4/6 Chosen Ones, Choi Casey

Moon Academy ~*CLOSED*~


Aff Name: Sujushineebang

Aff Profile link: Click!


~*Character Info*~

 Character Name: Choi Casey

Nickname(s): C.C

Age: 18

Birthday: October 6th, 1993

Birthplace: New York City, New York

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 5”4

Weight: 110 lbs

Apperance: Link 1 | Link 2

Ulzzang or Model name: Mikki (Lee Youngju)

Personality: Casey is very outgoing, funny, goofy, witty, smart, carefree, and loud. She is very happy and loves playing pranks on people, especially the Day class students who never see it coming. She loves to laugh and have fun, not caring about the consequences that come with her actions. She prefers to “live in the moment” and enjoy life, for she doesn’t know how long she’ll last. She has fun, saying what she wants, buying what she wants, and doing whatever she wants. Because she does what she wants, she doesn’t follow the rules and is often in trouble for it. But, that’s what makes her exciting to be around. Everyday is different in Casey’s life, and that’s how she likes it. She sees life like a painting...the possibilities are endless and it always depends on the artist to make them come true on the canvas.
Despite being irresponsible, Casey is very smart and does know right from wrong. She just chooses to ignore it. She can be shy around people she likes, not wanting to embarrass herself. But, other than that, she’s very “out there” and not afraid to show her true colors. She can’t help but be blunt with everything she says, so she can seem hurtful or mean at times. However, she has a kind heart and truly wishes for the best for the people she likes. The people she doesn’t like...well, they can go die in a hole for all she cares...
Casey can be mature in extreme situations, but she hates responsibility. She hates having to work for anything. So, instead, she hangs back in her own world of fun and laughs and enjoys her life.

-Cinnamon buns
-Stuffed animals
-Video games

-Spicy foods
-Being nagged

-Cracking her knuckles
-Biting her nails
-Using her powers for pranking
-Cursing in English

-Playing sports (soccer is her favorite)
-Hanging with her friends

-She speaks fluent English
-She was attacked by birds as a little girl and now has an intense fear of them (especially large ones like chickens or geese)
-She’s an AMAZING sketch artist and often sketches what she thinks her soulmate will look like
-She collects stuffed animals
-Her favorite color is purple
-She’s very athletic
-Her grades aren’t so good...


Casual: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4 | Link 5


Fancy: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4 | Link 5


Any Piercing(s), Tattoo(s): Link (Tattoo of a star and saying “the sweetest girl” on her lef shoulder)


Father – Choi Myungsoo/53/Myungsoo is the vampire in Casey’s family. He is very well known among the vampires in South Korea, though he moved to America in order to escape the pressure of being a pure vampire. There, he met a human woman and fell in love. He had two children with her and they lived happily. Myungsoo is very kind to Casey, only wanting the best for her. He does not want her to leave him so soon in his life, so he sends her to Cross Academy to find her soulmate. Casey is a true “Daddy’s Girl”, being spoiled rotten by her father (in a good way).
Mother – Choi (Han) Heawon/Deceased/Heawon was Casey’s mother. Casey was very close to her, being the best daughter she could be. However, Heawon was killed by Myungsoo’s parents after they found out that he married a human and not another pure vampire. They staged it as a car accident, but Myungsoo knew the truth. He did not tell Casey or her brother though, as he didn’t want them to know. Heawon and Casey were two “Peas in a Pod”, as her father used to call them. They were inseparable, and they look exactly alike. That is also another reason that Myungsoo doesn’t want to lose Casey...he can’t bear to lose his wife again.

Sibling(s): Choi Jason/21/Jason is Casey’s older brother and her best friend. They are on good terms, though Jason lives all the way in America, attending NYU and majoring in film. They talk as much as possible and love each other very much. Jason is very proud to have Casey has his sister, and Casey is happy to have such a great brother such as Jason.
Choi Siwon (Super Junior)/24/Siwon is Casey’s cousin, from her father’s side. Siwon and Casey know each other, but they aren’t very close. Casey does trust Siwon for help if she ever needs it, or for good company sometimes, but they aren’t technically “friends”.

Backstory: Casey was born in New York City, New York. She lived there her entire life, attending a normal school in the city. She lived a fairly normal life, though she was always teased a little for being so pale. Still, it didn’t bother her much. However, her mother died when she was only 14 years old. Even to this day, Casey misses her so much. Casey’s father decided to send her to Cross Academy in order to prevent himself from losing one of his only connections to Heawon, because Casey is practically identical to her mother.

Best Friend(s): Teen Top L.Joe; 2NE1 CL

Friend(s): 2PM Nichkhun; 2NE1 Minzy; SHINee Taemin; Miss A Suzy

Rival(s): f(x) Victoria (she likes Kyuhyun)

~*Vampire Abilitys*~

Power(s): Telekinesis

Marking: A broken, half heart (and her soulmate has the other half)

~*Love Life*~

Your Soulmate: Super Junior Cho Kyuhyun

Their Vampire ability: Lie Detection

How they act around you: Kyuhyun is kind to Casey, but doesn’t really know her. He only knows her as Siwon’s (one of his friends) cousin. He is calm and cool around her, and he’s friendly. He wants to be friends with her, but he feels that Casey is too distant.

Ex-Lovers?: DBSK Changmin

Congrats to Sujushineebang~!

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Oohh sooo cute!!! Come on, Casey!! Speak up!! ^_^
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha poor casey xP love how she screams ^_^ can't wait for the full chapter!!
HinataSnow #3
Woah... The Foyer is just... WOAH...
Hahaha the four boys are so cute and funny!! ^_^ poor kaylajo...TWO bone crushing hugs xP
SunSpirit #5
Congrats to chosen girls :D
HinataSnow #6
Lols at Donghae and Eunhyuk's picture!!! XDDD
LOL The boys were like crushing kaylajo to death!
littleCC #8
I hope you can update soon... ;D
Congrats to the chosen people! Anticipating the story and the moment when I appear!:D
Congrats to the chosen girls ^^