Chapter 6

Love-o-Sparks { HIATUS }

Chapter 6

Second day at camp "

The game of trust helped some people build new friendship. Hakyeon and Sanghyuk had become close friends while Hongbin still can't get why Taekwoon always looked mad and cold. Wonsik and Jaehwan; still the same with Wonsik always getting annoyed and Jaehwan just being.. Jaehwan.


Hongbin woke up earlier than usual. It was almost unbelievable. He tried not to wake his tentmates as he stepped out of their shared tent. The sun hasn't even rose yet so he went near the border and sat his jacket on the ground before sitting on it himself. The view couldn't be recognized yet since it was still dark but he got a feeling it'd be sensational.


"Aren't you cold?" a blue blankie was draped over his shoulder. He looked beside him and saw the new company he had.


"Oh, Sanghyuk."


"Goodmorning!" Sanghyuk smiled. Did the sun rose already? Why does Hyuk's face shone just now? Hongbin blinked.


"Why're you up early Binnie?" the light brown haired male looked back at the other so suddenly because of the nickname the younger had used.


"Excuse me?" he raised an eyebrow that made the other chuckle.


"Aing~ So cute." the younger poked his furrowed brows.


Hongbin shoved the other's hand away and turned his head. His face felt like burning. It became too hot all of a sudden from Sanghyuk's teasing, "Shut up."


There was a moment of silence before Sanghyuk poked Hongbin's shoulder, "Look, the sun is rising."


Hongbin lifted his head up and closed his eyes immediately because of the blinding brightness before blinking to get used to it. He smiled. It was his first time to see such a beautiful sight since for the last sixteen years he had been waking up late and when the sun was already high up.


"its so beautiful right?"


Hongbin turned to the other and smiled. "Yes." He nodded. Sanghyuk thought he saw an angel. Hongbin's pale skin, reflected by the rays of the sun appeared really glowy and shiny in Sanghyuk's eyes. The younger could only smile back.


"Today's activity will be working together in teams again. But unlike the first actvity, we'llbe pairing you guys by age. So.. I think its already obvious. Hakyeon with Taekwoon, Jaehwan with Wonsik and lastly, Hongbin and Sanghyuk." Himchan instructed. "Hakyeon and Taekwoon will chop woods and transport them to Nana's cottage for the fireplace and heating." Yongguk explained.


"Jaehwan and Wonsik will be fetching water from the well not too far behind Nana's backyard and fill up 4 drum containers that will be used for watering the plants. The last team, Hongbin and Sanghyuk, will harvest ripe fruits and vegetables from Nana's greenhouse.Probably watermelons and strawberries." well, that's a bit... easy?


"Breakfast time before working of course!" Himchan smiled and passed them 2 egg sandwiches each, a bottle of water and one apple. "Bonne appetit!"


After breakfast, each teams went to their designated chores. Yongguk showed and guided the oldest team to the chopping and wood area. Taekwoon immediately took the axe and started chopping without a word. Hakyeon was a little bit confused to be honest. "Okay, so I'll leave you guys to eat. Take care of the axe alright? Let's see each other later." Yongguk bid them goodbye and patted their backs before leaving.


When Yongguk left, the black haired boy cleared his throat and started to take pieces of wood already chopped by Taekwoon before proceeding to chopping also. They worked silently. After minutes of chopping and choppin manually, Hakyeon started to feel fatigue. Dropping the axe down and resting at a nearby tree, he called Taekwoon. "Taekwoon-ssi!" the other only looked at him without muttering a word.


"Let's rest for a bit, yea?" Hakyeon smiled a bit, although nervous. And was relieved when the younger nodded and dropped his axe to sit at the same tree with Hakyeon leaving a reasonable space between them.


Hakyeon took off his jacket since he was all sweaty but he remembered hiding two banana milks there before the checking. He smiled and took them out before slowly going closer to the younger. "Would you like one? Its my favorite and its really good." he handed him the drink.


The other looked at him again and thankfully taking the drink as he muttered a soft small thanks.


"You're welcome!" Hakyeon chimed. "I'm Hakyeon. Cha Hakyeon."




"I know!" Hakyeon smiled but then he realized what he had said, "I mean.. Of course I know since you're in the varsity team and... and uh- who doesn't know varsity players right? Ha-haha." He babbled and mentally slapped his own face laughing awkwardly.


Taekwon only stared at Hakyeon, amazed how his mouth can produce so  much words in a short amount of time, if that even made sense. In his perspective, Hakyeon was quite... unique. Yes, that's definitely the word. He was tan, he was motherly, he was talkative, he was cheerful. He was mothing like Taekwoon.


"Um.. Taekwoon ssi?" the tan man called him.


"Just Taekwoon isfine." he said..


"Oh, okay. Taekwoon, shake the drink before drinking okay? It'll taste better."he adviced and did as he was told before gulping the drink down. "so.. how was it?"


"Its good." Taekwoon simply answered.


"Great! NOw let's throw these somewhere hidden or Bang Yongguk will scold us. I hid these secretly inside my pockets so no one knows except you and me."Hakyeon said and stood up to start digging a whole with his axe and burries his and Hakyeon's dechet in it. He smiled knowing he successfuly disposed their secret.


Hakyeon interests Taekwoon.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry for not updating for a very long time. I had a lot of exams to study for this month so forgive me juseyo. *puppy eyes*

[ 2014-12-22 :: Guys, I won't be able to update. I've got stye in my eyes and it irritates me everytime i look at something bright. After I get better, I'll update. Thanks for understanding. :( ]


Thanks for those who continued reading my story until now. I really appreciate it.

See you next update!


Subscribes - Upvotes - Comments are really appreciated!



PS: Don't forget to check out my other fic called 'Coexistence'

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yazaki30 #1
Chapter 7: Hi, I follow this story from the begining but its my first comment ^^. This ia really a great story, and I wanna know what happen next. I don't know what happened but I hope you are alright and will update soon :D
Thank you :) :)
Naralove #2
Chapter 7: Woahhhh... thank u for update..
joanna20 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon! Ty ;)
Chapter 7: You should write more raven those guys are enjoyable
90sLineLover #5
Love it..can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: Thank you :D
HappyPinkieKpopper #7
Chapter 6: Yay~~ it was great! I will make sure yo check your other stories!! Fighting!! <3
AoiMizuiro #8
new reader here :3 I love your writing style ~ thx for update :3
Chapter 6: aww cute more Neo please
joanna20 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating! ;)