Chapter 3

Love-o-Sparks { HIATUS }

Chapter 3

"Camp YB and rules"

"No, no! Not my precious dolphinie~" Jaehwan clung to Hakyeon's leg.


"Alright, alright but only dolphinie gets to come with us okay? Now, pack more clothes." Hakyeon gave Jaehwan's precious dolphinie back. The younger only pouted and took out the snacks and toys he packed, kissing each packet goodbye so he can pack more clothes as the older said.


"Binnie, come on. Pack your luggage." Hakyeon ruffled the youngest's hair before packing his own luggage, not forgetting to pack some banana milk for the three of them, maybe even more.


He just hoped this camp will be fun.


That night, around 6:30PM, they met infront of the school gate where Himchan was waiting for them along with the van they'll be riding. "Alright students, I just want to remind you all to behave yourselves."


"Sir, we aren't babies anymore." Wonsik shook his head, "How many times did I tell you that already?"


The prefect only sighed, "Alright, I'm sorry. Now in you go. Go, go." he ushered them into the van before riding at the shotgun seat.


Wonsik's group sat at the back while Hakyeon's, in front. When the ride started. Hakyeon heard whispers from the back before hearing a thud on their seat. He turned around and saw Wonsik and Sanghyuk giggling to each other but what caught his attention was the other guy sitting beside the left window, just behind him. What was he called? Oh, Jung Taekwoon whom he doens't know anything about. He was calm and quiet. He had pink lips, a perfect sculpted jaw and his eyes are pretty. How can such beautiful person exist, he thought.


His thoughts though we're interrupted by yet again another thud from behind. "Yah! If you don't stop kicking, i will kick your faces intead." Jaehwan sneered a little too loud, making the driver stop the van.


"Goodness people! If I hear another sound from any of you, I will make you walk by yourselves until you reach the destination. We still have an hour until we get there and I promise it'll take more than that to arrive barefooted." Mr. Kim scared the hell out of them of course. Nobody wanted to walk at night with their lugages so they kept quiet.


Hakyeon stayed awake while his dongsaengs were already sleeping. Hongbin leaning on Hakyeon's shoulder and Jaehwan on Hongbin's. They were always pretty in Hakyeon's eyes.



Taekwoon had always been quiet but that doens't mean he doesn't listen. He had his eyes closed but he's fully awake. As he listened to Wonsik's loud snores harmonizing with Sanghyuk's soft ones, he chuckled. Well, he had a poker face but deep inside, he's chuckling so hard!


He felt the vehic;e stopped and someone, most likely Kim Himchan opened the door for them. Taekwoon opened his eyes and saw the others walked out. Two of them rubbing their eyes awake and the other patting their backs. He shook his companions and got out. It was only around 7:45PM but they're already tired.


When everyone got outside the car, Himchan led everyone to... in the middle of nowhere. It was a wide land with a fence barrier, trees we're in sight everywhere. There was also a big cottage near and a kid's small playground. Taekwoon closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh air. It may be a punishment but he felt himself relax even just by standing. He always liked quiet places.


"Attention!" they heard a whistle and just like soldiers, they stood up straight and side by side.


They stared at the new companion. He was tall and fit. He has a very deep and manly voice and a fearsome image that kind of scared the campers. "Welcome to YB camp. I'm Bang Yongguk and I'm your camp leader."


Wonsik couldn't help but snort at the guy's name but immediately coughed and stood straight feeling an eye glaring at him. But seriously though.. who wouldn't laugh at the name? Bang Yongguk? By the looks of it, this guys isn't even a bottom.


Yongguk walked towards him, "You think my name's funny? Well let me give you a welcoming present. 20 puch ups, right now and count loud!"


The dark red haired boy did as he was told. To say that he wasn't scared was a lie. He was intimidated. The others did not dare to look at him since Yongguk was waling back and forth infront of them, looking at each person attentively.


Once Wonsik finished, he stood up straight and panted. "In this camp, I'm the rule. If you disobeyed, you'll get punished. Understood?" he said. "First of all, No phone or any communicating devices in here. This is a camp where I will straighten your crooked attitudes and I don't need and neither do you any distractions." everyone groaned. They were in the middle of a freakin nowhere, then they take away the only fun thing they've got. That's just great.


Himchan opened a black bag. "Phones inside." nobody had a choice so they surrendered their phones. Jaehwan almost cried but luckily, Hakyeon "umma" comforted him by hugging him and telling him at least it wasn't dolphinie.


Once everyone's phones were inside, Yongguk talked again, "Second rule, no junkfoods. You will eat what's here or what we serve you. We will be checking your bags later so if you're hiding something, just surrender it." Hyuk pouted. He brought a lot of chips and chocolates but it was gonna go to waste. They really know how to take happiness away here.


"Third, I won't tolerate any fights here. Those are the basic rules and now, for sleep."


"Sleep? Finally! I'm tired." Jaehwan said, everyone felt the same.


"First things first, tonight, we start straightening you kids up. There are two tents, 5 blankets, 4 pillows and two flashlights hidden around this area. You have to find them if you want to sleep comfortably tonight."


"What?" everyone groaned in frustration.


"Don't worry, everything is hidden inside the border so don't be scared cause you're safe here. Get started now, will you?" If they were in a fairytale, Yongguk was an evil witch, Honbin thought.



Everyone started searching. Taekwoon calmly searched to the borders when he saw something shining against the light from the lamp posts around. He carefully walked towards the tree where he saw the 'things'. He was about to grab it when another hand tried to take it. He looked at his side and he saw a black haired male. It was Hakyeon.


"I-I'm sorry." Hakyeon bowed and immediately gave Taekwoon the flashlights. Takwoon took the flashlight from Hakyeon, keeping his poker face which intimidated the other a bit. Hakyeon was about to run away when Taekwoon grabbed his wrist. the black haired male blinked and then Taekwoon untied the rope that hold the flashlights together and gave him one of them before walking away calmly.


Hakyeon stood there in trance, feeling a weird thing in his stomach watching the other's back. He realized, not every popular people are wicked as what he saw at school. He smiled to himself and continued to search. Don't judge a book by its cover; don't judge a person by his appearance.


Wonsik on the other hand was fighting with Hongbin.


"I found it first!"

"No, I did!"


The dark red haired and light brown haired boys fought about who found the pillows. Well, they really found it at the same time. Here's what happened.




Hongbin decided to search around a big oak tree then he saw a big plastic bag. He looked around him and then he saw Wonsik who was also looking at the same plastic back. They eyed each other the eyed the plastic bag before running at the same time and at the same direction.


"I'm taking it!" Wonsik yelled at Hongbin while running beside the other.


"Not if i'm taking it first!" the light brown haired male yelled back.


Unfortunately, they took it at the same time.




"Hands off or I will take drastic measures!" Wonsik warned and tried to push Hongbin away.


"Noooooo!" Jaehwan came running to them and prevented Wonsik from doing so, hugging Wonsik from behind. "Please don't hurt Binnie.." he sniffled behind him.


Wonsik was frozen. How can someone act so childish, "Yah! Get off me!" he shook Jaehwan off and succeeded, resulting Jaehwan to fall on his .


"You can't hurt Binnie!" the older pouted. Wonsik what the 'ed inside his head.


"Well, what do we do then? How do we decide who gets the pillows?" Hongbin asked, still refusing to let go of the plasctic bag.


"We don't have to hurt each other. There's another way!" Jaehwan held both of their arms, "Let's play rock-paper-scissors!"


Oh my God. Wonsik face palmed. This geek was really childish. What is he? A ten year old kid? Nevertheless, he can't bring himself to say no and that's what made him annoyed. Why can't he say no?


"Fine, you're on."



Hi guys! I updated. Haha. I'm sorry if its still boring. I mean I write this way, lol. Thanks for 67 subs. I love you all :* I'll continue to work hard. Comments are gladly appreciated. Thanks again guys, I can't thank you enough.


See you next chapter!

- chanxlen 

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yazaki30 #1
Chapter 7: Hi, I follow this story from the begining but its my first comment ^^. This ia really a great story, and I wanna know what happen next. I don't know what happened but I hope you are alright and will update soon :D
Thank you :) :)
Naralove #2
Chapter 7: Woahhhh... thank u for update..
joanna20 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon! Ty ;)
Chapter 7: You should write more raven those guys are enjoyable
90sLineLover #5
Love it..can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: Thank you :D
HappyPinkieKpopper #7
Chapter 6: Yay~~ it was great! I will make sure yo check your other stories!! Fighting!! <3
AoiMizuiro #8
new reader here :3 I love your writing style ~ thx for update :3
Chapter 6: aww cute more Neo please
joanna20 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating! ;)