Chapter 2

Love-o-Sparks { HIATUS }

Chapter Two

"Trespassers and Punishments"

To students, 10:43PM is still early. But to Taekwoon who was just sitting down and eating chocolate chip cookies is not. He was bored and he wasn't really a party-person. He prefered quiet places therefore he couldn't wait until they go back to the dorms and sleep.


Everyone was partying hard with the light alchohol and junk foods (sponsored by Kim Wonsik, of course) when suddenly three male, unfamiliar people came inside the venue. No one really paid attention to them since EVERYONE was invited.


Sanghyuk had already taken the DJ position and played his favorite songs, Wonsik was talking to girls with his teammates. On the other hand, Jaehwan and Hongbin drank 2 cans of beer and now dancing like total idiots on their make believe dance floor while their sobered Hakyeon 'umma' followed them wherever they go. Unfortunately, with their dizzy heads and too much junks in their stomach, they had to go to the bathroom, thanks to the ever responsible hyung, they made it there even before the young ones puke.


"Oh my God! Fire!" a scream was suddenly heard. Everyone panicked and Sanghyuk saw three people ran out the emergency exit located beside the DJ section where he was.


Students from the auditorium started to fight their way out of the said place like their life depended on it, Taekwoon stood up from his seat to find a fire extinguisher and go to where the smoke is so that he can prevent the fire alarms because if administrators from school hear it, they'll be so much trouble.


"Hyung, hyung! Oh my God, fire!" he bumped into Wonsik on his way, carrying the fire extinguisher, trying to calm the younger down. He saw Sanghyuk plug out the DJ set but before he can even find where the fire was, the alam started to ring.


"." he cursed quietly. Even if it already rang, though, he still searched for the smoke and successfully put it out, they had to stay to clean the area so that's another problem.


"What's that?" Hakyeon asked himself as he heard the ringing sounds of the alarm.






Hongbin, Jaehwan and Hakyeon are on the bathroom floor on a cubicle, the youngers had drank too much (in their liking) without a proper meal and so they had to puke embarassingly in there with their hyung watching over and patting their backs to release everything. "Goodness you two. Next time we'll have to eat first before partying and I will not allow you to drink anymore of those.. beer in cheap cans."


Once they were finished, they washed their hands and mumbled apoligies to their hyung. "Miane hyung."


"Its alright. We should head back now okay? The music had stopped already so maybe the party is finished." the oldest smiled and ushered his dongsaengs outside.


When they got out, they immediately saw the principal, the prefect of discipline and the three most popular basketball players. "Well, well.. who do we have here." the principal stomped his foot and crossed his hands as he saw them.


"To my office. Right now!"


The "weirdos" gulped and followed them to the office.


"Did you guys already realized what you have done? You have broken school rules!" the prefect, Mr. Kim Himchan started.


"But sir, we were only having fun!" Wonsik reasoned, unable to tone down his voice.


"Having fun? With what? Alchohol? Junks?" Himchan gave them a WTF look.


"But it was only light alchohol. And I didn't drink any." Sanghyuk interpelled, a little pout came across his lip. Himchan only glared at the youngest.


"Your companions are lucky we came in late and did not see them because if we did, we'll have you all punished." the prefect shook his head, "and Sanghyuk, even if its light alchohol, its still alchohol and we won't be really sure if you haven't had any because we didn't see it." he continued.


"I'm sorry sir, but why are we at fault too? We were merely guests and we had no idea that the party is illegal." Hakyeon politely asked. 


"Yea, its not like i'd invite those weirdos in my proper parties. I'm telling you Mr. Kim, we do not socialize with low class people." Wonsik shook his head, looking at Hakyeon's group disgustingly. Only earning glares from them.


"I see you have quite the tongue Wonsik. Since when did we start teaching bad manners and inequality here?" Himchan asked.


"This is your fault!" Jaehwan suddenly pointed an accusing finger at Wonsik.


"How is this my fault, you stupid!"

"Its your fault you.. you poop brain!"

"Jaehwannie, please stop."

"Aish you!"


"Shut up! Just shut up, all of you!" Mr. Kim yelled automatically and silenced the brats, "You had brought alchohol inside the school premises, you trespassed in the auditorium without consent and nearly burned it down. You shall be punished." he pointed at each and everyone of them.


"Are we gonna get burned, hyungie?" Jaehwan pouted and hugged Hakyeon's arms.

"Are we goinna get expelled?" Hongbin asked and hugged the oldest other arm. Hyuk thought they were kinda cute at that time.


"You are supposed to get suspended but the principal decided to give you one more chance. He saw you guys not treating the others well just because you're the so called populars and he decided that this opportunity will straighten you up." Everyone sighed in relief.


"But, we're still gonna get punished?" Hakyeon asked once more.


"You guys are gonna go on.. a traing camp." everyone gasped, "I will be accompanying you and there, you will learn how to behave like you're supposed to and treat each other equally. At camp, there will be no populars, no weirdos. Everyone will be equal and if you open your eyes, you might possibly want to be each others friends." Wonsik and Sanghyuk snorted.


"Training camp? What are we? Kids?" Wonsik laughed.

"That's so lame." Sanghyuk added.


"But.. I love training camps! We get to eat infront of a firewood and toast mallows and share stories!" Jaehwan grinned and Wonsik looked at him unable to comprehend the male's mentality. Taekwoon just stood there with his usual poker face.


Himchan rolled his eyes and talked. " Starting tomorrow, For three days and two nights, we'll be going to a training camp two hours away from here. Do not even dare to runaway because its either a training camp or a suspension. You, are supposed to know this but if you get suspended, you'll automatically lose the chance to be in the school's team and you will clean the toilets too."


"But toilets smells like.. pee." Hongbin managed to say without sounding rude.


"Exactly Mr. Lee." Himchan nodded. "Now, you people will go back to your rooms and pack clothes enough for three days. Tomorrow night, we depart. We meet infront of the school at exactly sis o'clock in the evening. Good night!"



"Why do we even have to go there? We didn't do anything wrong." Hongbin pouted as he folded his shirts for tomorrow's trip.


"Technically, we did something wrong Binnie. You drank alchohol." Hakyeon said and placed his clothes inside a medium sized luggage bag, "but its gonna be fine. No one knows, its probably fun camping right?" the oldest tried to cheer up his dongsaengs.


"But hyung, what do you think are we going to do there?" Jaehwan asked while packing his "things"


"I don't know Jaehwannie but I'm sure we'll do something fun. If not, lets make everything fun." Hakyeon grinned but his wide smile disappeard as he saw the younger's luggage.


"Oh my goodness, sweetcakes. What are these? More clothes Jaehwannie please." Hakyeon sighed as he took out cup ramens, chips and toys out of Jaehwan's camping bag.


"No, no! Not my precious dolphinie!" Jaehwan whined and tried to get his dolphin stuffed animal.


Hakyeon could only sigh.




Hurro guys! ^^ I was supposed to update on Thursday but I have Math and History exams this week so I just had to update this story so that I won't leave you guys waiting for too long. Thanks for 40+ subs. I couldn't even imagine having more than 10 subs in a day yet I got 40. Thank you so much, I'll work harder!

Comments are very much appreciated. If you spotted typos and errors, don't hesitate to correct me. :)


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yazaki30 #1
Chapter 7: Hi, I follow this story from the begining but its my first comment ^^. This ia really a great story, and I wanna know what happen next. I don't know what happened but I hope you are alright and will update soon :D
Thank you :) :)
Naralove #2
Chapter 7: Woahhhh... thank u for update..
joanna20 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon! Ty ;)
Chapter 7: You should write more raven those guys are enjoyable
90sLineLover #5
Love it..can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: Thank you :D
HappyPinkieKpopper #7
Chapter 6: Yay~~ it was great! I will make sure yo check your other stories!! Fighting!! <3
AoiMizuiro #8
new reader here :3 I love your writing style ~ thx for update :3
Chapter 6: aww cute more Neo please
joanna20 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating! ;)