Why Marry Such A Girl?

To Wed Or Not To Wed
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Jenny came out from the bathroom to find Chris standing in her room. She squealed out of shock, as she was wrapped in a towel. "You shouldn't see me like this!"

"Hey! At least you're wrapped in towel," said Chris. "Anyways, wear this dress for tonight." He toss the dress on the bed. Jenny take a look at the dress and became dismay. The dress was a sleeveless black mini dress with an open back. "This dress is too y! I'm not wearing this to the party!" 

Chris raised an eyebrow. "This is the most expensive dress I bought for you. Is this the thanks I get?" Jenny didn't say anything. "At least I gave you a dress. You should thank me. Now, please get dressed. My friends are down stairs already." With that, Chris left the room and shut the door. Jenny sighed and put on the y dress. 

She felt embarassed wearing the dress. She saw many girls crowding around Chris. They were not only chatting with him but he was putting his arm around them. Jenny let out a soft gasp. "Oh, is that your fiancee, Chris?" a guy named Harry asked. 

"She is smokin' hot tonight," said Dylan. Some of the guys are whistling at Jenny's appearance, much to her embarassment. Chris put his hand on her shoulders. "Back off, dudes. She's getting married." 

"Yeah, right! You hardly spend time with her!" laughed Harry. "So, why not give her to one of us?" Jenny became scared. But Chris answered, "Nah! You will her! I don't want anything happen to poor dear Jenny."

Jenny walk far away from Chris' preverted friends and grab something to eat. "Gosh! What kind of friends Chris has?" she gasped. The party still continued on. Jenny wasn't enjoying the party, as none of Chris' friends want to chat with her. She just watch the guests having fun. The girls began to approach Chris. What shocked her was Chris touching one girl's buttock and his other hand was rubbing another one. 


~Jenny's POV~

What is wrong with Chris tonight?! He's touching another girl with his hands! Not one but two!! 


Suddenly, the girls began to kiss Chris' cheeks. He didn't do anything or get angry. Instead, he was enjoying the kiss and he began to kiss them back. Jenny became more upset at her fiance's actions. She couldn't stand at the sight of the scene anymore. She ran up to her room and cried silently.

Meanwhile, Jessica, Donghae and Kyuhyun went to a bar for a drink. Krystal didn't join them, as she went to bed early. "How was Chinatown today?" asked Kyuhyun.

"It was okay. I feel like I'm in China than San Francisco. Too bad you missed the fun," said Donghae.

"We ate Chinese food there," said Jessica. Kyuhyun took a sip of his drink. "Sounds like fun." 

"By the way, I saw you holding a flower pot with an orchid," said Jessica.

"Yeah. It was a gift from Jenny. It was very kind of her," said Kyuhyun. 

Donghae took a sip of his drink. "How lucky of you. Be sure you take good care of her gift." Kyuhyun took a drink. "Of course." Jessica pour another liquid of drink into their cups. "Let's make a toast. To our summer vacation here and for Chris and Jenny's marriage." Donghae also make a toast. "Too bad Krystal isn't here tonight." But Kyuhyun frown as he makes the toast. "You look troubled. What's the matter?" 

Kyuhyun sighed. "I'm not really comfortable of Jenny marrying Chris. She doesn't look happy with the marriage." 

"How do you know that?" asked Jessica.

"I've seen her sad face since yesterday. She may be smiling on the outside. But on the inside, she's unhappy," replied Kyuhyun.

"Sounds like you care for her a lot," said Donghae. Kyuhyun gulped and blushed. "Of course I do, as a friend. I hate to see her unhappy." Donghae began to tease his dongsaeng. "Aigoo! K

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i've reedited chapter 6. don't mind the changes.


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lulu88 #1
Chapter 11: How is your hand now , is it better ???
Take a lot of rest <3
Chapter 1: Not only that but Kyuhyun's solo album too XD Love the story so far update soon please
Chapter 1: Not only that but Kyuhyun's solo album too XD Love the story so far update soon please
Ooh, sure! I'd be patient. Enjoy your trip wherever that is. I know this is too much to ask of you but would you mind sharing your experiences with me once you go back to your country? I'm really interested in trips out of the country but I've never been on one before because I don't have enough money. It would be a joy to know what happens during your holiday. You can tell me any of your experiences, as long as you're comfortable about it.

I'm just wondering. Why did you use Jessica in your poster/wallpaper instead of the OC? I mean, she's not the one going to be married; she's also not going to fall in love with Kyuhyun, I guess. Also, what's up with Donghae in the poster? Was he originally the one cast for the role of Chris? I don't mean to hurt you with any of my statements. I'm simply curious about it since Donghae wasn't mentioned much in the description and Jessica doesn't have that much importance (from what I know). Maybe if you put the ulzzang you used for Jenny, instead of Jessica, and the guy you used for the role of Chris, I might understand more. Of course, this is just a suggestion, which you can totally ignore. ^^

Do the others know of Jenny's reason for marrying Chris or is it just the two of them? Does Chris understand Korean?

Also, I'm wondering about Jessica and Donghae's significance to the story. Sure, Jessica is Krystal's sister but what other reason could she have to go to the wedding in San Francisco? Maybe, since Chris is rich and all, she plans to negotiate with Chris. Chris might have a bit of knowledge about business, judging his rich family, and Jessica might be interested in expanding her business in America to gain more profit.

Anyway, I'm just excited so don't mind me that much; I talk a lot when I'm excited for something. ^^"