his eyes.

"What about a healer. They can heal you, right?" Sehun stared at Luhan worriedly. Luhan chuckled.


"A healer? They maybe can heal me but It's hard to find a healer. It's like finding a grain of sugar in a mountain of salt. They maybe doesn't even exist anymore."

Sehun's eyes widened.

"Luhan, why are you telling me this?" Sehun's gripped Luhan's hand hardly.

Luhan's tears burst. But then, he wiped his own tears back.

"I-I just want to die beside a person that I love..." 

Sehun's heart skipped a beat.

" My death is coming anytime. 'Till the poison reach my brain and then I can't move anymore. Just like a living corpse."


"Please...I beg you. Don't leave me untill I die. I only tru--" Luhan suddenly massaged his head.


Suddenly, a trace of blood flowing from his ear. Sehun quickly hold's Luhan's back.

"It's coming, Sehun. It's coming." Luhan smiled. His tears are still flowing.

"Luhan, we need to get you back home. You are--"

"No! I've always want to die. I hate my family. That's why I didn't told them for the first thing. They only will make me suffer. Please, at least let me be beside you."


"Sehun..I lov--"

Luhan didn't get a chance to continue his words. Darkness filled his eyes.






"Yes, I'm coming~" Baekhyun quickly paused his video games.


"I said I'm coming!!" Baekhyun yelled.

He quickly opened the door, ready to meet the unpatience guest. 

"Yes? Owh, The Observer. What's the matter? Do you need any help?" Baekhyun asked lazily. He hates The Observer. They act like a police, but they don't investigate cases seriously.

"Do you any mind know this person?" one of The Observer showed him a picture.

"Of course, that's my brother, SeHun..Wait a minute, how do you know him?" Baekhyun grabbed the picture and looked at it closely. 

"Well, he was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder."

"What are you saying? He is innocent. Just what thing he tried to kill?"

"Well..you may be surprised, but he tried to kill a wolf."

"Wolf? Are you insane?"

"Well, a  wolf's prince actually.."


Baekhyun's eyes widened.

" Are you joking with me? He 's not stupid. He wouldn't tried to kill if there isn't any reasons."Baekhyun retorted.

" What about you talk about this at the court? To defend him maybe?" One of The Observer shot back.

Baekhyun glared at The Observer.

"Fine. Lead me the way." 




"I can't believe you are so clumsy, MinSeok. How can you let him went out with a vampire almost every night?!" Luhan's father glanced at Minseok.

"He said he was going out with his friend. I didn't know his friend is a vampire, Sir."Minseok replied calmly.

"Look at his condition. He will die anytime soon. His body is so fragile since he was kid. That's why I hate him, papa. He has ashamed our family's name." Luhan's brother, Zitao, gave his opinions.  

"Shut your mouth, Zitao. Die or not. Ashamed or not. He is still your brother." Tao pouted.

"I'm really sorry, Sir. In return, I will take care of Luhan after this." MinSeok apologized again.

"No need to, Min Seok. He is going to die anyway. Just prepare the funeral."


Min Seok's eyes widened.

"Did he seriously doesn't have any chance to live anymore?"Min Seok stuttered.

"What? Do you want to take care of this living corpse, MinSeok? He is no use in this pack, anyway.." Zitao smirked.

"His condition is critical. There isn't any way to save him anymore." Luhan's father slightly shook his head.

"Just prepare for  his funeral." with that, Luhan's father and Zitao went out from Luhan's room, leaving Luhan and MinSeok alone.


Still shocked with the news, Minseok slowly walked towards Luhan's bed and hold Luhan's cold hand.

"You know this were coming, right? You know you were going to die, right?" MinSeok's tears burst.

He then sat next to Luhan.

"You were actually planning to die from beginning, right? I know that person didn't tried to kill you. He maybe doesn't even know you were going to die."

Minseok then laughed sarcastically.

"What have you done, Luhan? You made the person you love get arrested. How can I help you? I don't have a power."

Not too long after that, MinSeok cried back.

I told you that I know you, Luhan.




A/N: Please don't mind the grammatical errors. I wrote this when I was sleepy..so..yeah..And please comment <3<3<3


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Chapter 7: Oh...my...god...
Luhannie do NOT tell me that by passing out for a few seconds that you lost your memories ... Oh wait. Memory loss was one of the side effects of the ... The ... What's his name? The uniform healer ... His healing, wasn't it? He losses memories?
Pleaseeeeeee get them back quickly Luhan ... Or Sehunnie might get convicted ...
Update soon please authornim this is great!
You should be proud
hunhan ... Kaisoo. I can imagine all the exo members in suits and eye glasses in a court trial ... LOL.
Kai is Jongin so all of it has happened right??? Oooooh ...
I really like this story ^^ good job (:
m2rxnxn #3
Chapter 5: Your story is daebak . I love kaisoo interaction in this . please continue your story juseyo !!
Dak-shi-1004 #4
Okay kaisoo and other super super cool but i swear i kill u authornim if i won't be able to fall asleep XDDD
Chapter 4: Oh My! this story is really good and more kaisoo please… <3<3<3
Jasmeen #6
Chapter 3: Well done! Thanks for promoting! Your grammar n vocab is improving ^.^
Chapter 2: Next chapter please 8(>v<)8