
G◙ing Cr๑zy || Graphic Review [close]


Detailed or Simple review: detailed
Message/Purpose of Graphic: Work out of boredom, again. HAHA! Oh well.....
Your concerns, if any: all?

It's colorful and gives off a bright feeling, both visually and somewhat actively. Well, the one with the full body on the right especially because of the neon color adorning her face and the head portion right next to her. I have no idea if the neon colors are intentional to bring out the emphasis of the photos or you just liked to use a really shocking pink color. The pink blending on the one next to the full body photo looks odd along with all the other pink affiliated colors (the one with the shirt). This occurs when a blending you use is too strong with a combination of the color you chose, of course. It is sometimes advise to decrease these types of blend from going overboard is by lowering the percentage on the 'opacity' or the 'fill' option. This prevents the colors from coming out too strong. Another way you can adjust the brightness of the color more accurately without affecting too much of the color blending is using the 'hue/saturation' option under image>adjustment>hue/saturation. It'll open a box and you can play around with the colors, even change the color to a completely different one. For more focus, change the 'master' option to the colors you want to focus on so you can either tone down that specific color only. It is really helpful for editing the colors and having more control over them than the blending option, which is still helpful, but more board.

Also, the word 'Snsd' is covering the eyes of one Taeyeon. Was that the purpose or it didn't really matter? It just seems awkward since the rest of her forms don't have their eyes covered and it makes no sense to cover them either.

Bright and a bit playful, I suppose. It doesn't exactly give off that 'happy' and 'joy' vibe because none of the photos of her are smiling. It's also hard to tell what her expression is when most of the faces are small and the larger photos are expressionless. The main photo with the mustache shows the playfulness along with hints of surprises, though, whether that is a good or bad surprise is debatable because I think you're too much in between. All of these colors also imply that there should be some 'happy' expression going about, and really, I don't see much of it. So you may want to reconsider what sort of photos you choose to put into this graphic. More neutral expressions calls for more neutral colors.

I'm still debating if there is any comedy you're trying in implement because of the humourous mustache and the fake play on laughing gesture she has. Concerning the other photos don't really imply any humor and there's not enough interacting objects to say there is, I'm going to assume there isn't any or maybe a very small attempt at it.

I pretty much went over a lot in this area instead of this particular section itself. Try experimenting with the hue/saturation options so you can control the colors more accurately. I know there's very little green in the graphic, but the one on the bottom right seem to be seriously out of place. It's also the only neon green color and I highly advise to not use it. The colors seem to be more dominate with pink, purple, yellow and orange, and I think use just those colors would do. There are hints of blue and green here and there, but I think you should limit the neon colors so it doesn't become too blinding when it's all over the graphic. Unless you have a good pattern, like the rainbow, then it would be appropriate to use.


I feel this can use some glitter and sparkles because the colors are so bright, I'd expect something to shine and radiate her beauty and humor. Though, it depends on your intent (as you've mentioned is boredom) because it just looks like you want to fill it up with random stock photos. I am making no connection to the trees other than it dissipating into particles. The tree on the bottom right overlaps too much with the her main photo and would probably either be better without the tree extended at the bottom or erased so it doesn't overlap over her. Since I mentioned earlier that the green is unnecessary, it may be better to just take the tree trunk out along with the neon colored grass.

The other two photos of her on the left are also being overlapped by the type. You may want to either lower them or move the type so it is higher and not covering too much of their photos unless that was the purpose of it.

The one with the pink shirt and the one in the middle are too close to each other. If you can possibly separate them a bit and give them some air, they'll have some space to breathe and won't look like they're overlapping too much with one another. Especially with the same color, it looks like they're more stuck together.

On another note, the stock photo of herself with the orange hair next to the hot-air balloon and the balloon itself, seem like they could be their own separate background. Other than the color, I'm trying to figure out their relevance to the theme in the front and it seems to just be the color. Considering her form with the orange hair implies some 'craziness' that should ensue in the graphic and possibly add that 'humor' as I've mentioned before. It's like you're trying to put two themes together, but along the way you're still separating it without knowing it. This also comes back to the fact that I think you should probably choose some other photos for this graphic.


I don't have much complaints about the typeface since it's in a style that portrays pixels and that goes well with the mini dots you have sprayed around the graphic. Neon color is a difficult thing to use when you don't have a dark background because it really hurts the eyes with all it's intense brightness. I think you did well in this accord because you limit most of the colors. Though, I think you should put the text a little higher because it overlaps too much with the photos and covers one of the duplicate's eyes. If it's on purpose, then I suppose you can keep it there, but enlarge the words instead to give it more space from the photos.

In addition, the gradient yellow to white on 'snsd' is probably better off with just one color instead of two. I can hardly make out the tail-end of the word and if I didn't know what group she was from, I wouldn't have been able to figure that out. So if you can fix the coloring on that to one color, it would be more clearer.

Another thing I've touched upon and think you should focus on is blending the colors. Instead of just relying on 100% to do all the work (most of the time it turns out fine), try lowering it or try editing it using the hue/saturation options. Though, I don't think you have much problems in this area nor with editing. Some careless and minor mistakes, but that's what boredom does to you.


It's definitely something that someone can hardly miss because of all the bright colors. Though, I think with the amount of colors, the mood could have been better. I believe you were probably tired at this point and it truly is a lot more simple than your previous graphic, which I applaud you on.

I hope this review was helpful. :)

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Chapter 18: TY for the advice and review, I've greatly appreciate it because even when you're a busy you still have time to give me some pointers. In the poster I did the background first and I think I've grasp the part of what you mean by making a collage in a way because for the posters I make so far I usually just cut stocks out and paste so when you mean by collage is it perhaps to enlarge pics and make them interwined with each other? Anyways thanks alot :)
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review! (and sorry for the late reply...) I think that you interpreted my poster differently than I did, but regardless, a lot of your advice will be taken to heart.
Chapter 16: Ty so much for the review. I'll take your thoughts into consideration next time. :)
Graphic Link: http://i.imgur.com/rejdssI.png
Program Used: Pixlr Editor
Detailed or Simple review: Detailed
Message/Purpose of Graphic (e.g. prompt; if words on graphic, state full phrase): Innocence almost like a sadness about a girl who's all grown up and has an exterior of a strong person but inside she contains innocence. "This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it'll stay." Influenced by Avril Lanviage: Innocence. :)
Your concerns, if any (what do you need help on specifically?): I want to know if its better and any improvement and I grasp only a brief and the elementary stage of blending. Wonder if you can help me and tell me how to blend different textures together perfectly like a puzzle instead of how I did it because mine looks out of place and really simple.... Thanks!
Graphic Link: http://i.imgur.com/c5PzYb3.jpg
Program Used: CS2 lol
Detailed or Simple review: detailed please~
Message/Purpose of Graphic (e.g. prompt; if words on graphic, state full phrase): I did it out of boredom, but was inspired by Luhan's departure and his now broken friendship with Lay, who doesn't want Luhan to forget him. It's kind of an attempt at angst, but not heavy angst.
Your concerns, if any (what do you need help on specifically?): I just want to know how I did in general. This is now my 4th graphic, but I'm most confident in this one. Could you point out areas where I could improve? Thanks~

PS: I know this isn't part of the rubric, but if you want the translation of the Chinese text in my poster, I can send that to you, because it is very relevant to the poster, and if you need that to grade, I'll be happy to provide!
caeruleusclouds #8
Chapter 14: Thank you for the wonderful review and advices! ^^ I will fix it right away and try those experiments you mentioned!
this review is really helpful~ xD thanks a lot!
Chapter 12: Thank you for reviwing this graphic! I was intending for an angsty feel for the poster, so I'm glad that point came across. And yes, Blend Collage is a thoroughly tough app to use when you first start using it, but it's the best thing I can get for free on the Google Play Store since everything else cost money. I love it though. It's quite useful for a free app. (Since most free editing apps are really bad or super limited.) Thank you again.
Graphic Link: http://i.imgur.com/FUOhN7E.png
Program Used: Photoshop CS6
Detailed or Simple review: Detailed
Message/Purpose of Graphic (e.g. prompt; if words on graphic, state full phrase): Work out of boredom, again. HAHA! Oh well.....
Your concerns, if any (what do you need help on specifically?):