Chapter 1

Love-o-Sparks { HIATUS }

Chapter One



Being in the sports team makes an individual popular in an instant. Well that is if they're good looking and a good athlete. Being popular has its advantages. People everywhere- especially girls- admire them like they're princes and kings, they didn't have to get into a long line in the cafeteria to eat but instead, they're treated like VIPs and sometimes admirers even give them home made packed lunches. In addition to that, they also have a reserved spot where only they  can be at. To sum it all up, populars don't find, they get.


In the contrary though, were the un-populars who gets ignored or worst, gets bullied. They're the ones who gets in a long line to eat, those who gets passed at while they're at it and those who sometimes couldn't even find a place to eat. They also have good looks and unique charms but it gets hidden behind the unnecessary dorky glasses and colorful- sometimes neon fashion. Basically, they're titled as 'geeks' or 'weirdos' by the popular community.


"Guys! I was thinking of holding a party at the auditorium tomorrow night!"

Here is Kim Wonsik, 17 years old and a sophomore in high school. Also, the basketball team's captain. He has a deep voice which explains that he likes to rap and write lyrics as a hobby. He's sort of a playboy but he has the charms to capture someone's heart using his low timbre paired with his good looks and killer smile. He likes games and bets because he never loses.


"But hyung, isn't the school off limits at night time? The last time I checked, auditorium is part of our school. We'll break school rules if we do that."

Here is Han Sanghyuk.. or better yet 'Hyuk' for short. 16 years old and a freshman which makes him the maknae of the basketball team and the youngest that had ever made the team (he thanks his pure talent /winks) He likes to dance and he knows he's definitely need to work harder so he could actually show 'dancing' to anyone. Being the maknae, he's cute and he makes everyone fall for his aegyo.


"Who cares? Before I atleast graduate high school, I want to do something like that!" Wonsik said freely with a determined look before turning to another friend of his, "What do you think Taekwoon hyung?"


The said hyung, of course, just shrugged without saying a word.

That 'hyung' is Jung Taekwoon. 19 years old and a senior. He studied late when he was young so here he was, still in high school. Taekwoon is the quiet and mysterious type plus handsome. Girls- even guys go crazy over him. He doesn't talk though, unless he knew he had to. He has a permanent poker face (easily annoyed) and nobody can make him smile even a bit.. Unless you're a cute puppy, kitten or  a baby. And because of that, its hard for him to warm up to people. But pushing all that 'negativity' aside, He's actually a good listener and he's understanding even if he doesn't talk much. (Hyuk can make him smile sometimes).


"Well, whatever. I'm still gonna do it." Wonsik grinned. "What do you think guys?" the team captain turned to s, currently playing ball. Of course, when it is the "captain's" decision, its a good decision.


They murmured YESes and YEAs and so, "Alright! Tomorrow, invite everyone. And I mean everyone." the captain demanded. "Hyuk-ah, Taekwoon hyung, let's go to the mart and buy necessities for tomorrow's blast!" he chuckled and excitedly pulling the other two with him.


"Come to tonight's party. Everyone is invited!" Ilhoon, a guy from the basketball team handed a small invitation kind of like flyer to Hakyeon.


"You mean, we can go too?" Jaehwan asked  Ilhoon, eyeing the flyer on his hyung's grasp.


"Well, aren't you lucky? Geek." the guy responded before walking away from them to hand out more flyers.


"Hyung, hyung! We have to go!" Jaehwan demanded, now bouncing up and down on his hyung's side.

Here is Lee Jaehwan. 18 years old and a senior. He has a very playful and childish personality which makes him kind of cute. He doesn't ran out of thing to say and he loves singing very much. He is an understanding friend sometimes. Jaehwan likes mimicking animals' voices When he know he did something wrong, he'll quickly apologize and won't stop untill you forgive him. He likes to tease people but he can't do that when he's ignored most of the time so he only jokes to his friends.


"Yeah hyung! We should go!"

This is Lee Hongbin. 17 years old and is very good looking despite of the unnecessary dorky glasses he always wear. His fashion is also a bit off, just like any other dorky people at school which makes people don't see him "handsomely". He is a friend who can keep a secret and is trusted a lot by. He may not be as playful as Jaehwan but he likes to tease his friends a lot. Lee Hongbin studies and works hard to prove that he's not just a weirdo who you passed by everyday, but a smart student who can achieve his dreams by working for it.


"Why would you two want to attend this? This is popular people party. They might even play a prank on us!"

Lastly, Cha Hakyeon. 19 years old, he stopped attending school for a year due to his travel to japan to study dance so here he is, still in high school. He's a little bit tan compared to other koreans but that what makes him unique- and worst, bullied. He really loves to dance but nobody knows about it (except for Jaehwan and Hongbin of course). Hakyeon can be annoying at times with his constant nagging and want of skinship but he's a motherly figure to those he is close to and to those who are younger and he treats them with the outmost care, love, patience and understanding.


"But hyung, it'll be fun! Besides, everyone is invited so I doubt there are only us three who don't belong there so its not like they'll pay attention to us in particular." Jaehwan whined and looked at Hakyeon with a pouting face.


Hakyeon though, was not convinced so Jaehwan had to pull Hongbin beside him to help. Hongbin got the message right away and pouted also. "Please hyung~" then.. Hakyeon's heart already melted.


He karate chopped his dongsaengs' napes before smiling. "Alright, we're gonna go. But! behave yourselves okay? And we go back at the dorm at exactly midnight. Got it?" he pointed his fingers at the two.


"Yes sir!" the young ones chorused, bouncing together because of happiness.


Students started to show up at the auditorium's entrance and in many numbers too. Hakyeon held onto his "babies'" wrists as they enter the venue. Its already 7:30PM and the party officially starts at 8:00PM. As the three went inside, colorful lights greeted their view. He led the youngers to the seats and sat down, "Okay, so you guys can have fun but stay near me okay? And i know I said we go back before midnight but if something happens, we go back right away."


"Neh!" the two responded in unison.


Meanwhile at the populars' place...


"Ooh! This is going to be so much fun!" Wonsik raised his hands and waved them from left two right.


They had finished setting up foods and beverages to a long table. Peope or rather students starts to gather inside and so they commenced the party. Hyuk had asked the DJ to play an upbeat song to make everyone excited and that goes well to the colorful lights that sorrounds them.


Taekwoon tapped Wonsik's shoulder which made the younger jump in surprise, "Oh my God! Hyung, you startled me!"


"Is it legal to have alchohol here?" Leo asked with a voice so soft that Ravi had to asked him a few more times to actually hear him without the loud music interrupting.


"Hyung, don't worry. Its only beer. It's not even strong. Forget everything tonight and just enjoy, neh?" the younger gripped on the older's shoulders and shook him a bit before going away to hang out with other people to hang out with.


Leo only sighed and went to a seat where he plugged his earphones in and listened to a different music.


- - -


First chapter is done! Unbeta so sorry for typos and errors.

I couldn't believe it got like 20 subscriptions already, thank you guys! Comments are appreciated too.

See you next chapter!

- chanxlen 

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yazaki30 #1
Chapter 7: Hi, I follow this story from the begining but its my first comment ^^. This ia really a great story, and I wanna know what happen next. I don't know what happened but I hope you are alright and will update soon :D
Thank you :) :)
Naralove #2
Chapter 7: Woahhhh... thank u for update..
joanna20 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon! Ty ;)
Chapter 7: You should write more raven those guys are enjoyable
90sLineLover #5
Love it..can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: Thank you :D
HappyPinkieKpopper #7
Chapter 6: Yay~~ it was great! I will make sure yo check your other stories!! Fighting!! <3
AoiMizuiro #8
new reader here :3 I love your writing style ~ thx for update :3
Chapter 6: aww cute more Neo please
joanna20 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating! ;)