The Story Of The Lost Fortune

To Wed Or Not To Wed
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During lunch time at a seafood restaurant, Donghae began to ask a question to Jenny and Kyuhyun, "So, what is this we hear about dating experiences?" Kyuhyun gulped. Jenny answered him, "Oh, that! Kyuhyun just asked me if me and Chris dated before and I told him yes." 

"Tell us about it," said Jessica, feeling excited. 

"Okay. For starters, our date wasn't a romantic kind of date. It was sort of a personal meeting. We discuss about my problems and he agrees to help me, but only if I marry him," explained Jenny. 

"Is it about finding your lost fortune?" asked Donghae.

Jenny stare at him with surprise. "Yeah. How do you know about that?"

"I heard everyone is whispering about it last night," said Donghae. "But I couldn't hear properly."

"Would you mind telling us about this lost fortune of yours?" asked Kyuhyun. Jenny sighed. "I don't know. I'll feel heartbroken again if I retell my story." Kyuhyun pat her back gently. "It's alright. We won't laugh."

Jenny sighed again and begin her story. "I was born in Hwasun originally. I grew up in a poor family. We were so poor that we barely had enough to eat. My mother is a fruit seller at the market. But her profit is low and she doesn't make much money. My father was an inventor. But none of his inventions seemed to worked. Then, one day, he made an invention called French Fry Maker and it was a huge success. It was so successful until we became rich. We bought lots of things we needed after many years of suffering. I can even go to school for the first time."

"You mean you never went to school your whole life?" asked Krystal.

"My parents couldn't afford to send me to school," said Jenny. "I only enter to school at the 3rd grade. But fortunately, I have learned how to read and write. So, I managed to catch up with my studies." 

"Tell us more of the story," said Donghae.

Jenny nodded and continued her story. "Many years later, an American promoter was fond of father's invention. He decides to promote his invention at the Science fair in San Francisco. In addition, he also gives us a place to stay there. So, we left Hwasun and moved here. His invention was also successful here and we became more richer to travel around the world. But then, tragic strucks. My parents were involved in a plane crash when they're flying to Abu Dhabi. I became an orphan and I was poor again because my parents have hidden their fortune somewhere in the house. And I don't remember where they hid it. I am determined to find it someday." 

"So, how did you survive on your own?" asked Jessica.

"I took a job as a waitress in a sandwich shop. That is where I met Chris for the first time too," said Jenny. The four friends wanted to hear her story on how they met. "Would you mind telling us your story on how you two met?"

Jenny smile at them. "Sure. Chris was also taking a part time job at the same shop. I knew he was the wealthiest kid because of his family name. During break time, he sat next to me and we chat like friends. But we're not very close friends, as he doesn't chat with me a lot during break time. Then, one day, he asked me out for dinner. Or perhaps I would say a date. I told him about the story I told you earlier and ask if he could help me. Of course, he refuses back then. I was disappointed until our second date. He told me that he agrees to help me, but only if I marry him. Seeing this is my only chance to find my lost fortune, I accepted the proposal."

Once the story ends, the friends finally understood the story of the lost fortune. "That's an interesting but touching story," said Donghae. "We hope that Chris will help you find your fortune someday."

"Yeah. I can't wait till I find it," said Jenny, feeling excited. But her excitement died down when she thought about the marriage. Kyuhyun could see her sad expression when she's eating her meal. "Jenny? Are you alright?"

Jenny put her head up and look at Kyuhyun. "I'm fine. It's the story that made me sad." Once Kyuhyun turn around, Jenny shows her sad face again. She wasn't just sad about the story. She was sad that she's not happy marrying Chris. Even though this is her chance to find her fortune. 

"That was a delicious meal," said Dongha

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i've reedited chapter 6. don't mind the changes.


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lulu88 #1
Chapter 11: How is your hand now , is it better ???
Take a lot of rest <3
Chapter 1: Not only that but Kyuhyun's solo album too XD Love the story so far update soon please
Chapter 1: Not only that but Kyuhyun's solo album too XD Love the story so far update soon please
Ooh, sure! I'd be patient. Enjoy your trip wherever that is. I know this is too much to ask of you but would you mind sharing your experiences with me once you go back to your country? I'm really interested in trips out of the country but I've never been on one before because I don't have enough money. It would be a joy to know what happens during your holiday. You can tell me any of your experiences, as long as you're comfortable about it.

I'm just wondering. Why did you use Jessica in your poster/wallpaper instead of the OC? I mean, she's not the one going to be married; she's also not going to fall in love with Kyuhyun, I guess. Also, what's up with Donghae in the poster? Was he originally the one cast for the role of Chris? I don't mean to hurt you with any of my statements. I'm simply curious about it since Donghae wasn't mentioned much in the description and Jessica doesn't have that much importance (from what I know). Maybe if you put the ulzzang you used for Jenny, instead of Jessica, and the guy you used for the role of Chris, I might understand more. Of course, this is just a suggestion, which you can totally ignore. ^^

Do the others know of Jenny's reason for marrying Chris or is it just the two of them? Does Chris understand Korean?

Also, I'm wondering about Jessica and Donghae's significance to the story. Sure, Jessica is Krystal's sister but what other reason could she have to go to the wedding in San Francisco? Maybe, since Chris is rich and all, she plans to negotiate with Chris. Chris might have a bit of knowledge about business, judging his rich family, and Jessica might be interested in expanding her business in America to gain more profit.

Anyway, I'm just excited so don't mind me that much; I talk a lot when I'm excited for something. ^^"