5/6 Chosen Ones, Park Hyomin

Moon Academy ~*CLOSED*~

Aff Name: nikkisolove

Aff Profile link: My Profile


 ~*Character Info*~


Character Name: Park Hyomin

Nick Names: Rayne, Mina

Age: 18

Birthday: 93/10/31

Birthplace: Manhattan, New York

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 168cm

Weight: 48kg

Appearance: One




Ulzzang or Model name: Hwang Ji Min

Personality: You’d think Hyomin had ADD, but really, she only gets lost in her own thoughts too much sometimes. She’s a dreamer and tends to space out, especially if nothing in reality is of particular interest to her. You’d often see her wondering around outside, or talking to plants or animals that she might pass by. It’s not because she’s weird….well, not entirely. Hyomin’s the kind of girl that could care less about what people or the world thinks of her. She’s a free spirit, and likes to live life by her own rules and ideals. You could say it was because of her strict lifestyle when she was younger. When she lived in New York, she was a huge perfectionist. She made sure she stayed at the top of her classes, and always obeyed her elders. That lifestyle got boring and dreary as she got older, until eventually, she stopped being so uptight. The change was gradual, but it did happen in a short period of time. She has a hard time showing a lot of passion or vigor for things that just don’t interest her, and when it comes down to it, she’s a simple girl. She loves nature, and hates being cooped up inside of a building all day. From her behavior and her appearance, most people would have no idea she was a Pure Blood. She acts like a normal human girl and that’s usually what people; vampire and human alike, think. She loves climbing trees and exploring. In a lot of ways, you could say she’s pretty childlike. Even so, she isn’t naïve. When she’s alert and focused, it’s hard to trick her. Her most vulnerable moments would probably be when she’s too lost in thought to pay attention, when she’s bored, or when she’s tired. At those moments, she can be pretty oblivious and gullible.

Hyomin is a touchy-feely kind of person. Plain and simple. To her, skinship is about as natural as breathing. Little innocent touches here and there, holding hands or even kissing people are things that she does often. Sometimes without even noticing. Whether you like it or not, she’ll still do it, and won’t care what you think. All in all, sometimes it’s hard to read her and her intentions. People assume that when she does something, there is some big reason or meaning behind it. Well, honestly….there isn’t. Half the time, when she does something, even SHE doesn’t know why she did it. She’s pretty unpredictable and random. She goes by life one day at a time and hates clinging to negative feelings like sadness or anger. Usually, she locks all of her negative emotions away inside herself and tries to forget about them. Hyomin is a pretty easy person to get along with, and she’s actually pretty fun to be around, if you take the time to get to know her.


o   Cats

o   The Rain and anything to do with it (The reason why she got her nickname)

o   The Moon

o   Apples

o   Cranberry Juice

o   Riddles and puzzles

o   Water

o   Music

o   Dreaming

o   Her brother

o   Video Games

o   Clothes and fashion

o   Converse

o   Surfing the internet

o   Seafood

o   Horror Movies

o   Anime

o   Sweets and sugary candies/ baked goods

o   Being outside


o   Large Dogs

o   Sugar free….anything

o   Dark Chocolate

o   Sour Things

o   Waking up early

o   Being interrupted

o   Loud noises

o   Playboys

o   Being underestimated

o   Fake personalities

o   Death Metal and Country music

o   Being depressed

o   Having someone mad at her

o   Tomatoes

o   Cutting her hair

o   Thunder/Lightening

o   Hospitals

o   Bland food


o   Blanks people out if they bore her or make her mad

o   Stares at people unintentionally when she’s deep in thought

o   Hums to herself when it’s quiet

o   Has conversations with people in her sleep, but doesn’t remember when she wakes up

o   Hugs or cuddles with people or things when she’s sleeping

o   When she sneezes, it’s usually two or three times in a row

o   Blares her music in her headphones

o   Bites her inner cheek when thinking or nervous

o   Always has some type of candy in . Usually ers, gum or gummy worms

o   Cracks her knuckles

o   Stares off into space

o   Daydreams a lot, especially when she’s in class, or by herself

o   Gets sarcastic if someone offends her


o   Star/moon gazing

o   Going on long walks

o   Playing the piano or violin

o   Daydreaming

o   Swimming

o   Exploring

o   Playing video games or gaming online

o   Composing music

o   Writing her dreams in a journal

o   Reading Novels/manga/comics

o   Transforming into different animals and spying on people

o   Bugging her brother when she’s bored

o   Drawing

o   Following Amber around


o   Her favorite colors are: White, Red and Black

o   She hates the colors pink and yellow

o   Has a phobia of hospitals and thunderstorms

o   Tends to have selective hearing and hears what she wants to hear

o   Her favorite animals to transform into are Cats, Owls, Wolves and a Jaguar

o   Her favorite blood type is B-

o   Her own blood type is AB-

o   She’s very flexible and agile

o   She is allergic to peanuts

o   Sometimes she confuses her daydreams with reality and vice-versa

o   She likes to write down her dreams or draw them in a notebook so she never forgets them

o   She likes to Astral Project sometimes when she’s sleeping

o   She becomes bored easily if something doesn’t capture her interest






















Any Piercings, Tattoos: She has her cartilage pierced on her left ear and two double piercings in both ears on her ear lobes. She has a tattoo like THISon her left ankle.


Parents:Lee Hyori ( Solo Singer)/ Mother/36- Hyori and Hyomin are like polar opposites. Hyori is a very fiery and opinionated woman. She has the dominance and power of any man, with the feminine charms to top it off. She’s a very influential person and can be a bit aggressive. Even with all of that, she’s very sweet, especially around her husband and her kids. Hyomin respects her mom a lot, and her mom is one of the only people that she’ll obey without question. Hyori is the type of person who commands a lot of respect, but is not afraid to give respect as well. Once you piss her off, she’ll blow up at you without question. She’s fiercely protective over her family and hates her own parents for being so controlling and unreasonable. Hyori often was mistaken for Hyomin’s older sister and not her mother. They’re really close, and have a strong bond.

Park Jung Min/ Father/38- Jungmin is more of a lover, not a fighter. This is what attracted Hyori to him. He’s a gentle spirit, and is the last person you’d think could harm anyone. Hyomin adores her dad, but sometimes she thinks he can be too much of a bleeding-heart. He’s a veterinarian and has a big fondness for life; especially animals. He’s closer to Jungsu more so than Hyomin, but they still love each other.

Sibling: Park Jungsu ( Leeteuk- Super Junior)/20/ Hyomin and Jungsu have a really good relationship together. He’s very protective of her and tends to worry over her a lot because she has a tendency to space out and not pay attention to her surroundings. Though he babies her, she dislikes it and tries to find ways to draw his attention to something else just to get him off her back. He’s not overbearing ALL the time, but when he does mother her, she finds it cute but annoying. She likes to bug him when she’s bored, or mess with him and his friends. They pretty much have a relationship where no matter how much they may fight and annoy each other, they love each other no matter what, and they’ll always have each other’s backs. She gave him the name Leeteuk when younger, and ever since, that’s what he tells people to call him.

Backstory: Hyomin was born and raised for most of her life in Manhattan, New York. Her mother was a very well-known pureblood who lived in Korea, but at a young age, she rebelled against her family and ran away with her long time lover and fellow pureblood; and got married. Her parents were really young when they first had Jungsu and Hyomin shortly after. Hyomin spent most of her childhood as the picture perfect daughter. It wasn’t because her parents pressured her to be that way; it was mostly because she always had this nagging feeling that she was never good enough. She had to have the best grades and the most friends. She attended Marymount School of NY; an all girl’s private school. She grew up in that school practically because the grades run from Preschool up until 12th grade. Growing up with the same group of girls for years brought her a lot of close bonds, but it also sheltered her. She was considered one of the popular girls in school, and had a wide circle of friends. She always liked being the girl that people aspired to be, and took pride in it. She met her first boyfriend, Seunghyun. He was tall, cute and sweet, but also sort of clingy and nerdy. Hyomin went to a different school in a different area then him, so it made it hard to have a steady relationship. Eventually they had to break it off, and Hyomin distanced herself from him.


Something about their break-up changed her, and she sort of stopped caring so much. Her grades went from immaculate to average, and she sort of distanced herself from her friends. No one really knew what caused it, and her mother sent her to Cross Academy so Hyomin could have some change of scenery and a fresh start. They sent Jungsu with her to keep an eye on her.

Best Friends: Kim Heechul- Super Junior, Amber and Victoria-f(x)

Friends: Lee Taemin- SHINee, Sunny and Yoona- SNSD

Rival: Hyuna- 4 Minute

~*Vampire Abilities*~

Powers: She can shapeshift into any animal, but the exception is she can’t shift into other people, only animals. Another tie in with that power is, she can draw out the abilities of any animal and use them herself without actually shifting into the animal. For example, if she wanted to breathe under water, she could use the ability of a fish or another sea creature to do that. Or if she wanted the power to echolocate like a bat, she could think of a bat, and use the ability. Or maybe the sharp sense of a wolf, etc. (Here is a LINKto a DC comic character that could explain it better. Just scroll down to the powers and abilities section of it.) She can only use this power to draw out animal’s natural abilities so much at a time before it weakens her. After she rests, then she can use normally again.

Marking: Her Mark

~*Love Life*~

Your Soul Mate:

Choi Siwon- Super Junior

Their Vampire ability: He has the ability to create illusions and Hallucinations in anyone’s mind and bring their worst fears to life.

How they act around you: Siwon is very gentlemanly and sweet around her, but he’s also really possessive and competitive. He hates being told no, and likes having things go his way. He’s very intelligent and spontaneous as well. He’s very intrigued by Hyomin and sometimes uses her slightly ‘Scattered brained’ nature against her. He can be very manipulative when he wants to, and likes winning. He has a way of dominating someone without being to open and obvious about it.

Ex-Lovers: Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P-Big Bang) - Seunghyun and Hyomin used to date back when she was in New York. Their relationship wasn’t exactly….normal to say the least. It was sort of one-sided because Hyomin was always too focused on school, her family and other random things to give him the attention that she should have. Though he loved her, Hyomin broke it off with him because she felt bad that she couldn’t love him the way she should have and she knew it wasn’t fair to either of them if they kept it going. After that, Seunghyun became withdrawn and uncaring, especially towards women.

Chookahe nikkisolove unnie~!

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Oohh sooo cute!!! Come on, Casey!! Speak up!! ^_^
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha poor casey xP love how she screams ^_^ can't wait for the full chapter!!
HinataSnow #3
Woah... The Foyer is just... WOAH...
Hahaha the four boys are so cute and funny!! ^_^ poor kaylajo...TWO bone crushing hugs xP
SunSpirit #5
Congrats to chosen girls :D
HinataSnow #6
Lols at Donghae and Eunhyuk's picture!!! XDDD
LOL The boys were like crushing kaylajo to death!
littleCC #8
I hope you can update soon... ;D
Congrats to the chosen people! Anticipating the story and the moment when I appear!:D
Congrats to the chosen girls ^^